Pirate Family

Chapter 811 Meeting

At this time, an extremely cold sword energy came from the depths of the dense forest, cutting off countless trees. He cut towards the red-haired man.


The red-haired man lifted the knife and blocked the slash with the blade.

With the impact of the slash, his body involuntarily backed up a few steps.

"It's really cruel, you use such moves as soon as you meet."

The red-haired man said slowly, the trees in front of him were cut off, and an open area appeared.

At the end of the field of vision, there is a black-haired man sitting by the small lake in the center of the island, lazily fishing with a fishing rod.

In front of him was a black knife, and this slash came from his hand.

"I thought it was a rumor that you lost your arm in the East China Sea."

Mihawk stood up slowly, looked at Shanks' empty left arm, shook his head, and said with some regret.

"Didn't think it was true."

"Lorne asked the same question just like you. Why do you all care about the same question?"

Shanks walked up to Mihawk, saw a few fresh fish thumping in the fish basket next to Mihawk, and couldn't help but licked his lips.

"Fresh fish, you can eat grilled fish at the banquet at night!"

"Who said there was going to be a banquet?"

Mihawk was taken aback. He didn't expect Shanks' thinking to jump like this.

"The life of a pirate, without a banquet, isn't it boring!"

Shanks said seriously.

Mihawk was silent, he was a little helpless for Shanks' optimistic character.

"It's just that you still didn't say how you lost your arm."

"I've been to the East China Sea. The pirates there are horribly weak. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any pirates that can cut off your arm."

Mihawk said slowly that he had a duel with Shanks once, and he quite recognized the strength of this old opponent.

"This arm?"

Shanks stroked his severed arm slowly,

"I met a very interesting little guy in the East China Sea, and I bet the future of this sea on him."

"Little guy?"

Mihawk said to himself, then shook his head slowly, he didn't understand Shanks' behavior.

But he didn't intend to express any opinions. After all, the life of a pirate is the most free life, and no one has the right to interfere with other people's behavior.

"If you have a chance, you must take a look, it's really a great little guy!" Shanks said excitedly.

"I see."

Mihawk said helplessly.

"It's just that you came to me because you wanted to show off your broken arm."

"of course not."

Shanks slightly restrained the smile on his face, and then said slowly.

"I want you to do me a favor."

"What's up?"

Mihawk raised his eyebrows slightly. As Shanks' old opponent, he knew Shanks' strength very well. Even if he lost an arm, he was still one of the strongest pirates in this sea.

What is it that needs his help.

At this time, Mihawk suddenly frowned, and picked up the black knife Ye that he had put aside.

A huge and incomparably slashed towards the trees on the side.

The tree broke, and a phone bug was twitching non-stop on the broken tree.

"It seems that you have brought a group of followers with you this time."

Mihawk said slowly,

"Now we can go on."

Shanks touched his head in embarrassment, the smile on his face dissipated, and he said solemnly.

"About what happened on the sea in the previous period, do you know?"

"Are you referring to the war between Whitebeard and Kaido, or the decisive battle between that guy Lorne and Shiki?"


Shanks sat next to Mihawk, took out a large jug of wine from his arms, and threw it to Mihawk.

"After these two incidents ended, the sea was slightly calm for a while."

"However, some time ago, I suddenly learned that that guy Lorne was gathering troops. I had a hunch that that guy, who was unwilling to be calm, would create a big incident."


Mihawk said with some doubts that he, who has lived in this place all year round, naturally does not know as much as Shanks about the news at sea. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a young man with long black hair and a rebellious expression flashed through his mind at the World Conference.

With his personality, it is understandable even if he creates a war that overturns the entire world.

After all, he was a madman, a real madman.

"If an unimaginable war breaks out in this sea, it will become very troublesome to find you old guys to drink."

Shanks said so. The frivolous smile on his face disappeared completely,

"So, I would like to ask you to help me slightly suppress this era that is about to go berserk."


"Report to Major General Tina! We eavesdropped on the signal of the phone bug and it was cut off!"

Not far from the island, a naval warship was floating in the sea. A sailor ran up to a woman with pink hair, a rear admiral's cape, and a cigarette in her mouth.

The woman frowned. Said slowly.

"What did they say before the signal went off?"

"I don't know, it seems to be related to the big incident that happened on this sea recently!"

Said the navy solemnly.

"The meeting between Shanks and Hawkeye is definitely not a simple matter. I'm afraid they are planning some kind of conspiracy!"

The woman named Tina murmured, "Tina must report this to the higher authorities!"

As the doves in the navy, Tina is a little less aggressive and a little more cautious than the hawks.

So, after encountering the pirate ship of red-haired Shanks on the sea, she made a decisive decision and chose to follow it.

Following them all the way to this isolated island, Tina ordered a relatively fast navy on board to go to the island to install bugs on the phone.

After all, Tina knows who lives on this island, and she wants to know what Shanks did with that man.

After the Lorne incident broke out, the navy became a little more wary of the Shichibukai under the king. At the World Conference, there were even more voices wanting to abolish the Shichibukai under the king system.

Therefore, regarding the meeting of these two men, Tina must report to her superiors.

"Beep beep."

On the other end of the phone bug, came the calm voice of an old man.

"Report to the Marshal of the Warring States Period that the red-haired Shanks and the eagle-eyed Mihawk had a meeting. Tina couldn't eavesdrop on their conversation, and asked for instructions on the next step!"

Tina said slowly to the phone bug.

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