Pirate Family

Chapter 840 Cherry Blossoms in the Swamp

The ninjas and samurai kept approaching Sakura Miya Rika. These people were very cautious and kept a certain distance from their companions, not getting too close, so that Sakura Miya Rika could kill them all with one blow, but Similarly, they are not too far away from their companions, and they can watch and help each other at any time.

The encirclement gradually narrowed, and Ying Gongli knew that if he didn't take any action, he might become a prisoner of Heitan Orochi.

She held her long sword with her backhand, and a dark arrogance spread from her arms, covering the long sword.

She is ready for battle!

The enemies stopped at the same time when they reached a distance of about fifteen meters from Ying Gongli.

As a well-known country of swordsmen, the samurai of Wano country are well aware of the lethality of swordsmen. This distance is already quite close to the attack range of a top swordsman like Ying Gongli.

The two sides faced each other in the swamp like this, the warriors were waiting for Sakura Miya to run out of energy, and Sakura Miya was waiting...

The moment when this group of enemies showed their flaws!

She has always been very patient, or in other words, any swordsman is quite patient.

At this time, a samurai finally couldn't bear it anymore, raised his long knife and rushed towards Ying Gongli with a strange cry.

The two long swords collided in mid-air, and the surrounding soil flew up.

The strength of women is inherently weak, coupled with the fact that she is on the verge of exhaustion, Yinggong Li lost to her opponent in this collision of strength.

Her whole body was blown away by the warrior, but in mid-air, Ying Gongli's body rotated, and with the power of the rotation, she slashed towards the warrior with a brilliant slash.

The slash cut through the swamp, and landed on the body of the samurai who hadn't had time to react.

The blood mixed with the mud slid down in the air, and the warriors who were staring at the side took advantage of this opportunity to rush towards Ying Gongli in unison.

The slashes were scattered, and a rare battle took place in this wilderness.

A beautiful female swordsman, fighting against an army of samurai!


"It's not suitable for farming, plus the poisonous insects unique to the swamp, so it's normal that there are few people living here."

In Wano Country, in a certain swamp in the Jiuli area, Xia Lan squatted down, squeezed the wet soil under her feet, and then said slowly.

"If the whole area here is this kind of land, we may have to walk for a long time without encountering a single person."

As the warlike king of the Kingdom of Martial Arts, Xia Lan is different from other pampered kings. She is very familiar with what these "untouchables" only know.

So after setting foot on the land of Wano Country, she naturally acted as Lorne's guide.

"So am I going the wrong way?"

Lorne frowned slightly, and said slowly.

At this moment, the army of the Vinhill family led by Jody is already very close to Marlin Vandor. If the navy finds out that the army is just a cover, the whole world will reflect it, and he will definitely have even crazier plots. And Kaido might also feel defensive.

Therefore, there is not much time left for him. Lorne must find valuable clues in Wano Country in a very short time.

The most important thing to find clues is to find people first, the original, the local residents of Wano Country.

"Are we going back the same way now?"

Xia Lan stopped, looked at Lorne, and said slowly.

When they landed before, Xia Lan saw a port in the distance, and having a port meant that someone would live there.

Maybe go there and find some valuable clues.

Lorne was about to say something, but he seemed to feel something. He suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

"Did you find anything?"


The corner of Lorne's mouth curled up, and then he said playfully.

"Perhaps we are not on the wrong track."


A huge slash almost cut the entire land in half, mixed with severed limbs and blood foam, and flew towards Lorne.

Lorne frowned slightly, and snapped his fingers. The ground in front of him seemed to have a life of its own, and began to roll, and then a stone wall appeared in front of Lorne, helping him block the blow. .

"There is a battle ahead!"

As the Queen of the Kingdom of Martial Arts, Xia Lan reacted the moment the slash appeared. At the same time made a fighting posture.

"Is it coming after us?"

The empress said solemnly, even though this slash was lightly resisted by Lorne. But she could still feel the terrifying destructive power of this slash.

The master who swung this slash was definitely a great swordsman not inferior to him in the slightest.


Seeing this slash, Lorne smiled as if remembering some old friend.

"Go over and have a look."

Not far ahead, a rather tragic battle took place. The swamp as the battlefield was completely destroyed. The bodies of countless ninjas in black ninja uniforms and samurai in black armor gradually sank into the swamp.

The dark brown swamp, soaked in blood, appeared a strange black red.

A woman in a cherry-colored kimono stood in the middle of the swamp with a long sword in her hand. Blood continued to drip from her long sword. The bones of countless samurai and ninjas piled up beside her like a mountain.

The other people who were still alive were all overwhelmed by this woman who was like a god of death. Holding their own weapons, they wandered around the woman, but they dared not move forward.

"After such a long battle! This woman's physical strength has long been exhausted! Now she is just bluffing!"

Finally, an older samurai roared, then raised his long knife and rushed towards Ying Gongli.

However, Sakura Miyagi seemed to give up resistance, and stood in the middle of the battlefield, allowing the warrior to rush over.

Now, she can't even hold the sword in her hand steadily. Standing here, she has exhausted all her strength!

The female swordsman slowly closed her eyes. Before she died, what she thought of was not the humiliation of being killed at the hands of these weak people, nor the regret of giving her life to protect the villagers of Bianli Village, nor even her mother's long-cherished wish.

She thought of the man who killed her when she was in Chambord Islands.

He said that he wanted to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom before he was interested in picking them.

It's just a pity,

"It's just a pity that the concubine can no longer show her blooming appearance for you."

Yinggong Li muttered to herself, the cold tingling sensation from the weapon piercing her body had not been conveyed to Yinggong Li's nerves for a long time.

She suddenly opened her eyes, only to find a thin figure standing in front of her at some point.

His long golden hair fluttered in the wind.

Like a roaring lion.

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