Pirate Family

Chapter 841 Allegiance

"Wouldn't it be a pity to let such a beautiful flower wither here?"

A familiar voice rang in Ying Gongli's ear.

The man with long blond hair said to himself, and then slightly clapped his hands at the samurai rushing towards them.

The earth rolled with his movements, like a giant dragon that had been sleeping for tens of thousands of years suddenly woke up.

The earth roared and turned into a rock dragon. Get all the samurai involved.

"It seems that your luck has been bad."

Lorne turned his head, looked at the blood-stained Ying Gongli in front of him, and joked.

"Every time I meet you, I always look so embarrassed."

When Lorne first met Rika Sakuramiya, this proud woman happened to lose to Vice Admiral, Momo Usagi Sono, and then stopped Ke Ou, the throat-slitter who tried to assassinate Lorne. Then Lorne decided to let her go and let her go, fulfilling her mother's long-cherished wish.

It was the second time Lorne saw Rika Sakuramiya. This woman was like a bird in a cage. She was captured by Amayasha Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai, and served as Dressrosa. Prizes for bullfight champions. Later, the forces under Kaido's command entered in disorder. After the war, Lorne once thought that Rika Sakuramiya had died in that war, and regretted it for a long time.

And this third time, Ying Gongli stood among the pile of corpses, like a rose that never faded, raised her head proudly, and looked ahead.

"No, it should be said so."

Ying Gongli shook her head slowly, then looked into Lorne's eyes.

"It should be said that every time I meet you, sir, it is the luckiest time for me."

Ying Gongli said slowly, although the man in front of her was completely different from the Lorne in her memory. Even his most iconic long black hair has become long blonde hair.

However, for some reason, Sakura Miyagi knew that the man in front of him was Lorne.

That man, no matter what he turned into, he would never admit him wrong.

She put her own sword, the famous sword Sakurayuki into the scabbard,

"From now on, the concubine is willing to become the lord's retainer, and sweep away the thorns on the way forward for the lord."

While talking, she actually ignored the mud in the swamp and knelt down on one knee facing Lorne.

"Oh? Is this allegiance to me?"

Lorne looked at the female swordsman who was slowly kneeling down towards him, and said with some surprise that he just rescued the female swordsman casually, but he didn't expect the female swordsman to swear allegiance to him directly.

"Then what's the reason?"

"Thank you for being here."

Sakura Miyagi said so.

She didn't explain anything, and she didn't say whether it was because Lorne appeared in this wilderness when she was most desperate, or whether he responded to her call and appeared in Wano Country.

Or maybe both.

In the swamp in the wilderness, countless corpses piled up like a mountain. A beautiful woman in a kimono slowly lowered her head to a young man with blond hair. Allegiance, unlike the companions invited aboard, is a very serious matter. Because allegiance also means dedicating everything to one's lord. This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable to the most freedom-loving pirates.

Therefore, when a pirate chooses to be loyal to another person, it means that the pirate has the consciousness to block everything.

After completing her allegiance, Ying Gongli stood up slowly, just about to say something, but felt that her consciousness became extremely dim. The side effects of excessive physical exhaustion finally appeared, Ying Gongli felt her body was weak, and then fell to the ground.

Her consciousness became dark.

Fortunately, Xia Lan came over at the right time and caught Ying Gongli. Then he showed a complicated expression to Lorne.

Because, I also swore allegiance to the lord. The secret hidden in the lord is much deeper than what I thought.

But no matter what, the lord is the lord after all, even if he is a devil, he has to become a little devil standing next to the devil, showing his teeth and claws.


At the gate of the wooden fence in Weilian Village, Nana tightly covered her chest with her hands, pacing back and forth at the gate.

From time to time, he looked into the distance, as if expecting something.

Finally, a woman in armor and a woman in kimono slowly appeared at the end of the field of vision. Nana covered her mouth and shouted excitedly.

"You're finally back! Fortunately, you're okay..."

"Maybe her situation is a little worse than you think, but it's not that bad."

At this time, the woman in armor said slowly. She covered the kimono woman in her arms with her hands.

"She needs to rest now."

"I see!"

Nana nodded. After the defeat in the siege of the Flower City, Sakura Miya Rika and the others were seriously injured, and now they had a tragic battle with so many ninjas. It is conceivable that if it wasn't for her firm will, she might not have supported her at all. Not that long.

"I'll take her to rest now!"

Nana took Ying Gongli from the armored woman. This female swordsman was very light, much lighter than Nana imagined, just like holding a weak and helpless kitten.

However, at this moment, Nana finally realized something, raised her head, looked at Xia Lan, and asked in surprise.

"Who are you?"

"Have you finally remembered?"

Xia Lan smiled slightly, "Your Majesty, I am just a subject under the Lord's command."

"Like Ying Gongli, a courtier who is loyal to the lord."

"When did Sakura Miyagi become loyal to the lord, why don't I know anything?"

Nana said with a puzzled face, at this moment, she suddenly saw a man with golden hair, looking at her playfully.

"It's you!"

Nana yelled in horror,

"Why are you here!?"

"To answer your call."

Lorne said so, and then walked into the weaving village through the wooden guardrail.

"This small village is nice."

Lorne looked around and commented that the first impression this small village gave him was that it was clean, very clean. If it weren't for the silly smiles of the residents living here, this place would simply be a paradise.

"You saw Cassie!?!"

Nana said excitedly,

"How's Cassie?!"

They tried their best to send Cassie away, but they didn't have any hope, because there are only a few people in this sea who can fight against Kaido, and the possibility of Cassie being able to ask them to take action is infinitely close to zero.

But unexpectedly, Lorne actually obeyed their call and appeared in this desperate country.

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