Pirate Family

Chapter 836: Login to Wano Country

Oni Island is filled with dense fog and extremely gloomy, like a huge head emerging from the depths of the sea, standing on the other side of Wano Inland Sea, watching the country. Turn ordinary people in this country into walking corpses who would rather die than die.

"It's sad."

Lorne said suddenly.

"what did you say?"

Xia Lan, who was next to her, said with some doubts, a hint of puzzlement flashed in her eyes, and she didn't understand why Lorne sighed like this suddenly.

Are ordinary people in this country pitiful?


"It's nothing, it's just a sudden emotion."

Lorne withdrew his eyes and said slowly.

It should be the so-called ambition of Kaido that Sanchuanlu mentioned before that caused such a weird situation in this country.

In Lorne's view, it is quite sad to use such a despicable way to fight for the throne despite having such great strength.

Kaido, maybe not as strong as he showed.

Tread Tat Tat.

At this time, Lorne suddenly felt the ground tremble slightly, and the sound of horseshoes came from a distance.

"Enemy attack? Are they looking for us?" Xia Lan put away the doubts in her heart and said solemnly.

The empress was also ready for battle. Since she chose to be the sharp sword in Lorne's hands, she has the awareness to stand in front of Lorne at any time and defeat powerful enemies for him.

"Probably not."

Lorne stopped the irascible empress, then pulled her back, took dozens of steps back, and used his ability to control to create a small dirt bag, hiding behind the dirt bag.

"They shouldn't have come to look for us."

He and Xia Lan's infiltration was quite secretive, and the location of the infiltration was completely randomly selected. If Kaido or Heitan Orochi really responded so quickly, then Kaido would not stop at a small and country.

A group of warriors in black armor rushed over aggressively, and then rushed forward in a hurry without even looking in the direction where Lorne was hiding.

The dust was flying, and Lorne's figure slowly emerged from the dust.

"It seems that Heitan snake's control over this country is not as absolute as I thought."

"In this country, there are still many hidden enemies that make him feel troublesome."

Lorne made such a judgment. These warriors did not seem to be patrolling the territory, but rather seemed to be chasing some enemy.

But now, there is only one enemy that makes Kurotan Orochi so mobilizing, and that is the so-called "rebel party" who made a big fuss in Wano country before. Haral and Sakura Miya and his group are gone.

However, the appearance of this group of warriors brought good news to Lorne, that is, at least it was certain that Sakura Miya and the others did not fall into Kaido's hands.

They are still alive.


Wano Country, Kuri District, Kasa Village.

After the impact of the previous group of warriors, the residents here have been completely disappointed with the rule of Heitan Orochi. They erected a high wall with logs at the head of the village in an attempt to stop the invasion of the warriors.

They selected a few strong men from the village, and let these men guard the various exits of the village. People like them, before Heitan Orochi was on stage, had some louder titles when they issued those orders.

A samurai is different from the hawk-like soldiers under Kurotan Orochi, but the pride of the Wano country, a real samurai who can even compete with the big pirates overseas.

The old village head took out the grain that was originally prepared as a tribute to Heitan Orochi, made it into food, and shared it with everyone.

The heat of the rice balls was rising, and the residents held the snow-white rice balls with happy smiles on their faces.

This kind of smile came from the heart, after Kozuki Oden-sama died, they hadn't eaten this kind of normal food for nearly ten years.

"This is the food given to you by the village chief."

Nana walked up to Ying Gongli with a steaming rice ball, and handed it to her with a smile.

The latter took it gently, thanked him very politely, and then looked into the distance again, looking a little out of place with the surrounding environment.

Nana sighed, she had been with Ying Gongli for a long time, she knew that Ying Gongli was such a person, as if she was out of tune with everything around her, and seemed to be indifferent to everything around her, but in fact she was a very gentle people.

Otherwise, if it were other pirates, facing this situation, they would have already abandoned everything and started running instead of choosing to stay here and protect the ordinary people here.

"What are you looking at?"

Nana sat in front of Ying Gongli and asked slowly.

The man wearing the tengu mask had returned to the deep mountains, and they were the only two "outsiders" left in the whole village.

It's not that the man wearing the tengu mask is so timid, but because Kozuki Oden's subordinates are still seriously injured and must be taken care of by him.

"I'm waiting for someone."

Sakura Miyagi said slowly.

"Are you waiting for Heitan Orochi's subordinates?"

Nana asked curiously. They killed the samurai sent by Heitan Orochi. That small-bellied man had already gritted his teeth at them, so he would never let them go.

Crowds and groups, a steady stream of warriors are on their way. A bloody battle will ensue.

Nana thought so.

Ying Gongli did not answer Nana's words, but shook her head, and continued to sit at the head of the village, looking into the distance.

The atmosphere fell silent all of a sudden, Nana felt a little embarrassed, but she couldn't find a topic to intervene at all.

She and Ying Gongli are completely two extreme people. If it weren't for the Dressrosa incident, maybe they would never have any intersection in their lives.

Even though they had experienced so many adventures together, Nana felt that she still couldn't see through this beautiful woman and didn't know what she wanted.

"I'm done eating."

After stuffing the last small piece of rice ball into her mouth, Sakura Miya Rika slowly stood up.

"Wait a little while there may be an accident. You hide in the village and protect the villagers, and leave other things to the concubine."

As she spoke, she stroked the saber around her waist, as if she was stroking her partner who had been with her for many years.

What Nana wanted to say, she was definitely not a vase, but a pirate who thought she had experienced many battles, but she swallowed the words that came to her lips. She had to admit one thing, that was her own strength, which was far behind Sakura Miyagi's. If she joined the battlefield rashly, not only would she not be able to help her, but it would also bring her some unnecessary troubles because of her own weakness.

This is a very helpless thing.

"I see."

Ying Gongli nodded helplessly, she didn't want to cause any trouble with Ying Gongli.

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