Pirate Family

Chapter 829: The Lost Legend

A powerful and promising supernova was dealt with so easily, without a trace of resistance during the whole process.

The young man opened his mouth wide in a daze. Unable to believe what he saw, he guessed that Opie would lose, but he didn't guess that he would lose so neatly.

You know, it wasn't Lorne himself, nor the most famous senior cadres under his command, who shot. Opie, who went all out, couldn't even take a punch from his opponent.

Is this the pirate of the new world?

Is this the world of the strong?

A question arose in the young man's heart, but the next moment, the question in his heart turned into a fighting spirit, a vigorous fighting spirit. The corners of his mouth curved slightly.

If the pirates in the new world are all this strong, then the future journey will become more interesting.

He also looked at the old man next to him gratefully. If the old man hadn't stopped his impulsive self just now, his fate now might not be much different from Opie's.

At this time, the bald man who crushed Opie with his fist also noticed this side. The pirate ship gradually approached. He got off the ship and looked at the old man.

"Is there a problem?"

The old man raised his eyebrows. He didn't remember any intersection with the Vinhill family.

"Our boss said that he will come to visit you in person after the incident is over."

The bald man said so.


The old man smiled slightly, and instead of answering the bald man's words, he asked rhetorically.

"You mean, the current Lorne is not on this ship?"

"Who knows?"

The bald man shrugged. "Anyway, that's what my boss told me. He said that when facing an old man like you, you must show enough respect."

"Is that so?"

The old man seemed to understand something, and said slowly to the bald man.

"Tell Lorne not to die easily. After all, after Roger, he is the man who is most likely to match or even surpass Roger."

The old man did not lie, the fire of the times was being passed on, Lockes, Caesar, Roger, one after another old people left, and the next man who had the hope of taking over the fire of this time was Lorne.

"I'll pass it on to the boss."

The bald man nodded and said solemnly. Then turned around and walked in the direction of the pirate ship.

"This era has become more interesting. You know what, Roger." The old man looked at the fleet that was gradually going away, and said to himself.

There was a trace of nostalgia in his tone, as if he remembered some old friend.

"Young people these days are smarter than us old guys."

He felt just now that in this huge fleet, there are not many strong people in it, and it seems a bit strong on the outside but capable on the inside. In other words, Lorne formed such a fleet with great momentum to cross the new world and come to the paradise, which is nothing more than attracting people's attention.

There is only one purpose for him to be so eye-catching, and that is to cover up his true thoughts.

And what idea needs to be covered up with something like a decisive battle with the navy? The old man raised his head and looked into the distance.


"Uncle Da Da," the young pirate said blankly after the bald man left.

Everything I experienced today was really magical. First, I encountered the legendary pirate forces, and then I witnessed how vulnerable the powerful supernova was in front of these legendary pirates. In the end, I saw that the vicious pirate walked off the boat in person, showing a respectful expression to an ordinary old man.

"You were really a famous big pirate before?"

Unknowingly, the young man used honorifics.

"It should be, but it's not as good as the current Lorne."

The old man said with a smile, and waved the fishing rod in his hand.

Because a ship just came by,

Schools of fish under the sea surface scattered. He had no choice but to change the position of the bait.

"That's amazing!"

The young man said excitedly.

You know, Lorne is one of the hottest characters in this sea now, and the old man was only slightly inferior to Lorne back then, he was also a famous big pirate.

"Is it."

The old man smiled slightly, and the bait moved under the sea surface. He tried to pull the cord. A fat tuna was fished out from under the sea surface.

Today's dinner is settled.

When the old man thought about it, he also remembered his original nickname.



"This is the latest intelligence, and the Navy Headquarters has already started to act."

The Great Route, Paradise, World Government Headquarters.

CP-0 headquarters, in a secret room.

A man wearing a cheetah mask slowly walked over and held a document in front of a woman with pale yellow curly hair.

The woman raised her eyebrows and said slowly.

"You don't seem to have smiled since the rabbit left."

"Death is a normal thing, especially in our line of work."

"From the moment I chose to become a CP-0 agent, I never expected to retire safely from this position."

The cheetah seemed to be wide open, and said slowly.

"You've always been so cool when you talk, that's why my sister has always liked you. Little Cheetah."

The woman blinked and gave the man in the cheetah mask a wink.

The cheetah didn't speak, but retreated slowly.

The woman smiled and opened the information in her hand. But when she saw the first line of words, her beautiful face changed slightly.

"damn it,"

The woman couldn't help but cursed. Then force yourself to read the following information.

"Bastard Caesar, don't you cherish your own life at all?"

The intelligence stated that the agents of the Navy Headquarters discovered the small island where Caesar was hiding, and specially sent an army including two admirals and ten vice admirals to encircle and suppress it.

In order to ensure the confidentiality of their actions, no one told them about their actions this time. Therefore, the document in the woman's hand is not so much intelligence as it is the Navy's report after the operation is completed.

The operation went smoothly, perhaps because Caesar and Redfield were seriously injured after the Battle of Mary Gia, and they hadn't found out after the navy completely surrounded the island.

This unreasonable thing gave the Navy an excellent opportunity.

After the complete siege was completed, the navy chose to act, and the natural ability users headed by the two admirals Aokiji and Akainu took the lead in attacking, which was bound to completely wipe out the resistance ability of the legendary pirate.

However, something weird happened.

Lava and ice swallowed their hiding place in an instant, but in the ruined battlefield, the navy found no trace of them.

These two legendary pirates seemed to disappear out of thin air. In front of the navy, it suddenly disappeared!

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