Pirate Family

Chapter 825 Anxiety

"Sister, I actually know a place..."

The little girl wanted to speak, but the woman gently covered her mouth.

The woman looked at her and shook her head slowly.

"If you want to help your sister, it's best not to say it."

Having been in a high position for so many years, the woman knows one thing very well, that is, she is now in the hinterland of Wano country, even if she escapes from the general's mansion by chance, she will not be able to escape Wano country without anyone to support her. It will soon be captured by the ninjas under Heitan Orochi.

At that time, I will also implicate others.

She appreciated the little girl's kindness, but she didn't want to hurt this pure-hearted little girl.

"Is that so?" The little girl lowered her head, tilted her head, and wanted to say something, but she hesitated, and swallowed the words that reached her throat.

All of this was caught in the eyes of the woman.

This is a little girl with a story.

The woman thought about it, but didn't ask further.

After all, everyone is their own protagonist. In this sea, no one will not have a story to sing and cry.

The woman stood up, her long skirt fluttering, she walked to the canary cage and looked at the canary.

The surface of the cage is covered with golden patterns, and a few agates are even inlaid on the top. Very luxurious.

Seeing the arrival of the mistress, the little bird in the cage immediately leaned forward, chirping, trying to please the woman.

A trace of sadness flashed in the woman's eyes, she gently grabbed the cage, and then directly crushed the cage.

The canary flew out of the cage, was stunned for a moment, and then flew out of the door in ecstasy.

Not even a trace of nostalgia.

No matter how expensive the birdcage is, it is just a birdcage after all.

A flash of determination flashed in the woman's eyes. She walked up to the little girl and gently touched the little girl's head.

"If you can, can you do my sister a favor."

The little girl froze for a moment. When the woman refused to help her escape just now, she thought the woman had given up.

"What's busy?"

"Help my sister collect information about some capable people in Wano Country, that is, what you call black magicians, and tell my sister where the Black Charcoal Orochi usually imprisons prisoners."

As the woman said, she does not want to be a canary, and she is not a fragile canary either.

She is the Empress, the first ever female pope of the Church of Holy Truth.

She's not going to sit still.

"I see!"

The little girl nodded her head, and then ran out quickly.

"By the way, tell my sister your name."

When the little girl was about to run out, the woman stopped her suddenly and asked softly.

The little girl turned her head and showed a sweet smile.

"My name is Xiao Zi, purple purple."

But they didn't know that at this time, the ninja with the word "Lu" engraved on his clothes slowly moved his ears away from the wall, with a mocking smile on his face.


"thank you,"

In the floating Kingdom of Martial Arts, Xia Lan looked at Kaido's pirates who were completely annihilated, and said slowly to the blond-haired young man in front of him.

"You must be the angel sent by the Lord to redeem me!"

She didn't expect that the pirates who had troubled her for so long would be solved so easily.

"I'm just an ordinary person."

The man stood on the city wall, slowly looking at Xia Lan in front of him.

This woman, wearing broken armor, lost the heroic spirit she had when she first met Marie Gioia, but became a little weaker.

"Now what do you decide to do?"

Lorne looked at Xia Lan and asked slowly.

"If you want peace, I can put the country of martial arts in a safe place. With your national strength, you should be able to develop it soon and avoid the intrusion of other pirates."


Xia Lan shook her head firmly, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

"After being saved by you, I have decided to follow you. No matter what you do, I will follow. I will be the spear in your hand, piercing the enemy's heart, and the sharp sword in your hand, beheading the enemy's head."

While talking, this proud woman knelt down on one knee slowly in front of Lorne. He lowered his head.

This is the etiquette for knights to show their allegiance to their monarchs in ancient times.

After Xia Lan died, the subjects of the Kingdom of Martial Arts didn't say a word, as if there was nothing wrong with their king's behavior.

The people of Wuzhi are tough and simple. If you save a person from Wuzhi, then this person is willing to die for you. If you save a family from Wuzhi, then this family is willing to be a pawn.

You saved this country, then this country is willing to shed blood for you.

It's that simple.

"Even if it's against the mighty Pirate Emperor?"

Lorne said playfully.

"Except for the Whitebeard Pirates who have a covenant with the Kingdom of Takenori, any other emperor will do!"

Xia Lan said firmly. There was no trace of fear on her face.

Scholars die for those who know, and those who are benefactors die for the country.

This is a simple truth of Wu Zhiguo.

"very good."

Lorne looked down at Xia Lan who was kneeling in front of him, and said slowly.

"I decided to deal with Kaido, would you like to come with me?"

"May I be your sword!"

Xia Lan said so. Facing Lorne, she lowered her proud head.

It was as if, in some of the sovereign states of the Red Earth Continent, every king had to be baptized by the Pope before taking office.


"I didn't expect that you collected another beauty."

In SKY, the city of the sky, Garrett looked at the screen of the surveillance phone bug, lightly pinched the soft flesh on Lorne's waist, and then pretended to say viciously.

Although Xia Lan in the picture is covered in blood, she knows that as long as Xia Lan cleans her body, she will be a beauty no less than herself, and her unique heroism is even more deadly to some people. Appeal.

For example... Lorne.

"I'm just giving her some guidance. After all, the enemy of the enemy is our friend."

Lorne gently stroked Xiao Jia's head.

"Besides, I already have Xiaojia, so I don't need other women."


Xiao Jia blushed slightly, and said a little shyly.

"The people of Wuzhi are fierce and brave. The residents here have great strength, and the popularity of domineering is relatively high."

Lorne straightened his face and said slowly.

"So, taking control of this place can provide great help to Jiazhi's research."

Lorne had a bold idea about Gage's plan in his heart, and this idea needed a chance to be realized.

And the opportunity for this realization is now in Wano Country.

If his idea is realized, then there will no longer be a force in this sea that can compete with him.

But for some reason, Lorne felt vaguely uneasy about this action.

Is it because of the previous dream?

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