Pirate Family

Chapter 837 A Pirate's Choice

Tata! Tata!

At this time, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in the distance, Nana narrowed her eyes slightly, and a trace of solemnity flashed across her face.

They are finally here!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The villager in Bian Li Village, who was in charge of guarding, shouted, then picked up a weapon transformed from a shovel, and looked outside nervously.

At the end of the field of vision, a troop appeared.

Many ninjas in black ninja clothes, sitting on horses, charged in this direction.


Another resident yelled, but at this moment, a woman in a cherry-colored kimono passed through the crowd, pushed aside the wooden fence guarding the village, and almost sat down and walked over.


Nana wanted to remind, but it was too late.

Because Ying Gongli's body suddenly disappeared, the long knife drew a graceful arc in the air, and the body of a samurai at the head cut across,


The first samurai fell off his horse, but before the blood spilled, Ying Gongli flew towards another samurai.


The long sword cut across the body of a famous warrior, Ying Gongli danced in the battlefield like an elf.

However, every time this elf dances, it will take away the life of an enemy.

"She's really amazing!"

Villagers in a weaving village muttered to themselves as they watched the dancing pears in the distance.

At this time, the strength displayed by Sakuramiya Rika was just like the warriors under Kozuki Oden-sama who were known as the guardian gods of Wano country in the legend.

But at this time, Ying Gongli's body suddenly stagnated in mid-air, and a ninja appeared from the shadows. Taking advantage of Ying Gongli's shot, he suddenly took out his weapon and aimed at Ying Gongli's The heart was stabbed.

"For General Heitan Orochi!"

The ninja roared madly, as a war orphan brainwashed by Heitan Orochi, this ninja has only one thing in mind, and that is the interests of Heitan clan.

For the benefit of the Heitan clan, he can give up everything he owns! Even life!

The long sword slipped close to Ying Gongli's new words, leaving a long scratch on Ying Gongli's waist.

Blood spurted out along the scratch. Turn Sakura Miya Rika's kimono into blood red.

Ying Gongli frowned slightly, the strength of this group of warriors was much stronger than she thought. It is not comparable to the group of miscellaneous fish before.

Kanarikaido didn't intend to send some weak people to give them time to relax after anticipating their strength, but directly photographed his strongest troops.

The strongest ninja force named Orochi Royal Court Banzhong appeared in this battlefield.

After being severely injured, Sakura Miyagi's body involuntarily froze for a moment in mid-air. At this moment, the samurai who fought with her just now caught the negligence of Ying Gongli, picked up the hammer in his hand, waved it in the air for a few times, and smashed Ying Gongli's body heavily , smashing this beautiful daughter into the air.

Ying Gongli rotated 360 degrees in the air, trying to find a posture to stabilize her body movements.

But this group of well-trained ninjas didn't give her this chance at all. Taking advantage of the moments when Ying Gongli lost control of her body in mid-air, countless attacks landed on Ying Gongli's body .

boom! boom! boom!

Countless attacks landed on Ying Gongli's body. Completely knock this proud woman into the air.

They are also samurai, but there is a fundamental difference in the strength displayed by these two groups. With their joint efforts, Ying Gongli is not their opponent at all.

Finally, after paying the price of a huge wound, Sakura Miyagi beheaded the nearest samurai and fled away.

And when the group of warriors saw Ying Gongli fleeing, they didn't even think about it, and immediately drove their mounts and blew towards Ying Gongli.

The war horse neighed, and the horse's hooves kicked up countless dust on the ground.

"This silly woman."

Seeing this scene, Nana couldn't help but muttered to herself, she finally understood Ying Gongli's thoughts.

This proud woman didn't want to stir up the people in Bianli Village into the war at all, but planned to bear all this by herself.

Since this group of Heitan warriors came after her, she would lure them all away!

"Really silly."

Nana said to herself, and at the same time, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Pirates are the most stupid people in the world, they often do some incredible things.

And Sakura Miyagi, perhaps the stupidest pirate.

Who would give their lives for someone who has nothing to do with them?


The Great Route, New World, Wano Country, somewhere in Orochifu, the Capital of Flowers.

An emaciated man was listening to reports from his own men.

He held a bone of an unknown animal in his hand and kept playing with it.

"Report to Mr. Sagi, Heitan Orochi-sama sent out almost all the Orochi Royal Courts who guarded him, and arrested the group of rebels."

"is that so??"

The man called Sagi-kun said softly,

"This cunning guy, why did he keep me here at such a time, is he testing me?"

There was a glint of haze in the man's eyes, and after a while, he spoke to himself.

"Also say that you are giving me this opportunity."

The man's eyes were uncertain, while the ninja kneeling in front of him pressed his whole body to the ground, not daring to answer the man's words.

The man waved the bone in his hand casually, the bone fell to the ground, and began to shake involuntarily, and finally, as if it had its own life, it kept spinning on the ground.

"Oh, right."

But at this moment, the man seemed to think of something, and then slowly said to the ninja kneeling in front of him.

"Another thing to inform you, is it done?"

"I've already done it."

The ninja replied slowly, and then took out a map from his drawing. The material of the map was a little yellow, and it seemed that it had passed through the precipitation of years.

And the man also took out a map from his arms. The material of this map is relatively new, as if it was printed just now.

The man superimposed the two maps together, and then a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough!"

The man said to himself, because the two maps were drawn too far away, there are some differences in some details.

"This is the biggest secret in this country. Is this the secret you want to hide?"

The man said to himself, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Now, I finally found out!"

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