Pirate Family

Chapter 834 Two things

Warring States had a hunch that the sudden disappearance of Caesar and Redfield was not accidental, but a premeditated one.

Reminiscent of the transfer ability similar to that of the man under Kaido's command that the Vinhill family had demonstrated in the Battle of Maryjoa, Sengoku felt uneasy.

It's like a big net is constantly weaving under the surface of this sea, and when it ends, it will include everything in it.

But the current navy can't find where this big net is currently.

"Put Caesar's affairs aside."

Lieutenant General He next to him saw through his old colleague's thoughts and said slowly.

"Currently the fleet of the Vinhill family is approaching, we must go all out to deal with that lunatic."

It is embarrassing to say that, with Caesar as the head, the Vinhill family once caused a heinous disaster in this sea. Finally, a Lorne who can stand in the navy camp appeared, but about that Charlotte The incident of the girl in the family broke them completely.

The Vinhills had gone from being the Navy's greatest allies in the sea to their greatest enemies.

Having been against Lorne for a long time, He knew very well that the strength of the Vinhill family was more terrifying than what they showed to the world.

In this war, no matter who wins or loses, this sea will not return to the peace of the past.

Crane was sure of this.

"That madman."

General Akainu Sakasky, who was sitting on the left, snorted coldly, as if recalling something, and said coldly.

"When he was in Paradise before, he should have completely eradicated that lunatic family."

Sakaski is actually deeply suspicious of the so-called Shichibukai policy. In his opinion, all pirates, including these so-called Shichibukai, are the scourge of this sea and should be eradicated completely. clean.

The alliance between the navy and the Vinhill family undoubtedly provided shelter for that family, allowing the members of that family to develop rapidly under the oppression of several pirate emperors.

"But it doesn't make sense to say that now."

He said softly, his old eyes shone with wisdom.

"Based on the current position of our navy, it is impossible to continue to live in peace with the Vinhill family."

There is another point that Crane didn't say, especially after the Marie Gioia incident, the group of Tianlong people couldn't tolerate the existence of the Vinhill family.

The fuse of the war had already been planted when Garrett was attacked.


Warring States said to himself, he really didn't want to have a war with that lunatic. The figure of the man with black hair appeared in his mind.

Although everything he did on this sea was shocking, but for some reason, Zhan Guo always felt that there was a shadow of justice in that man.

It may sound ironic to describe a pirate with justice, but that's what Sengoku thinks.

For this peaceful sea, a living Lorne is far more important than a dead Lorne.


Just as Zhan Guo was about to say something, at this moment, the door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open by a navy soldier. All the high-level navy officers turned their eyes and looked at the young navy soldier calmly.

All the navies know that this is a very important memory, so it must be a more important thing that can prompt them to disturb them.


Under the gaze of all high-level officials, the young sailors were more nervous than ever. He swallowed, forced himself to calm down, and then said slowly.

"The fleet of the Vinhill family has crossed the Chambord Islands. It won't be long before they will arrive at Marlin Vandor."

This news exploded in the meeting room like a torpedo. However, there was no overly surprised thing on everyone's face.

This matter is still within their acceptable range.

"And one more thing,"

The marine soldier paused, then continued.

"One of the newly promoted kings of the Seven Martial Seas, the pirate queen of the Nine Snakes, Boa Hancock immediately led his pirate ship to drive away after learning that the Vinhill family's army had arrived in Paradise. In the past, it was like declaring war on the Vinhills before the navy."


Today, the sea in Paradise is still as calm as in the past, and the calmness is a bit boring.

At least Jody thought so.

He stood on a pirate ship flying the banner of the Misty Moon of the Vennhill family, looking at the sea below him.

After the Vernhill family meeting ended, Lorne divided the cadres of the family into two groups, and one group followed him secretly towards Wano Country, preparing to raid Kaido in Wano Country.

And the other group, under their leadership, headed towards the paradise with great fanfare, preparing to attract the attention of the whole world, pretending to be in a decisive battle with the navy.

In fact, this entire fleet is nothing more than a cover created by Lorne. What he really wanted was the life of the man known as the strongest creature in history!

Many new pirates who have not had time to enter the new world, after seeing the flag of the Vinhill family in the distance, immediately turned around and ran away in fright, not even having the courage to drive towards them.

A pirate as timid as a mouse cannot sail for too long in the waves of the new world.

Here's what Jody had to say about these newcomers.

It was precisely because there were no unsightly pirates to provoke him that Jody felt that this bluff trip was too boring.

But at this time, a boxy giant ship appeared on the sea level. On the bow of the giant ship were two giant snakes swimming in the sea, as if dragging the giant ship to sail.

And a woman with black hair in a red cloak was standing on the ramming corner of the giant ship, looking coldly at the pirate fleet ahead.

Jody squinted his eyes, and looked at the woman across half of the sea.

Things are starting to get interesting.


At the same time, Wano Country Sea Area.

Kaido, who turned into a dragon, circled over Wano country for a few times, and then returned to his ghost island.

Although he can float in the air, he is completely inferior to the Piao Piao fruit that helped Golden Lion Shiji obtain the title of "Flying Pirate", so he is not like the owner of this Piao Piao fruit in midair. decisive battle.

Under the control of Lorne, the country of martial arts floated not far from the country of Wano, and finally stopped. People standing on the two islands could even see the buildings on the islands.

The two islands, under the control of Lorne, faced each other far away, and at this time, a small boat flew down from the country of martial arts and sailed towards the country of Wano.

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