Pirate Family

Chapter 833 Approaching Floating Island!

Orochi Oden Fanzhong is a strong man he carefully selected from the samurai brainwashed by the Heitan clan. The purpose is to counter the powerful samurai under Kozuki Oden.

It's just that after Kozuki Oden's death, that group of powerful warriors disappeared one after another, and Orochi Oden's people gradually became Heitan Orochi's personal guards, who specially dealt with him some things he wanted to solve, but didn't want to. It is good to borrow Kaido's hand to solve the matter.

If all his subordinates had been present when the group of rebels besieged the Capital of Flowers, he would not have lost so badly.

This humiliating incident has always made Heitan Orochi heartbroken.

"By the way, where's that guy Fu Shoulu?"

As if remembering something, Heitan Orochi turned around, squinted his eyes, and said slowly.

He hadn't seen his subordinate for a while.

"Master Fu Shoulu seems to have discovered some secret about the female pope, so he went to investigate."

The ninja said respectfully, whether it is Heitan Orochi or Fushoulu, they are existences that he cannot offend.

"This bloody bastard!"

The black charcoal snake couldn't help but spit and curse. This bastard, Fu Shoulu, actually played with him and disappeared when he needed him the most.

"Let Sagi-kun take the Orochi Imperial Court and the others to go and take back the heads of those traitors!"

After thinking about it for a long time, the sleepy dead man found helplessly that after the sleepy dead man disappeared, he seemed to have lost one of his most powerful subordinates.

Except for Sagi-kun, who is the deputy of the sleeping madman, I can't come up with a useful subordinate!

As for Mr. Zuo Mu, he is far less loyal than the dog of Sleep Kushiro.

At least that's what Heitan Orochi thinks. Sleeper Kushiro is the most loyal dog under his command. It's easy to use and can kill people.


The ninja said respectfully, and then retreated slowly.

At this moment, Heitan Orochi turned his head and looked at the shivering dancers prostrate in front of him. He narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Did you all hear what I said just now?"

"My lord, we heard nothing!"

A dancer raised her head and said in horror.

But it wasn't the charcoal snake that answered her, but the sharp sword in his hand.


Blood splattered on the hall.

Heitan Orochi is a cautious person, and only cautious people can live long.

At least that's how Kurotan Orochi was until Kozuki Oden's wife, that weird woman left behind those strange curses.

At the same time, above the sky in front of Wano Country.

A floating island is slowly approaching this mysterious country.

The island seems to have lost its gravity, floating in mid-air, a handsome young man with long golden hair, standing on the unrepaired city wall in the center of the island, looking at his feet in the sea of ​​clouds The looming island.

Wano Country's geographical structure is different from other small islands. It does not float on the sea, but stands above the sea like a mountain growing out of the sea, towering into the clouds.

The sea water went up against the current, along the crevices of the high mountains, and rushed up towards Wano Country.

This is the only channel for residents of Wano country to communicate with the outside world. If you want to go to Wano country, or leave from Wano country, you must go through these waterfall-like ocean currents that go upstream.

And after Kozuki Oden's death, these main roads have long been controlled by Kurotan Orochi and Kaido, and it is very difficult to sneak into Wano Country without being discovered by them.

It's just that Lorne doesn't need these. Whether it's SKY, the sky city floating 10,000 meters above the sky, or the improvement of the ability to have fluttering fruits, there are more convenient ways to enter the Wano country.

In other words, it is a more convenient way to invade the Wano country.

He controls the country of martial arts, and slowly approaches the country of martial arts. Beside Lorne, the warriors of the country of martial arts headed by Xia Lan stand. .

The Kingdom of Martial Arts has never lacked courage, nor has it ever understood what forgiveness and forbearance are. Kaido's army has invaded the Country of Martial Arts, so they will definitely retaliate with an eye for an eye.

They followed Lorne and floated towards Wano country aggressively. This group of lunatics had no intention of covering their tracks from the very beginning!

Xia Lan wants revenge, and only with the blood of the enemy can he wash away the shame they have suffered.

Outside Wano Country, there is a small, eerie island. As if sensing the arrival of Lorne and the others, an angry dragon's roar resounded in that gloomy island, resounding through the sky.


A pitch-black giant dragon rose from the sky and hovered in the high sky of Wano Country. The terrifying aura was released from the body of the giant dragon, facing Lorne far away across half the sea.


The Great Route, Paradise, Marine Vandor, the headquarters of the Navy.

Zhan Guo, who was sitting in the marshal's office, looked at the several documents placed in front of him. He frowned and said nothing.

Beside him sat all the high-ranking officers of the navy, including the three admirals and the elite lieutenant admiral headed by Karp.

The atmosphere is extremely dignified.

"When we attacked the island, Caesar and Redfield suddenly disappeared."

A resolute man wearing an admiral's cape and a red shirt said coldly.

His fist turned into magma, burning continuously, causing the temperature of the entire room to rise several degrees suddenly.

"And I'm sure of one thing, that is, when we landed on the island, those two legendary pirates were indeed hiding on that island."

"You mean, they disappeared out of thin air?"

Zhan Guo was silent for a long time before speaking slowly.

He had planned this operation for a long time, and he didn't even report it to the World Government, just to prevent the information from being leaked and to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

According to the information above, after the Battle of Maryjoia, although Caesar and Redfield escaped, they suffered serious injuries that could not be easily healed, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. Therefore, it is impossible Competing against the navy's encirclement and suppression forces like last time.

Sengoku was afraid that Caesar would try his best to help his son after learning the news that the navy was going to fight the Vinhill family, so he was determined to solve this thorny problem before the war started.

But unexpectedly, he disappeared under the eyes of everyone!

Reminiscent of the fleet of the Vinhill family constantly approaching the navy, and the strength they showed during the Battle of Mary Gia, Sengoku felt a little uneasy.

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