Pirate Family

Chapter 815 Desperate Wano Country

The man is a pure pirate who believes in the law of the jungle.

He has no companions in his eyes, only his subordinates and enemies.

And the subordinates are divided into two types, one is useful subordinates, and the other is worthless subordinates.

For these worthless subordinates, even if they come back, he will not be merciful.

"Who did it? Whitebeard? That old woman? Or that brat Lorne?"

The man said coldly, there are not many forces in this sea who dare to attack him, but there are also quite a few. The names he mentioned just now are the people who are most likely to attack him.

No matter who interrupts his plan, there is only one result.

That is to disappear forever in this sea!

"Probably not Whitebeard or Charlotte Lingling."

The fat man took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Because at this time, White Beard can't protect himself, and that woman has no reason to do anything to you."

"Then it's that brat Lorne!"

The man gritted his teeth and said, he suddenly remembered that when he was on the Gulan Tezolo, he clearly won a complete victory, but that brat destroyed his entire fleet in front of him.

If it wasn't for that old guy with the white beard who suddenly declared war on him, he would have brought his people and wiped out his Roxor Sea Territory long ago.

"At present, it seems very likely."

"The scene was handled very cleanly. When our people arrived, there was no trace left."

The fat man gasped and said.

"There are not many forces with strength and courage to attack us, and the Vinhill family is the most likely one."

"Sooner or later, I will break his neck with my own hands."

The man snorted coldly, then walked to his seat.

"Is this the only thing you came to see me for?"

Feeling the man's eyes scanning his body, the fat man felt the coldness flowing from his back continuously. He said hastily.

"of course not!"

"I have another matter that I want to report to you, Boss!"

The man's eyes scanned the fat man, and the fat man felt as if he was being watched by an ancient beast. He knew that if he didn't say any more good news. I'm afraid the boss will vent his resentment towards Lorne on himself.

"The other thing is that one of our allies, the person who tried the grievances, has arrived in Wano Country."

"They want to come to discuss with us... cooperation."


Wano country, Kuri area.

The terrain here is rugged, and it is a basin. The center of the basin is farmland for farming, and there are several towering peaks around it.

It's just that these farmlands are now deserted, overgrown with weeds, and some black liquid flows in the river, filled with a foul smell. Countless hungry people are walking on the ground like walking corpses. They are skinny, rummaging for something on the ground.

Once they found something edible such as grass roots and bark, they picked it up, ignored the soil on it, and stuffed it directly into their mouths.

Then make a contented sound.

The word "hunger and don't choose what to eat" is vividly reflected in them.

However, the strange thing is that even in such a predicament, these refugees did not have the slightest bit of dissatisfaction on their faces, but were filled with incomparably bright smiles.

Not one or two, but all of them, with smiles on their faces.

On a certain peak next to it, there is a big tree house.

A woman with long cherry red hair and wearing a kimono stood on the terrace, looking at what was happening below her feet.

"Is this the Wano country that my mother said was extremely rich?"

"It really opened my eyes."

There was no sarcasm in her tone. On the contrary, there is some compassion.

"Many years ago, when Kozuki Oden-sama was still here, Wano Country was indeed like this."

A man wearing a red tengu mask with an angry face walked up to the woman and explained slowly.

"However, everything here changed after Kaido appeared.!"

The man gritted his teeth and said.

"In order to utilize the natural sea stone resources of Wano Country, Kaido built factories wantonly, completely destroying Wano Country's environment, and everyone has nothing to eat."

"This is also the reason why we rebelled against Heitan Orochi, not only for the name of the Kozuki family, but also for..."


The woman was silent. Although her mother was also one of the retainers of the Kozuki family, she was a native of the East China Sea. Before coming to Wano country, her knowledge of Wano country only existed in legends.

After seeing the tragic scene of Wano Country, the woman and Heral and her team were determined to save this place. The flames of war ignited the entire Wano Country, and even Kozuki Oden's subordinates joined their resistance team.

They almost succeeded, and if it wasn't for Kaido who suddenly appeared, they might have beheaded that bastard Kuritan Orochi.

But this point is an unreachable distance for them. As long as Kaido cannot be defeated, it is impossible to save Wano Country, and the forces that can compete with Kaido have no reason to help them.

Things are stuck in a vicious circle.

The woman looked at the victims at the bottom of the mountain. These people responded to their call and rose up against the black charcoal snake, but in the end, they failed.

And these ordinary villagers have become the playthings of Heitan Orochi, eating "that thing" and turning into "monsters" who can't even cry and can only smile all day long.

This is a very sad thing, and the woman blames herself.

"this is not your fault."

As if seeing through the woman's thoughts, the man wearing the tengu mask said slowly.

"The gap between us and Kaido is really too big. This gap cannot be made up by you."

"It's because we were too confident that we forgot the entrustment of Kozuki Oden-sama before his death."

"If we endure for another ten years, we may be able to fulfill Oden-sama's last wish at the beginning!"

"But now, everyone has failed, and there is no way we can defeat Kaido."

The man wearing the tengu mask said slowly, with a hint of despair in his tone.

After seeing Kaido's desperate strength, he has lost his original confidence.

"Everything is over."

In the big tree house behind him lay a few men, all of these men exuded an astonishing aura, but without exception, they were all covered in bandages.

The ministers under Kozuki Oden-sama, without exception, are all well-known strong men, but facing Kaido, they are still too far behind.

"Maybe it's not over yet."

After a moment of silence, the woman spoke slowly.

"Cassie has escaped,"

In her eyes, the figure of a man with black hair emerged.

"If that man comes, perhaps, there is still hope!"

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