Pirate Family

Chapter 824 Canary

This is Kaido's self-confidence as the Pirate Emperor. He is no longer the trainee who can only look up to those legends.

"This incident is a big event that can cause a sensation in the entire sea!"

Quinn looked at Kaido and said slowly.

"Whether the lion came back from the dead, or someone inherited his will. As long as that ability reappears in this sea, it will have an earth-shaking impact on the pattern of this sea."

"How should we deal with him now?"

Different from other abilities, Shiki's ability is one of the few abilities that can destroy an island. As long as you don't have enough strength to crush him, he can easily control the island to float in the air and destroy your base camp.

This kind of power, even Whitebeard in his heyday, or Kaido today, is not easy to deal with.

And even though it is not known who the new owner of this "Piao Piao Fruit" is, one thing is certain, that is, this man has great hostility towards the Kaido Pirates.

And those who are hostile are enemies.

"Since he chose to show up, this guy will definitely not be a flash in the pan." Jin Shizi said.

"Maybe, when that incident happens, he will show up and surprise us."

Mentioning that incident, Kaido showed a mocking smile on his face. He turned his head and looked at the charcoal snake sitting beside him,

"About marriage, are you ready?"

Heitan Orochi shivered, seeing Kaido looking at him, he stood up quickly.

"This matter, I have already prepared."

They had previously captured a fleet from the Red Earth Continent in the waters of Wano Country. There was a woman with an outstanding temperament and a beautiful face on board.

When the charcoal snake saw the color and was forgetful, and was about to take this woman as his own, he suddenly learned that this woman turned out to be the legendary Holy Truth Pope of Balan, the Holy Land of the Red Earth Continent!

This kind of noble status made Heitan Orochi have a different kind of possessiveness. But this matter was noticed by Kaido. If the monarch of the Wano country married the Pope of Balan, the Holy Land of the Red Earth Continent, then he would have reason to extend his power to the Red Earth Continent, and rely on the Holy Land of Balan in the Red Earth. Given the special status of the mainland, it is not impossible to control it.

And before, the consequences of the marriage between Heitan Orochi and the Charlotte family's daughter were destroyed by that stinky boy of the Vinhill family can be completely made up for by this incident!

Therefore, Kaido decided to hold this wedding quickly, and the time to hold it was exactly seven days later at the Fire Festival.

"However," Heitan Orochi had a trace of hesitation on his face. Hearing that this person with powerful abilities seemed to be hostile to Wano Country, this made him vaguely uneasy.

This anxiety even overwhelmed his joy that he was about to have a beautiful woman.

"What if the person who inherited the ability of the Golden Lion appears at the Fire Festival?"

"After all, with his ability, if he unites with the rebels in Wano Country, it may destroy this..."

Heitan Orochi wanted to continue talking, but felt a faint killing intent emanating from Kaido, and subconsciously closed his mouth.

"My troops will hide at the Fire Festival, if they dare."

Kaido snorted coldly.

"Just wipe them all out!"


Wano Country, Capital of Flowers, General's Mansion.

above an attic.

A young woman is sitting in the center of the futon, with two maids combing her long hair. Next to it, there are several cages, the larks are chirping, and the canaries are flying.


She was wearing a red wedding dress with a strong Wano country style, and she sat here with a cold expression, without saying a word.

In front of me, more than a dozen dancers are performing Kabuki with Wano country's unique style, dancing gracefully like a frightened bird. But it didn't catch the woman's attention.

A woman is like an iceberg, not interested in anything.

After the dance, an older maid next to her waved her hand, and the group of dancers bowed slightly as if they had received an order, and then retreated in unison.

"Your Majesty, this is not your Theocracy. There are some things that you can't just refuse if you want to."

The old woman walked up to the woman and said gloomyly.

"The power of Wano Country is beyond your imagination!"

The woman raised her head and looked at the old woman without saying a word.

Her eyes are as pure as the stars, without a trace of emotion. After being stared at by the woman for a long time, the old woman felt a little uncomfortable, snorted coldly, and then slowly backed out.

The moment she walked out the door, the gloomy smile on her face disappeared and turned into pure viciousness.

"Still putting on such a stinking air until now, do you still think that you are a high-ranking pope?"

"Wait until the Fire Festival is over, and see if you can still maintain your haughty look."

"Flowers that fell into the mud, can they still be washed clean?"

"Hahaha, hahaha."

As the old woman walked, the muscles on her face began to change rapidly.

Soon, she changed from a stooped old woman to a middle-aged man. With a cold snort, he tore up the kimono on his body, revealing the black ninja suit inside.

On the chest of the ninja uniform, the word "Lu" is engraved.


After everyone had left, the young woman was the only one left in the room.

She was silent for a moment, then spoke softly to the screen behind her.

"They're all gone, you can come out now."

The woman's voice was as sweet as a lark, and there was a slight sound behind the screen, and a little girl in a kimono, about ten years old, ran out from behind.

She has a pair of big eyes, exceptionally smart. When she grows up, she must be a rare beauty.

"Sister, why are you unhappy?"

The little girl walked up to the woman, blinked her big eyes, and asked with some doubts.

"No one is willing to marry someone they don't like."

The woman smiled and stroked the little girl's head,

According to her, this little girl was adopted by a certain important person in the General's Mansion, but that important person never came back after a certain expedition.

This little girl has nothing to rely on.

A poor person, a beauty like her, after losing her support, will soon become the plaything of those big men.

Women see this kind of thing a lot, but there is nothing she can do about it. She glanced at the room. Inside the cage, the canary was still combing its feathers wearily.

How is it different from your present self?

The woman sighed and said slowly.

"Similarly, no one likes a man who threatens his friend's life to marry him."

This little girl is different from other people in the General's Mansion. So women are willing to tell her their inner thoughts.

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