Pirate Family

Chapter 828: Legend

Great Way, Paradise, Chambords.

As the terminal of the park, the Chambord Islands have always served as a hub connecting the park and the new world.

The pirates who sail here can be coated at the dock of the Chambord Islands, and then go to the new world through the fishman island 10,000 meters under the sea. And the pirates in the new world want to come back first, and the first stop they arrive at is also here.

On a certain beach, an old man was sitting on the sea fishing, even though his temples were already gray, but he was still in good spirits, and judging from his still healthy body, the old man was still very strong.

"Uncle, you said you were a pirate before, is that true?"

A black-haired boy sat next to the old man and said with a puzzled expression. He is the captain of a certain pirate group who just arrived in the Chambord Islands. He needs to coat his ship before he can continue his journey. So I specially came to visit this shipbuilder who is said to be well-known in the Chambord Islands.

However, since the materials had just been used up and had not been replenished, the old boatman had a rare leisure time to fish here, while the young man sat aside and waited.

Any pirate who can sail to this place is not useless waste, but has its own advantages.

The advantage of the young man is that he is very patient.

"Yeah, I used to be a famous pirate."

The old man smiled, as if recalling something. He had a mature and stable temperament, and there was a straight scar on his eye, which was very conspicuous. The old man pushed his eyes, and then said slowly.

"At that time, I also experienced some rare adventures with my companions."


The young man said excitedly with stars in his eyes.

"Then what was your previous nickname, uncle!"

Every pirate has its own story, and young people like listening to stories the most.

"Nickname?" The old man closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

"I seem to have forgotten the nickname."

"Uncle, you are lying!"

The young man rolled his eyes and said in frustration. And the old man didn't say anything, and continued to fish steadily.

But at this time, the old man seemed to feel something, and suddenly stared at the calm sea not far away, and said to himself.

"Is it finally here?"

"What's coming?"

The young man asked a little puzzled. But the next, he suddenly saw a huge vortex appearing on the sea level.

Boom boom boom!

The vortex was getting bigger and bigger, swallowing the calm sea level, and a pirate ship covered with bubble film emerged from the sea. With a bang, the bubble burst, and the flag of the pirate ship fluttered in the wind.

It was a banner of the Misty Moon.

Pirate ships emerged from the deep sea one after another, without exception, all of these ships were flying the same flag.

An incomparably huge fleet crossed half of the new world and came to this place.

Seeing this scene, the residents of the Chambord Islands were frightened and screamed and fled in all directions.

The whole world knew the purpose of this fleet flying the flag of the Misty Moon to come to Paradise. At this critical time, they didn't want to have anything to do with this terrible family. It's just that, while the residents were fleeing in all directions, in the depths of the Chambord Islands, many eyes were also cast on the fleet.

Frightened, hostile, playful, warlike...

All kinds of eyes are different, these are the newcomers staying in the paradise, these newcomers who have not yet experienced the baptism of the new world wave, urgently need a platform to prove themselves.

And now the Vinhill family, which is flourishing in the sea, is a good platform.

"It's the army of that legendary family!"

The young man licked his lips and said excitedly.

It can be said that the pirates of their generation grew up listening to the legend of that devil. In particular, the legend that Vinhill was going to have a decisive battle with the navy recently circulated in the sea has touched the hearts of many people.

"They really appeared here!"

The fact that the Vinhill family gathered their forces and marched towards the paradise caused a lot of noise in this sea, and the young man didn't expect to be bumped into by himself.

Unlike others, this young pirate didn't have a trace of fear on his face, but was extremely excited.

He was gearing up, wanting to rush up and see this legend of the sea with his own eyes.

The young man jumped forward, wanting to jump towards the pirate fleet not far away, but was stopped by a pair of thick and gentle arms.

The old man looked at him and said with a smile.

"This kind of thing is still too early for you now."

The old man turned his head and looked at the fleet not far away.

"That man is not a half-baked guy like you, but a real pirate."

"A rookie like you rushed in front of him, and there is no other result other than meaningless death."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, there was a slight vibration from the ground of the Chambord Islands, and a steel giant galloped on the ground, rushing towards the fleet that had just emerged from the deep sea.

"Is that Vinhill Lorne? Come out and die obediently, and offer your head!"

On the head of the steel giant, sat a man with orange hair. He was wearing a black vest and said frantically.

"Crazy Iron Opei, offering a bounty of 178,000,000 (178 million) Bailey. A person with a mechanical fruit ability can gather the surrounding metal together to create a very powerful robot. Extremely Focus on reputation, like to do all kinds of exaggerated things to show their strength."

Seeing the steel giant rushing towards the fleet, the young man slowed down and said seriously.

As a supernova who debuted in the same batch as himself, he was very concerned about this pirate whose bounty was slightly higher than his own.

"Nice young man."

The old man commented, then shook his head regretfully.

"It's just that it's a pity."

Just as the young man was about to ask what was the pity, he saw a tall, bald man standing on top of the main ship of the pirate ship, with a hideous black tattoo on his neck. The right arm seemed to be cut off by something sharp, and replaced with a technologically-sounding mechanical arm.

Steam spewed out from the pores of the mechanical arm, and the man looked at the mechanical giant rushing towards him with indifference.

He raised his hand, aimed at the mechanical giant, and then punched suddenly.

Steam gushes and the air vibrates. A shock wave was launched from his fist, piercing through the body of the mechanical giant.

The next moment, the mechanical giant exploded, Opie flew out of it, and two soldiers ran off the ship. Before Opie could react, he handcuffed a pair of Hailoushi handcuffs on his wrists.

The whole process is smooth and flowing.

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