Pirate Family

Chapter 818

At the entrance of the casino, a group of men in black suits pushed an old blind man in a purple robe out. The leading man in a suit said condescendingly.

"If you don't have money, don't come to the casino! If I see you again, I will definitely throw you into the sea to feed the sharks!"

"Sorry, sorry, the old man came out in a hurry, and forgot to bring Bailey out."

The old blind man touched his head, and said in embarrassment.


The men in suits ignored him and walked directly into the casino.

The old blind man looked around in a daze, Oya and the others saw a cross-shaped wound on the old blind man's face, just piercing his eyelids. Was it this terrible wound that made him blind?

This is a man with a story!

Aoya made the first judgment. There are many people with stories in this sea, but most of them are troublesome stories.

She doesn't want to get involved in trouble.

But at this time, Bi Parker had already walked over, helped the old man by the arm, and said indignantly.

"How can this group of people do this!"

Being righteous by nature, what he dislikes the most are those who rely on their own strength to bully the weak.

A faint aura condensed on him, and he was going to seek an explanation from the group of people.

"It's over!"

Aoya touched her head helplessly, she had an ominous premonition.

This time, I seemed to have caused a big trouble, and it was a big trouble that was difficult to deal with.

As a woman, she has always trusted her instincts.

"Brother, you are a nice person."

The old blind man waved his hand to stop Pepa's reckless behavior,

He coughed and stood up straight. His body was not as fragile as Bee Parker imagined.

"People like you are rare in this sea."

After speaking, he raised his blind eyes, looked at Pepac, then nodded, turned around and left.

Bee Parker was left alone, flustered in the wind at the entrance of the casino.

"What happened."

Oya walked up to Bee Parker and said with a puzzled look. Nothing happened, did my hunch go wrong?

"I don't know, a strange old man."

Pepper shook his head and said blankly.

"There are a lot of strange people in this sea, I hope nothing bad will happen."

Oya thought for a while and said so.

"I hope."

Bee Parker agreed, and then put the little matter behind him.

They still had to find a place to live, the wind was bleak, and it was not a good thing for Little Keke to freeze.

Late at night, somewhere on the island.

In a hotel.

The old blind man was sitting in front of a dim kerosene lamp, and a waiter was yawning while reading a newspaper for him.

Serving the guests is their purpose, so no matter what the guests ask, they will try their best to satisfy them.

"The fleet of the Vinhill family is approaching the paradise, and the war is imminent."

The waiter finished reading the latest newspaper, which was a special issue published by Morgans based on the war. This man who regards news as his life will never let go of any opportunity to attract people's attention.

At the end of the reading, the waiter couldn't help sighing.

"The sea is getting more and more uneven."

Although the war between the Pirate Emperor and the navy is rare, it is not unique. Take the most recent example, the same grand execution war happened a few years ago.

The decisions of these big men cannot be influenced by such a small person like him, but one thing is certain, that is, the future of this sea will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes due to the result of this war.

"I don't know, whether it's good or bad."

The waiter said so.

"It's always a good thing to have a change, otherwise this sea has been ruled by those people for a long time, and sooner or later it will become lifeless."

The old blind man thought for a while and said so.

"I hope so."

The waiter yawned and said perfunctorily.

"If the guest has nothing else to do, the villain will leave first."

It was late at night, and he was too sleepy to close his eyes.

"Wait a minute."

The old blind man waved his hand and said so.

"There is another piece of information, please read it for me, brother!"


The waiter said impatiently, but when he saw that there were still a few Baileys wrapped in the newspaper brought up by the old blind man, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly regained his energy.

"This has happened before."

The waiter looked at the newspaper handed over by the old blind man, cleared his throat, and said slowly.

"About the man who provoked the Vinhill family before, Peter Parker the spider."


Wano Country, Capital of Flowers, General's Mansion.

At this time, a banquet was being held, the lights were on, and countless singers with heavy makeup were twisting their graceful bodies in the venue.

In the very center of the main hall, a short, ugly man was surrounded by two dancers, looking at the beauties dancing in the venue, he laughed wantonly.

"The group of rebels is finally about to be wiped out. Cheers to our upcoming victory!"

After speaking, he raised the huge wine glass and poured the fine wine in the glass into his mouth.

The wine splashed on the thin clothes of the divas next to them, seeping through the clothes, revealing their pink and tender skin.

With the wine in his stomach, the man picked up a piece of barbecue placed on his table and started to eat it.

He was really in a good mood during this period of time. After Master Kaido returned, those bastard rebels were finally sanctioned, and his title of General Wano was preserved.

"The country of Wano belongs to Lao Tzu, the black charcoal snake, and this group of untouchables are trying to get their hands on it!"

The man cursed angrily, then threw the leftover bone in his hand to the side.

"act recklessly."

On the side of the main hall, there was a dark cage, in which was imprisoned a black shadow like a dog crawling on the ground.

The bone hit Sombra's head. It seemed to wake him up from his sleep.

"Ha ha!!"

The black shadow roared angrily at the man who claimed to be Heitan Orochi, and the angry roar resounded throughout the banquet hall.

But what was weird about Hei was that this originally angry voice sounded like a person's laughter.

However, in the entire banquet hall, no one showed a hint of surprise, as if they were used to all this.

"This is the price for disobeying me, don't be impatient, all your companions will become like you."

Heitan snake stood up with the support of the two dancers, staggered to the front of the cage, looked at the cage with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"Don't resent anything, who told you to be so weak."

Inside the cage, there was a man.

A man with a strong figure, his limbs fixed on the ground, crawling like a dog.

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