Pirate Family

Chapter 819

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

The man imprisoned in the cage became extremely angry after seeing the black charcoal snake. Roared at the black charcoal snake.

But his roar, to the ears of others, is like wanton laughter.

All this seems very strange, but ironic.

As if feeling that the man's roar sounded a little irritated, Heitan Orochi waved his hand, and a group of ninjas walked up to the cage and moved the cage down.

"This is the consequence of disobedience to me."

Heitan Orochi said so, he began to look forward to the next thing, as long as Kaido's people catch all the rebels, he will turn all these bastards into dogs by his side!

Regardless of hearing that there are a few women with excellent figures and looks, if they know how to serve him, he might let them go.

Heitan Dashe wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.

The banquet was still going on, and the charcoal snake was sitting in the center, enjoying the tender bodies of the dancers.

But at this time, the door of the banquet was pushed open, and a Wano country samurai walked in with a long sword.

He has a pale face and long unruly hair.

"What's the matter? Sagi-kun."

Heitan Dashe frowned, he was a little displeased that his confidant's sudden arrival disturbed his interest.

Sagi-kun, full name Wenshan Sagi-kun, the number one samurai in the Wano country, together with Sleep Kushiro, is known as the right-hand man of Heitan Orochi, and they are also the two most loyal dogs under his command. Especially after the battle of the Gulan Tezolo, the Sleeper Kushiro himself disappeared, and Sagi-kun became the number one confidant of Heitan Orochi.

For this confidant of oneself, some tolerance is also a matter of course.

So Heitan Orochi didn't intend to get angry with him.

"Sorry to disturb your interest, my lord."

Sagi-kun sat in front of Heitan Orochi, and said apologetically.

"But there is one thing that I must inform you about."

Satoshi-kun said with a serious face.

Heitan Orochi understands Sagi-kun's character, and knows that once he speaks in this tone, it will definitely not be a trivial matter.

He waved his hand, and the singers who were dancing in the hall quickly retreated.

The black charcoal snake is moody, if he knows some secrets because of such a trivial matter and is silenced by him, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"Now, you can talk."


Sagi-kun nodded, and then said slowly.

"The people of the Grudge Trial have arrived in Wano Country, and they are discussing cooperation with Master Kaido."

"Isn't it okay to hand over the cooperation to Kaido?"

Heitan Dashe frowned and said that he never liked to pay attention to these trivial matters.

"However, only Wano Country can provide what the people on the trial of grievances are asking for. Therefore, for this cooperation, you'd better go and have a look."

Sagi-kun raised his head, looked at Heitan Orochi, paused, and continued.

"Similarly, this is what Master Kaido meant."


late at night.

Lorne was walking on the long street, with a flying battlefield in front of him.

Soldiers brandished butcher knives and beheaded unarmed ordinary people. The cries of women and children resounded throughout the battlefield.

But nothing can stop their cruel fate from coming.

Blood splattered and heads fell to the ground.

Flames light up the night.

Lorne frowned. He should be in the fortress of Sky City at this time, on his way to conquer Kaido.

But I don't know why it appeared in this battlefield.

"Hahahaha! Everything is over! Wano Country belongs to Lao Tzu!"

A huge monster with eight heads and eight tails was raging in the city, and the hideous snake head in the center opened its bloody mouth and roared.

In front of it stood several bloody warriors.

These warriors supported their bodies with their weapons, raised their heads, and looked ahead proudly.

Around them, countless soldiers surrounded them, and the flames illuminated their faces.

But the strange thing was that no matter how hard Lorne tried, he couldn't see their faces clearly. Not only that, he couldn't even see the faces of anyone on the battlefield!

Everyone is like a faceless person, and Lorne can only distinguish their camp from their clothes.

"Is it a certain ability?"

Lorne said to himself, as one of the top ability users in this sea, he responded immediately.

For a person who can achieve this level, it should be the work of a certain capable person who unknowingly dragged him down here.

I have fought in this sea for so many years, and I have offended countless people. It is not surprising that some of them have enemies with strange abilities.

"Dream Fruit? Or Illusion Fruit?"

Lorne frowned and began to analyze. At the same time, the heart is extremely vigilant.

Except for the woman Mary Joya, no ability in this sea is invincible, no matter how weird the ability is, there is also a way to break it.

The domineering blackness covered Lorne's body, and then it became transparent in an instant. At the same time, Lorne pushed his domineering aura to the limit, and he was ready to enter the state of death at any time to deal with unknown enemies.

But what's weird is that with the blessing of the fruit of perception, the domineering arrogance that can easily cover a small island is now confined to a small range.

Except for the place shrouded in fire, the rest of the place was completely dark, and Lorne's knowledgeable and domineering arrogance couldn't penetrate it at all.

"Plural ability users? It's a bit troublesome."

Lorne said to himself, the most taboo thing in a confrontation between capable people is that they don't know anything about each other's abilities, which is why many strong people capsize in the gutter.

Lorne is willing to make his own name a negative teaching material for future generations.

The soldiers on the battlefield seemed to have not noticed Lorne, completely ignoring Lorne, and walked towards the center of the battlefield, where the surrounded people walked.

Flames burn. Lorne finally saw a woman standing in the center of the group of surrounded people.

A woman in a long white dress, Lorne couldn't see her face clearly, but judging from her clothes, this should be a beautiful woman.

The woman hugged two children who were about five or six years old, raised her head, and looked fearlessly at the terrifying monster in front of her.

"it's all over!"

The monster roared, and its huge body pressed down on the woman.

The warriors around wanted to stop him, but they were stopped by the woman.

She shook her head slowly, and said softly to the monster.

"In this world, everyone's fate is already predetermined, and you are no exception."

She raised her slender arms to block the monster.

A dazzling white light flashed, and Lorne narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next moment, all the warriors around the woman, including the two children in her arms, disappeared without a trace.

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