Pirate Family

Chapter 838

"Heitan Orochi's subordinates are mainly divided into several parts."

In the secret prison of SKY, a pale man sat on the floor of the cage and said slowly to a man with black hair.

"They are his most capable subordinates, the Orochi Royal Court Fanzhong led by Fu Shoulu, and the armed forces led by me before."

"But now that I've been caught by you, the armed forces under my control may have been taken over by my deputy, Mr. Zuo Mu known as the Bone Snake."

"Fu Shoulu is very cunning. Every time I meet him, he has different identities and looks. If he hadn't exposed himself, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Perhaps only Heitan Dashe himself knows his identity. it is true."

"Samu-kun is a person who deserves more attention. He is a rare sorcerer in Wano Country, which is what you often call a devil fruit capable person. He has the ability to manipulate bones. I have been lurking for so many years. I don’t know what his past is at all, but I only know that about seven or eight years ago, he appeared on the coast of Wano Country covered in bruises, and then was taken in by the black charcoal snake who was eager for talents.”

"His ability caused great trouble to His Highness Kozuki Oden, but for some reason, Heitan Orochi was very wary of this person, and seemed to distrust him, and even preferred to delegate power to the people who joined him later. As a subordinate, I am also unwilling to give it to Mr. Sagi who has followed him for many years."

"Having been with him for so many years, Mr. Zuo Mu is like a cold poisonous snake, hiding in the shadows, and may deal the most fatal blow to his enemies at any time."

"A devil fruit capable user?"

"I see."

Lorne, who was sitting outside, lowered his head slowly and thought for a moment. Secretly wrote down the man's name.

"But, why are you telling me this," Lorne said slowly, looking directly into the eyes of the Sleeper.

"According to your identity, even if you want to survive, you have no position to tell me all these things, because if I die, you will be safer, and even return to the camp of Heitan Orochi to protect you The one you want to protect."

"This has to do with another force entrenched in Wano Country."

As if he had expected that Lorne would question himself, Sleeper Crazy Lang said.

"The other force entrenched in Wano Country is Kaido, who is well-known in the sea."

Speaking of Kaido, a murderous intent flashed in Sleeper's eyes, an uncontrollable killing intent,

He clenched his fist subconsciously, his bones creaked, and it took a long time before he let go.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive." Sleeper said apologetically.

"Go on."

Lorne nodded, but he remembered this detail.

Sleep Kushiro seems to resent Kaido very much.

Lorne was sure that this resentment came from the heart. It seems that this man who claims to be a "dog" also has an "interesting" past.

"Back then, Kozuki Oden-sama had just finished his adventure with the One Piece King Roger. Instead of returning to Whitebeard's ship, he chose to return to Wano Country. But he found that Wano Country had already been turned upside down. His father, Hikari, The previous Patriarch of the Yue Clan has died, but Heitan Orochi has become the new general of Wano Country."

"Ordinary people are struggling under the oppression of Heitan Orochi. He is determined to save ordinary people in Wano and declare war on Heitan Orochi."

"Heitan Orochi is no match for Oden-sama at all, but the one standing behind Heitan Orochi is Kaido."

"It's the man who scares the entire sea, Kaido the Beast!"

"Kaido used despicable means to force Oden-sama to submit! He even made Oden-sama do some ugly things for his own bad taste!"

When he said the word despicable, a gleam of coldness flashed in Sleeper's eyes, and he could hardly contain the murderous intent in his tone.

Lorne didn't ask any specific questions. It is conceivable that this is a memory that Sleeper Crazy Lang absolutely doesn't want to recall.

If it wasn't for Lorne's request for him to detail the history of Wano Country, Sleeper Kushiro would never have mentioned it.

"But Oden-sama is a real hero! For ordinary people like Wano Country, he is willing to become a clown to make people laugh!"

"One year has passed like this. At that time, the news of the death of the One Piece King Roger came from the outer sea. Lord Oda ran wildly by the seaside like crazy, laughing and crying from time to time. I think that should be the last thing he did before he died. Depressed time."

Lorne nodded. Roger's death was indeed a major event that caused a sensation in the world. At that time, he and the Golden Lion were imprisoned on the sixth floor of the city of advancement, in the infinite hell. Hearing the news of Roger's death, the whole The infinite hell is boiling up.

That is, the sound of the end of one era and the beginning of another era.

"But I didn't expect that Kaido's so-called promise was just a means of delaying time, but when Oda-sama found out about this, it was too late. They have already lost the support of ordinary people in Wano Country."

"Master Oda led the army to fight Kaido."

Sleeper Kushiro took a deep breath, and then continued.

"Without any accidents, Oda-sama failed. We are not Kaido's opponents at all."

"All his subordinates have been captured, and only Oda-sama is left to resist."

"But there is a person on Kaido's side who used sorcery to become the son of Oden-sama, and forced Oden-sama to submit."

"Heitan Orochi proposed the punishment of oil burning. If Lord Oda can persist in the hot oil for an hour, they will release all of Lord Oda's subordinates."

"Master Oda agreed, but when he really persisted in the frying pan for an hour, Heitan Orochi backed down. He wanted to kill Lord Oden and all his subordinates."

"The bound vassals were powerless to resist, and could only be thrown into the frying pan. But at this moment, Master Mi Tian caught all the vassals with wooden planks and let them escape from there."

"And because I ran out of oil, I couldn't hold on any longer, and died in the oil pan."

"This is the story of Oden-sama, a legendary story."

Sleeper said slowly, and Lorne nodded. It can be seen that Sleeper respects Kozuki Oden very much, otherwise he wouldn't call him "Master".

"However, you still didn't say why you tried your best to help me."

Lorne said slowly.

"Because a courtier of Kozuki Oden, after this incident, for revenge twenty years later, changed his face and joined Kuritan Orochi." Sleeping Kushiro said.

Lorne's face changed slightly, he probably guessed something.

"And that person is me!"

Sleeper Kushiro pointed to himself and said slowly.

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