Pirate Family

Chapter 822 Lion

The spaceship slowly approached the capital of the Takeno Kingdom, and the golden sunlight swayed evenly on the dilapidated city walls.

In Xia Lan's eyes, the man sitting in the spaceship was like an angel who saved everything.

"you are?"

When the spaceship landed on the city wall, Xia Lan swallowed, looked at the man who fell from the sky, and asked slowly.


The man smiled. He has a pretty handsome face, like an ancient statue, perfect without any flaws. However, the most striking thing is that he has long golden hair.

Like a golden waterfall, like...

The golden mane of a lion.

"I'm just a passerby."

The man said with a smile, his smile was as bright as the sun in Xia Lan's eyes.

"No, it should be the Lord who answered our prayers, and you should be the angel who came to save us!"

Xia Lan said with a pious face, the next moment, this queen who was extremely brave and fearless in the face of the Four Emperors Kaido, unexpectedly faced the young man in front of her, and slowly bowed down.

Just like the clergy who dedicate their lives to the church, they are so devout to their Lord.

"Helping you guys?"

The man said playfully, he turned his head and looked at the pirate army as dense as a swarm of locusts at the end, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's not impossible."


"It only takes a few more days to completely capture the Kingdom of Martial Arts!"

The country of martial arts, the wilderness farm, the base camp of Kaido's army.

A pirate officer walked to the headquarters and said respectfully.

Sitting in the command camp was a thin, middle-aged man with extremely dark and robust skin. There was a hideous scar on his face, which cut across his left cheek from his forehead.

He sat here quietly, but there was an inexplicable power, like the top predator in nature, if he didn't move, he would take the life of his prey.

"Is this captured?"

The man said slowly, his voice was a little hoarse, but full of air.

"The Kingdom of Martial Arts is too weak."

The man said with a look of disdain. This country, previously allied with Whitebeard, became a sharp thorn for the Whitebeard Pirates to penetrate into Lord Kaido's territory.

Therefore, after the guy with the white beard retreated for some reason, Wu Zhiguo bore the brunt of Kaido's revenge.

Kaido regards this powerful country as his training ground. Every fighter who has just acquired abilities through "that channel" will be sent to this place, and after being tempered by the flames of war, he will return to Wano Country to serve as his own. Kaido works.

In just over a month, Kaido's "Giver" army, which suffered heavy losses due to the battle with Whitebeard, was greatly supplemented.

"How can this group of ordinary people be able to compete with the powerful giver fighters! It is impossible to compare with you, Mr. Tiger!"

Tiger, the leader of the Giver Legion under Kaido's command, is even a man above Gura the Lion.

Also Kaido's confidant, one of the six volley sons. Possesses terrifying strength.

The subordinates said respectfully that it was because of the man in front of them that they were able to break into the martial arts country with such force. Anyone in the Giver Legion believes in the strength of the man in front of him. ,

The man nodded noncommittally.

"Then, after a brief repair, let's launch a general attack."

The man thought for a while and said slowly.

"Let that proud woman of Xia Lan know that her Kingdom of Martial Arts is worthless compared to the powerful Kaido Pirates!"

The man snorted, although he looked down on this country of martial arts, but one thing must be admitted, that is, the woman named Xia Lan is very powerful, if it is a simple one-on-one, the pirates stationed here, even Likely including herself, no one was her match.

But this woman has a fatal shortcoming, that is, she cares too much about her subjects. This kind of indecision may be a good quality in a king, but in this sea, it has become her biggest shortcoming .

This shortcoming caused her failure this time.

With Tiger's order, the entire barracks began to turn like gears.

All the pirates are full of fighting spirit, you know, the Kingdom of Martial Arts, known for its brave folk, is also rich in beauties. The long war has already made these pirates full of lust. They can't wait to rush into the king's capital of the Kingdom of Martial Arts and vent their desire wantonly.

As dusk approached, the pirates marched in unison towards the capital of the kingdom of martial arts.

This time, they all had smiles on their faces, winning smiles.

It is impossible for the dilapidated Martial Kingdom to block their tide-like attack.

Victory is inevitable!

Xia Lan dressed in military uniform and stood on the city wall. But what made Tiger feel a little weird was that this woman, who should have been exhausted, seemed to have gotten enough rest, with a flat smile on her face. As if seeing through everything.

"She knew it was her own failure, she must be crazy."

At the front of the pirate front, Tiger frowned and said to himself.

He actually admires this powerful woman very much, but it is a pity that this coquettish rose will soon be picked by himself, and then become the plaything of some big man in Wano country.

It's a sad thing, but this kind of thing is very common in this sea.

Beauty without strength to protect is a very sad thing.

Just like, the woman from the Red Earth Continent they just looted from the sea.

It seems that the pope of some religion has not been caught by them yet.


However, just as Tiger was preparing to launch a general attack, the tall city walls of the Kingdom of Martial Arts were slowly pushed away.

"Are they ready to surrender?"

Tiger said with some surprise, but after thinking about it, it is very possible.

Facing the inevitable fate of failure, few people can muster up the courage to rise up and resist.

Xia Lan's indifferent expression, is it because he has figured out something?

However, what came out of the city gate was not a surrendering army, but a man, a young man.

Tiger narrowed his eyes and looked at the man.

"Who are you?"

His voice was full of air and resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Who knows."

The man smiled lightly,

"I'm just an ordinary person who is unhappy with the Kaido Pirates."

"That's the enemy?"

Tiger seemed to have heard some unbelievable joke.

"Only by you?"

He pointed at the young man and let out a big, unscrupulous laugh.

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