Pirate Family

Chapter 839 Traps

Endure humiliation, join the enemy's command, and become a dog in the enemy's hands?

Lorne raised his head and looked at the man in front of him in surprise. This kind of courage was indeed beyond his imagination. I don't know what kind of charm Kozuki Oden has, it is worth everything for such a man.

"This is my story, so can you trust me?"

Sleeper Crazy raised his head, looked straight into Lorne's eyes, and said slowly.

"Nice story."

Lorne nodded. He felt that the speed of Sleeper's heartbeat did not fluctuate at all, which meant that this man was not lying.

"If you want to subvert Kaido, I am willing to help!"

Said the sleeper madman, then stood up from the prison, and knelt down slowly facing Lorne.

"Dedicate my glory, strength, and even...my life!"


Wano Country, Rabbit Bowl area.

Although it is adjacent to Wano Country's most prosperous flower capital, it is not as developed as the flower capital because it is surrounded by mountains. In addition, there are rich stone deposits here. After Heitan Orochi came to power, a prison was built here, so that those who resisted him, or the sinners of the Guangyue clan, would be dispatched to this place to become laborers for collecting stones. .

Rabbit Bowl, Xiao Prison Town.

This small town was built next to the Rabbit Bowl prisoner quarry. It was originally just to provide some daily necessities for the quarry. Over time, many ordinary people who were not prisoners gradually gathered here, forming a small town here.

"I would like to turn it into a joke for a while, for people to drink. I don't have anything else to ask for. I don't care about boiling oil and hot soup. It tastes so much after a thousand boils!"

In the theater building of the small town, an old man sang opera there. The sound of the tune was long and desolate, as if he was telling the sadness of a hero's ending.

Many people stopped for it, many older people, after hearing this voice, there was a trace of heaviness and nostalgia in their eyes, and some people even had tears in their eyes.

"What are you doing!"

But at this time, a group of warriors wearing kimonos with the Heitan family crest rushed in from the street, dispersed the crowd, and grabbed the old man who was singing.

"Don't tell me you, an old bone, want to work as a laborer in the quarry!"

While roaring angrily, the warriors took out the locks from their clothes, grabbed the old man and put them on the locks involuntarily.

"Those who resist Heitan Orochi-sama, spend the rest of your life in prison!"

A samurai turned around and shouted at the crowd of onlookers.

"No one can resist Heitan Orochi-sama! Anyone who resists Heitan Orochi-sama will have only one result! That is to be imprisoned in the Rabbit Bowl Prison! He will never be free."

The long street was extremely silent, and people clenched their fists, as if they were suppressing the anger in their hearts.

"Bastard Heitan Orochi!" After the samurai walked away, a man roared angrily, but shook his head helplessly.

Even the heroic Kozuki Oden-sama couldn't fight against Kuritan Orochi. What's the anger of ordinary people like them?

The crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only a little girl about ten years old standing alone on the long street.

Before I knew it, she had burst into tears.


She muttered to herself, then wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, as if she was cheering herself up.

"Xiao Zi, you won't cry, Xiao Zi, you are the strongest!"

As she spoke, she remembered that her purpose of coming here was to find news about her companion for Sister Ariel.

Her companion should be imprisoned in the Rabbit Bowl prison now, as long as she can get in, she will be able to find some useful clues.

As she spoke, she wiped away the tears on her face, and then walked in the direction of the Rabbit Bowl Prison.

But the little girl didn't notice that there was a man following her behind her.

A man with a soft face and a rich face.

The man wears a round hat with the word "longevity" written on it.


Wano Country, Kuri, Basin Wilderness.

A woman in a cherry-colored kimono was running wildly in the wilderness. There was a gap in the clothes on her arms and waist, and blood continued to seep out of the gap.

As she ran, she turned her head from time to time and looked behind her.

Previously, Sakura Miya Rika turned herself into a bait to attract the samurai and ninjas who came to hunt them down.

She originally wanted to lure these people away from Bian Li Village, and then find a place to deal with them all. But she didn't expect that the strength of this group of people exceeded her imagination.

Each of these warriors has experienced many battles, and they are not afraid of death. Even after seeing that they easily eliminated their companions, they did not have the slightest fear. Own.

The wounds on her body were left by several powerful warriors before they died.

Except for those samurai, there are some ninjas hidden among the samurai who are even more difficult. These ninjas are not as powerful as the samurai, but they have incomparably weird methods, which can hide on trees, in the mud, under lakes, and even It is all the places you can imagine, attacking yourself from all kinds of incredible times and incredible angles.

Blood continued to seep from Ying Gongli's wound, and Ying Gongli felt that her body was getting weaker and weaker.

She was losing strength, and she couldn't last much longer.


As if tripped by something, Sakura Miyagi felt that she lost control of her body and fell to the ground.

This is a swamp, and Ying Gongli felt that her body was constantly sinking into the swamp, and she was physically exhausted, and she couldn't get out of the swamp for a while!

And at this time, Ying Gongli had already reflected that she had fallen into a trap!

A mass of weeds suddenly swayed nearby, and two men in black ninja suits rushed up from the ground, pulled out their ninja swords, and stabbed at Sakura Miyagi.

"Stay away from my concubine!"

Ying Gongli frowned slightly, and said lightly. With difficulty, she pulled one of her hands out of the swamp, and then pulled out her saber.

The domineering black armed color covered her sword, and a cold light flashed, and accurately slashed on the bodies of the two ninjas.

With two plops, the two ninjas fell into the swamp one after the other, and Ying Gongli also took this opportunity to escape from the swamp.

But when she just stood up, her body stopped involuntarily.

Countless samurai and countless ninjas appeared in the wilderness and surrounded her.


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