Pirate Family

Chapter 844: Wano Country's History and Dogs

However, this killing intent only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared. Mr. Zuo Mu turned his head, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, I will definitely bring the heads of those traitors back to you, General!"

"Your Majesty, there is no doubt that the general is the center of the general. Mr. Zuo Mu will definitely become a dog comparable to the sleeping maniac, accompanying the general by his side!"

"So much the better!"

Heitan Orochi snorted coldly, seeing the humble appearance of his subordinates, most of the resentment in his heart dissipated, and he waved impatiently at Mr. Zuo Mu.

"Then get out! Come on like a dog!"

Mr. Sagi stepped back and left the main hall slowly, only Heitan Orochi was left in the huge hall.

"It's all useless trash!"

He cursed, then frowned slightly.

In fact, Zuo Mu-kun's ability is not inferior to that of the previous Sleeper Kushiro. But the reason why Heitan Orochi never reused this man was because he couldn't see through this man at all.

Sagi-kun is not from Wano country, but about ten years ago, when he and Kaido joined forces to seek the throne of Wano country, he drifted to the port of Wano country's blade dance. Adopted by the family, they joined the Heitan clan and became the retainers of the Heitan clan. Then the previous Patriarch of the Heitan Clan gave him the name of Sa Mu-kun.

Sagi-kun has never revealed to anyone what he has experienced in the past, nor has he ever said what he wants. This man is like a shadow, lurking in the Wano country. Will appear and give the enemy the deadliest blow.

This is why Heitan Orochi deliberately distanced himself from him. No one would be willing to use a sharp sword that he didn't understand. If it wasn't for the fact that Sleeper Deathroar had fallen in Gulan Taizuolo, he wouldn't want to reuse Sagi-kun. man.


At this time, a man's unbridled laughter came from a dark cage next to him. Heitan Orochi walked over to take a look, and found that the prisoner who was supposed to be submissive raised his head at this time and let out a yell The wanton laughter seemed to be mocking his own incompetence.

"You have today too, bastard big snake."

The man looked at the black charcoal snake with a sarcastic smile in his eyes.

"My companions, you will never lose, even if you are under Kaido's protection, you will not survive long! Heitan Orochi."


The body of the black charcoal snake suddenly swelled a few minutes, and countless pitch-black shadows emerged behind him, like countless giant snakes dancing wildly.

"You have already failed, and now you are nothing more than a group of rats running around in Wano Country!"

The black charcoal snake kicked the cage over, and the cage rolled several times on the ground and hit the wall.

"You rebels are just a flash in the pan, and will soon disappear in the dust of history. After the remnants of the Guangyue family die, no one will remember you."

"And I will rule Wano Country forever!"


"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The black charcoal snake and the man imprisoned in the cage laughed wantonly at the same time.

Laughter resounded throughout the General's Mansion.

At this time, Mr. Zuo Mu hadn't gone far, and he frowned slightly when he heard the wanton laughter coming from behind him. His former flattering smile had completely disappeared, and was almost replaced by a gloomy expression.

"Rule the entire Wano country?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on his face.


He Sagi-kun is a dog, and Heitan Orochi himself is not a dog under Kaido's command?

Sagi-kun returned to his residence, two warriors stood at the door, like puppets, stiffly made room for Sagi-kun.

The entire room was extremely dark, and there was a strange smell in the air.

It's like the smell of a corpse.

This is why even though he is in a high position in Wano Country, he is very feared by others, because no one in the entire Wano Country, including Kurotan Orochi himself, can see through what Sagi-kun wants.

However, Sagi-kun seemed to enjoy this dark environment very much.

He walked up to a pitch-black grid with ease, and slightly turned the mechanism in the dark. The grid slowly opened, and a stench came over his face.

Inside was the corpse of a young woman, and he gently pulled the corpse out, as if he was a gentleman inviting a lady to dance, politely.

The beautiful music suddenly sounded, and the female corpse slowly opened her eyes, as if responding to Zuo Mu-kun's invitation.

The two of them danced as if no one was there.

Two pieces of paper floated out from inside Sagi-kun's clothes. This was the map of Wano country that he had worked so hard to collect before.

One of the slightly older paper maps has faded lines, and only the topography of Wano country can be vaguely seen.

The entire Wano country is like a curved crescent, floating on the sea.

And the very center of this crescent moon should have been the current location of Ghost Island, but there was nothing there!


"Wano Country used to be extremely rich, and it was known as the capital of gold."

"The people live and work in peace and contentment, but the current situation has all disappeared under the rule of the black charcoal snake."

Wano Country, Kuri Region, Tengu said slowly to Lorne. His face was pained, as if he was scolding the black charcoal snake.

"The capital of gold?"

Lorne caught a key word in Tengu's words and said to himself.

"Do you have a lot of gold here?"

On this sea, there are many places with the reputation of the golden capital, such as the half of Gaya Island that was washed into the empty island by the soaring ocean currents, and Tezolo's lair, the golden city of Gulan Tezolo. The former is genuine, with gold everywhere, while the latter is a well-known gold selling cave, in which the flow of water overnight is an unimaginable number.

However, Lorne has lived in this sea for so many years, but he has never heard of the legend that Wano has gold.

"It used to be like this," Tengu said with a hint of embarrassment on his face. This is the embarrassment that anyone will show when being exposed when they are boasting about their homeland.

"According to the legend, hundreds of years ago, the Wano Kingdom was indeed rich in gold, but the royal family in ancient times seemed to have invited a giant god who could transport a country to build something. It's all gone."

Tengu said with some embarrassment. Then the voice changed.

"However, as long as the members of the Kozuki family return to Wano, I believe everything will be fine."

"The Wano country will definitely return to its former prosperity!"

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