Pirate Family

Chapter 823 Lion (2)

Behind Tiger, there are countless heavily armed pirates.

And that young man is just alone, at best, he can only count the warriors of the Kingdom of Martial Arts who have lost their fighting spirit.

Why should he be his enemy?

Did he think he was Lorne?

There was some sarcasm at the corner of Tiger's mouth. Although this young man looked somewhat similar to Lorne, Tiger was sure that this man could never be Lorne.

Not to mention his dazzling long golden hair, which is completely different from Lorne's iconic black hair and black pupils. Rather, at this moment, it is impossible for Lorne to appear in this place!

The news of the Vernhill family's war against the navy was spreading across the sea. At this time, their army should be arriving at Fishman Island soon. How could Lorne appear in the waters of Wano Country at the end of the new world?

"It's just that there is only one similarity between you and Lorne."

Tiger said sarcastically. He waved his mace and walked forward step by step.

"Oh? What's that place?"

The blond man raised his eyebrows and said playfully.

"That is, you are as crazy as him! Fighting against an entire pirate army with one person's power, this kind of thing, I'm afraid only that lunatic Lorne can do it!"

Tiger walked to a position about ten meters away from the blond young man, lowered his head, and looked down at the arrogant young man.

"You may be strong, but today, you must pay for your arrogance."

"what a pity."

The young man shook his head and said slowly.

"What are you sorry about?"

Tiger asked subconsciously. Then he saw the young man raise his hand slightly. Suddenly it fell towards the ground.

The next moment, a huge crack appeared in the land of Wu Zhi Guo, and it continued to spread forward along the direction of the young man's hand.

An abyss appeared in the land of the martial arts country, and it would be devoured by the pirates who could not escape in time.

Boulders flew wildly, and the earth shook.

The young man flew up without gravity, his long golden hair fluttering in the wind, like the mane of a lion.

Tiger's body suddenly became a little bigger, and white hair grew out of his pores. Facing this unknown opponent, Tiger immediately entered his strongest form.

Artificial devil fruit · tiger fruit · claw tiger form!

He turned into an upright tiger man in his whole body, roared, jumped up, and flew towards the young man flying in the sky.

He didn't know what ability this young man possessed, but Tiger, who had been in the sea for so many years and had fought against countless capable people, knew that the easiest thing to do to end all of this was to kill that capable person!


Just when Tiger was about to rush in front of the young man.

A boulder grew out of the ground and grabbed Tiger's feet.

Before Tiger could react, the boulder swallowed Tiger whole, like an arm pulling Tiger down from the sky. Tiger fell heavily to the ground, wanting to resist, but the ground rolled, countless rocks spread on Tiger's body like waves, pressing the man layer by layer into the ground.

"Sorry about your weakness."

The young man looked down at Tiger and said so.


"What? Tiger's army was attacked by unknown pirates?!"

Island of ghosts, in a cave. Kaido was furious when he heard the news.

In front of him, there were a few tables, as if he was meeting guests just now, but now there were no people on these tables, as if those people had already left.

"Is such that!"

Quinn lowered his body as much as possible, and said in a humble tone.

At the same time, I couldn't stop crying in my heart, why I have to tell the boss every time there is bad news.

At this time, Jack's younger brother, can't he share part of the pressure for his elder brother?

But after thinking about it, with Jack's naive character, if he were to convey the news, he would probably have been knocked away by the boss many times.

"Our subordinates who were stranded at sea level got this video, which should be the record of that group of mysterious enemies fighting Tiger."

Quinn took out a mini phone bug from his clothes, and said respectfully.

The phone bug woke up from its sleep, and then squeaked, and an image was projected from its eyes onto the dark wall.

It was a picture taken on the sea, and a small island could be seen appearing in the center of the picture.

The small island seemed to be shaken by an earthquake, causing thousands of waves on the sea, rocks tumbling, and the sky falling apart.

Seeing this scene, Kaido's face gradually became serious.

A rift appeared on the small island, like an abyss, swallowing the villain like ant into it.

The earth shook, and the rocks rolled like waves.

The shock lasted for a long time before it calmed down. But at this moment, there is no one standing pirate on the island.

It was also the first time for Quinn to see this scene, his eyes widened in a daze, and he roared.

"I'll take people to find out the instigator right now, and then bring it to you, Boss!"


Kaido took a deep breath and said slowly.

The emperor's face was unprecedentedly solemn. Quinn had never seen such a solemnity even when he faced Whitebeard before!

"The island may not be found now."


Quinn asked subconsciously. At this time, the small island in the picture suddenly started to move again. The small island vibrated violently for a few times, and then slowly floated up.

The floating of the small island brought waves hundreds of meters high, and the roaring waves swallowed the boat that took the image.

"Because there is only one ability that can produce this effect."

Kaido said solemnly.

"That's what the old lion is capable of."

Quinn was silent. Of course he knew who the old lion that Kaido boss was referring to was, but the whole sea knew that the old lion was dead, at the hands of the man from the Vinhill family.

Even though they did not attend the funeral in person, it was still very clear.

After all, that symbolized the end of an era.

And Shiji's ability will definitely disappear with his death.

So who is the man in the picture! ? This is the biggest doubt in Quinn's mind.

"It seems that a new lion that inherits the legacy of the old lion has appeared in this sea."

Kaido was silent for a moment, then stood up, staggered to his wine cellar, and took out a bottle of fine wine.

"It's just that, just relying on this, do you dare to be an enemy of Lao Tzu?"

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

Gulu Gulu, he drank the wine in one gulp, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The earth cracked, and Kaido's eyes flashed a strong killing intent.

Even if Shiji came back from the dead and dared to be his enemy, then Kaido has the confidence to let him die again!

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