Pirate Family

Chapter 813 Family and Pirates

New World, Ten Thousand Nations Seas, Wheat Island.

The endless wheat fields present undulating waves as the sea breeze blows.

A tall, strong man with a black scarf covering half of his face and black leather pants with rivets was sitting on a chair, with a steaming cup of coffee in front of him.

He is going to enjoy the rare afternoon tea time.

But at this time, the phone bug placed in front of the table suddenly rang.

A ball of black liquid flowed out from his arm, and solidified into an arm in mid-air, and connected the phone bug.

The man picked up the coffee and was about to taste it while listening.

From the other end of the phone bug, a woman's dignified voice came. The man frowned, and the hand holding the coffee suddenly stopped in mid-air.

After a while, he asked slowly.

"Is it true what you say, little Bree?"

"Everything is absolutely true! Brother Katakuri, I can no longer contact little Garrett, or rather, the entire Vinhill family. That bastard Lorne, this time seems to be Seriously, he is really going to shake up the entire Navy Headquarters!"

On the other end of the phone bug, a sharp girl came, and the woman said through gritted teeth.

"If there's anything wrong with little Garrett, I will definitely not let that bastard Lorne go!"

"It fits his character well."

Katakuri was silent for a while, and then said these words. Then he brought the coffee to his mouth and blew it, and drank it slowly.

"Brother Katakuri, why don't you care about little Garrett at all!"

The woman seemed to feel Katakuri's movements, and said indignantly.

She originally thought that Brother Katakuri would choose to leave after learning the news to stop that bastard Lorne's stupid behavior.

"A man's path is chosen by the man himself, and no one can stop him."

"The way of women is the same."

Katakuri said, "When Little Garrett chose to marry Lorne, she had already made her own decision to face all of this. Before that, she had done well."

"I have no reason to interfere with their choice."

"Brother bastard! If you don't go, I will go by myself!"

Bree said viciously, and then hung up the phone heavily.

The man watched the beeping phone bug for a moment, then put the coffee on the table.

He thought for a while, got up, and walked towards the port.

There is a boat there.

It is true that others have no right to interfere with other people's choices, but family members are different.

"damn it!"

The new world, the country of martial arts.

Xia Lan chopped off a pirate who was rushing towards her, and blood spattered on her face.

"Aren't these pirates afraid of death?"

At her feet, fallen pirates piled up like a mountain, and countless pirates used their lives to prove that her reputation as the king of the country of martial arts is by no means in vain.

In the distance, the horn blew slowly, and the pirates seemed to have received an order and receded like the tide.

Xia Lan looked around her. The exhausted soldiers did not choose to pursue, but waved their hands, signaling them to tidy up the battlefield and prepare for the next pirate attack.

"His Majesty."

An walked up to Xia Lan with a trace of apology on his face. She was deeply ashamed of being a subject, but unable to do her part for her king.

"Take a good rest and leave the rest to me."

Xia Lan shook her head, signaling Ann not to continue talking.

This powerful female general was covered in bandages all over her body. She should have been recuperating in bed, but she still cared about her king and rushed out regardless of others' obstruction.

Xia Lan chose to tolerate An's rare willfulness.

"How long will the war last, Your Majesty!"

At this time, on the city wall, a soldier collapsed and knelt on the ground, watching Xia Lan cry bitterly.

"I can't hold on any longer..."

It's not that he's weak. In fact, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Martial Arts are one in a million brave. Even relying on Xia Lan's words, these soldiers took up their weapons and fought against the incomparably powerful Kaido.

However, this group of pirates is really crazy, they surrounded the entire country of martial arts, and invaded the country of martial arts step by step from the outside.

At the beginning, they resisted bravely, but there were too many pirates. Kaido seemed to regard the country of martial arts as a training ground, and none of the top experts under his command were sent out. The fish pirates were sent out to train them. At the very beginning of the war, the soldiers of Wu Zhi Nation had a slight advantage. But with the development of the war, these miscellaneous fish pirates became stronger after being stained with blood. This group of ordinary soldiers soon couldn't hold on, and the battle line slowly retreated.

Now, all the territory of the Kingdom of Martial Arts except the capital is occupied by pirates, and the entire Kingdom of Martial Arts is full of pirates like a tide.

If Xia Lan hadn't chosen to fight in person at the last moment, I'm afraid the war would have ended.

Xia Lan was silent, looking into the distance, he could vaguely see a plain, and a military camp was stationed on the plain.

It used to be the most important farm in the country of Takenori, which could supply more than 70% of the food in the country of Takenori. But now it has been occupied by those pirates.

Every day, after getting enough rest, the group of pirates would raid the Kingdom of Martial Arts. Xia Lan had been on the city wall for three days.

For three days, she didn't get a moment's rest.

She didn't know how long she could hold on.

The soldier raised his head and looked at Xia Lan, his eyes were full of despair.

The capital is surrounded by pirates, their family members and friends are all hiding in the capital, if they fall, these people will soon be swallowed up by these vicious pirates.

However, there are pirates in every direction like a tide. How long can they hold on to the Kingdom of Martial Arts?

Unless, the culprit who caused all this, Whitebeard's reinforcements arrived here, otherwise it would be impossible to defend.

Waiting for Whitebeard's reinforcements, this is the belief that supports the soldiers of the martial arts country to persevere at this time.

Xia Lan didn't know what the soldiers were thinking.

But she also knew one thing, that is, with Whitebeard's personality, he would not abandon any of his companions, and the reinforcements had not arrived for a long time, maybe her original guess was correct.

Something really went wrong with Whitebeard's body!

Whitebeard's reinforcements may never come.

Xia Lan was silent, but still showed a smile.

She looked into the distance and said with a firm face.

"As long as you persevere, victory will eventually belong to the Kingdom of Martial Arts!"

"Victory will eventually belong to the country of martial arts!"

"Victory will eventually belong to the country of martial arts!"

Xia Lan's words seemed to have inspired the confidence of the soldiers. All the soldiers raised their hands and shouted in unison. The sound resounded through the sky.

However, no one noticed that Xia Lan turned his back to the soldiers, with a wry smile on his face.

Unless there is a miracle, otherwise, victory is far away from the kingdom of martial arts.

But is there really a miracle in this sea?


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