Pirate Family

Chapter 842: Prophetic Poetry

Nana slowly knelt down to Lorne. This was the second time she knelt down to someone since she became a pirate.

The last time they knelt down was when they had just entered the great route and were tricked by the pirate hunters at Cape Twins. If Lorne hadn't happened to pass by and rescued them, I'm afraid they would have become slaves and had been trafficked several times.

Nana is very grateful to Lorne.

"thank you."

"There is no need to say anything superfluous."

Lorne signaled Nana to take Ying Gongli back to rest first, and then said slowly.

"Tell me first, what happened in Wano Country."

"Did something happen in Wano Country?"

Nana got up slowly, and took Ying Gongli back to her residence. This is a simple one-story house, but it is already a very good residence for the already poor Niisa village.

"To put it simply, there is a war here. A war about ordinary people in Wano who want to fight for their right to live."

The female pirate turned her head, looked at Lorne, and said slowly.

"And we are the losers in this war."


Nana fully explained how she and others fled to Wano Country, then helped Kozuki Oden's remnant party establish their forces, and finally came to Hana Capital, almost overthrowing Kurotan Orochi's rule.

"Is this what you guys went through after Dressrosa?"

Lorne sat down, lowered his head slightly, and made a thoughtful expression.

"In other words, you are trying to overthrow the core territory of a Four Emperors with the strength of a pirate group?"

"Is such that,"

Nana showed a hint of embarrassment on her face. They were too naive back then, thinking that defeating Heitan Orochi would save Wano Country, but they didn't expect that the man standing behind Heitan Orochi was.

In front of that man, the coalition army they were proud of had no ability to resist, and was easily defeated. Heral was captured, and they also became defeated and fled in all directions.

Even if there were no incidents in Biangasa Village, as the encirclement of the Wano country samurai gradually narrowed, they would be discovered by Heitan no Orochi sooner or later.

"We thought it was too simple."

Nana sighed, if their plan hadn't been so crude, Haral wouldn't have been taken prisoner.

"A plan without strength is meaningless."

"Your ambition to save Wano Country is not wrong, nor is your plan wrong. The only omission is that you misjudged your own strength."

"But it doesn't matter now, because here I am."

Lorne stood up and walked out the door.

"I want to meet your allies, those remnants of Kozuki Oden."

"They should be hiding somewhere around here now."

After thinking about it, Nana slowly stood up and led the way for Lorne.

Now that Lorne knew of the existence of those people, it was meaningless to hide them.

Besides, if Lorne wants to attack them, do they really have the power to resist?

Nana doesn't know, but she knows one thing very well, that is, Lorne will never betray them and sell them to Kaido.

There are many mosquitoes in the deep mountain. Nana led Lorne and Xia Lan around the deep mountain for a few times. When they came to a rock platform halfway up the mountain, a big tree grew on the flat bottom. superior.

The middle part of the big tree was hollowed out to make it look like a tree house. Even if you walk in front of this tree house, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

That's why, even though Heitan Orochi knew that this group of rebels were hiding in Jiuli, they never found them.


Just when Lorne was about to push open the folding door, a tall black figure jumped down from the tree, holding a handful of extremely black guns, aimed at Lorne's head and chopped it down.

"With me here, you are absolutely not allowed to hurt everyone!"

Lorne didn't move at all, as if he didn't notice the person who attacked him, but Xia Lan next to him had a cold face, stepped forward, pulled out the saber from his waist, and blocked the deadly attack for Lorne. hit.


The sound of metal colliding was extremely ear-piercing, and the black figure stepped back a few steps, holding his long knife horizontally. He looked at Lorne warily.

And Xia Lan also took a direct step and stood in front of Lorne. As the lord's subject, he had the obligation to wipe out all the enemies who tried to threaten the lord.

"Uncle Tengu! They are our allies! They are the helpers Cassie invited back from the sea!"

At this time, Nana finally realized that she wanted to stop the meaningless fight between the two, and shouted loudly.

"They are here to help us deal with Kaido together."

"To deal with Kaido together?"

The man wearing the tengu mask looked at some of Lorne suspiciously. He had some doubts whether this young man could compete against the mighty Kaido.

But since this is the helper Nana and the others seem to have found, Tengu nodded with the idea of ​​believing it.

"go in."

Nana turned around and shrugged her shoulders awkwardly at Lorne. Uncle Tengu was such a person, and Nana was also a little helpless.

After everyone walked into the wooden house, Tengu first found a wooden stool for Lorne, sat down and said with a cold face.

"Kaido is not as easy to deal with as you think. The original Kozuki Oden-sama died in Kaido's hands."

"If you fail, I will take our people away immediately, save the fire of the Guangyue family, and burn it again when the prophecy comes true ten years later."


Lorne chewed on the words of the man wearing a tengu mask, and said suspiciously.

"Yes, prophecy."

Seeing Lorne's puzzled expression, Nana quickly explained.

"When the Kozuki family failed, Kozuki Oden-sama's wife made a prophecy before she was rounded up by Kurotan Orochi's army."

"When the world is dark and the moon is like a moon, wait for the dawn. When the Qinghui looks through the 20 years, the nine shadows will cast the sun and rise to the east."

The man wearing the tengu mask spoke slowly and word by word.

"This is what Mrs. Mita said before she died, and we have always kept it in my heart."

"As long as the fire of the Kozuki family is not extinguished, ten years later, the ghost of revenge will come back and pour all the anger on Kaido and his minions."

"A prophecy poem?" A trace of surprise flashed across Lorne's face.

It is indeed the character of Wano people to write poetry before dying.

"Yes," Tengu nodded slowly. "The Guangyue family will surely rise again."

"This is the prophecy of Madam Mita."

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