Pirate Family

Chapter 814 Information

Great Route, New World, Wano Country, Oni Island.

Wano Country is a typical closed country. All news here is blocked by the black charcoal snake that rules the entire Wano Country, and cannot be passed on to the outside.

The entire Wano country is roughly divided into two regions, the inner and outer peninsulas. Among them, the inner island is directly ruled by Kurotan Orochi. He acts recklessly in this country, and any voice that stops him will be destroyed by his pervasive ninja army. The outer island is where Kaido is stationed.

This pirate standing on the top of the sea, secretly supported Kaido ten years ago, overthrew the regime of the Kozuki family in Wano country, and tried to realize his ambitions through the unique resources of Wano country.

At least for now, it seems that Kaido is not far away from his ultimate ambition.

In the center of the island of ghosts, there is a peak that completely covers the sunlight, making the land here shrouded in darkness all year round, making it look a bit gloomy.

The inside of this peak was completely hollowed out. At the foot of the mountain, there was a stone gate tens of meters high. The inside was extremely dark, like a devil's bloody mouth, ready to devour intruders at any time.

A tall and bloated man with two golden beards on his mouth, a golden ponytail behind his head, and glasses tied by two ropes wandered around the entrance of the cave for a long time, and finally made up his mind, shaking Walking in towards the stone gate, he yelled in a sharp voice while walking.

"After so long, even though our army has invaded his territory, the old guy with the white beard still hasn't appeared. It seems that your previous guess, Boss Kaido, is correct. Something unpredictable may have happened to his body. question."

The fat man shouted excitedly.

"It's not far away from realizing your ambition to dominate the entire sea, Boss!"


In the depths of the cave, there was a sound of drinking. A tall and burly man with a naked upper body, a man with ferocious horns, a long beard like a dragon's beard, and a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm was sitting in the cave. the deepest part.

He drank the jug in his hand, and then said with some dissatisfaction.

"No more wine!"

"After you rule the entire sea, Boss, we will be able to occupy the land of wine, Aoge Hongmu. At that time, Boss can drink any fine wine to his heart's content!"

The fat man walked up to the man and said with a compliment.

"I hope you don't disappoint me."

The man said viciously, he stood up slowly, the strong muscles on his body were like cast iron, ferocious and developed.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that there is a cross-shaped scar on his abdomen with his upper body bare, which is extremely terrifying.

"By the way, what did you just say?"

At this moment, the man seemed to remember something, and asked the fat man coldly.

"What do you say is wrong with that old guy in Newgate's body?"

"Is such that!"

The fat man replied slowly.

"With Whitebeard's personality, he will never sit back and watch his own territory invade without being indifferent! Now, it has been so long since the invasion of the country of martial arts, but there is still no movement on the side of the giant whale sea area. This means that , Whitebeard himself, may not have the strength to stop you now!"

"It's really sad that such an old guy can't even hold his own knife one day."

The man walked to the wall of the cave, which was filled with famous wine from all over the sea. For a big alcoholic like him, if he was not allowed to drink, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him.

He squinted his eyes, as if recalling some bad memories.

When I was on that ship, I was just an intern, and the guy with the white beard was already a well-known big pirate, and I had always set my goal of chasing him.

At that time, I would never have imagined that a person as powerful as Whitebeard would grow old one day.

"The power of the boss lasts forever!"

Fatty said respectfully. He came over and said flatteringly.

"In addition to the Whitebeard incident, the Wano country's rebellion has almost been suppressed."

"The group of rebels should be hiding in the Jiuli area now, and now Heitan Orochi's army is constantly approaching the Jiuli area, and it won't take long to find out all the rebels!"

"Is it Jiuli again?"

The man frowned. This place reminded him of some bad memories. He subconsciously touched his stomach.

The two wounds, one big and one small, were extremely hideous.

Ten years ago, that man was also in the Jiuli area and raised a torch against himself. One of these wounds on his body is thanks to him.

This group of rebels who didn't know where they came from secretly colluded with the man's subordinates back then. If it wasn't for him, the rule of Heitan Orochi might have been overthrown by them.

As if he understood the man's thoughts, the fat man said quickly.

"These people are far inferior to Kozuki Oden back then. Now that their boss has been captured, they can't make any waves in Wano Country."

"hope so."

The man said coldly, and then drank the wine.

"By the way, is Gula back yet?"

After finishing the second jug of wine, he wiped his mouth, as if thinking of something, he asked casually.

Fatty's body became a little stiff. His purpose of coming to this man was actually to report Gula's affairs. As for the other two matters, he just wanted to stabilize this moody man.

"Gula is missing."


A jug fell heavily in front of the fat man, and countless cracks appeared on the ground.

"What did you say?!"

The man said coldly, an astonishing sense of oppression suddenly appeared, and the fat man was almost out of breath.

"Gula...is missing..., including the previous...trading items...also disappeared..."

Fatty felt that his breathing became extremely difficult, and he exhausted all his strength to say what he wanted to say.

The oppressive feeling disappeared suddenly, and the fat man covered his chest, breathing in the fresh air greedily.

For the first time, he felt that living was so good.

He was already the pirate almost standing at the top of the sea, but he was still far away from the man in front of him. If the boss wanted to kill him just now, he would have no resistance at all.

Is this the strength of the Pirate Emperor?

"Bastard! Weak! Trash!"

The man cursed, he valued this transaction very much, otherwise he would not have sent Gula out.

But it now appears that Gula has let him down.

And anyone who disappoints him has no value in existence.

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