Pirate Family

Chapter 845 Big Event! The navy surrounded by the pirate fleet!

"hope so."

Lorne said perfunctorily that he was not interested in this man's grand blueprint for building Wano, and now he just wanted to defeat Kaido quickly and rescue Ariel.

If it weren't for the strange dream he had when he first arrived in this sea area, Lorne wouldn't even want to know the history of this country.

But for some reason, after setting foot on Wano Country's territory, the details of that dream became clearer, as if he had experienced it before.

He remembered what the woman in the dream had said to him before dissipating.

"When is it?"

She seemed to be saying her name, but Lorne could only guess from the shape of her mouth.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Xia Lan next to him noticed something was wrong with Lorne and asked with concern.

"Nothing." Lorne shook his head, since he couldn't figure it out, he simply didn't think about it.

The most important thing now is to defeat Kaido first.

"You said that you can command up to 500 people. Are these 500 all your strength?"

Lorne asked an important question. The floating island of Takenokuni floating next to Wano Country is just a cover. Lorne's real trump card is the sky city SKY floating at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

At this time, the Castle of the Sky has come to the sky above Wano Country. As long as Lorne is given a chance, the large army of the Vinhill family will be able to land on the territory of Wano Country. Go straight to the core of Kaido's power.

If possible, as long as there is a suitable opportunity, Lorne can even severely injure Kaido, the arrogant big pirate.

And the meaning of the existence of this group of Tengus is to attract Kaido's attention and create opportunities for Lorne.

So the larger their number, the more Kaido's attention will be on them, and the greater Lorne's chances will be.

Tengu didn't know that he had been used as cannon fodder by Lorne, he said slowly.

"Actually, before this, there were still many warriors in Wano Country, but after the defeat of the war, these warriors were all captured in the Rabbit Bowl Prison."

"If the Rabbit Bowl prison can be liberated, we can get a group of powerful reinforcements!"

"But it is precisely because the Rabbit Bowl Prison is so important that both Kaido and Heitan Orochi set up heavy troops there. One of Kaido's most important subordinates, the man known as the plague, is sitting in the prison right now. There."

Tengu took out a map, pointed to a location on the ground, and said the dreaded name.



A smile curled up on the corner of Lorne's mouth. He didn't seem to care about Quinn's appearance, and pointed to the area marked as Rabbit Bowl on the map.

"Then, let's start the war with this so-called prison."

At this time, there are still four days left before Wano Country's Fire Festival.


The great route, a certain sea area of ​​paradise.

A mighty pirate fleet is galloping across the sea, and every ship is flying the same flag.

Misty Moon.

This flag only represents one meaning in this sea, and that is the powerful four royal families, the Vinhill family.

"Is someone finally here?"

Jody saw the Nine Snake Pirates suddenly appearing in front of him, and a warlike flame burned in his eyes.

Before, I was defeated by that woman, and it was the kind of failure that had no ability to resist. This kind of humiliation became a hurdle in Jody's heart. For a pirate like him, losing to a A woman is a very humiliating thing.

This kind of humiliation can only be paid with blood!

He waved his right arm, and the silver-white metal reflected a soft light under the refraction of the air.

This is the mechanical arm he specially asked Lola to customize after returning to Sdio. After improving the function of steam explosion, Jody can control the explosion time as he likes. It will not be like last time. Once it is turned on, it cannot stop.

He looked at the woman standing at the bow, and the fighting intent in his eyes almost swallowed her up.

On the other side, on the boat of the Nine Snake Pirates, a petite woman firmly grabbed the skirt of the woman standing at the bow.

"Master She Ji, please don't be impulsive! The opposite is the Vinhill family, and we are not able to compete at all!"

She firmly grabbed She Ji's skirt, as if to stop her from doing stupid things, and beside She Ji, her two younger sisters shook their heads helplessly.

If my sister could be swayed by other people's wishes, then she wouldn't be Boa Hancock.

The woman standing at the bow frowned slightly. She just wanted to visit the old man who saved her life. She didn't expect that everyone thought she was going to stop the Vinhill family's fleet.

The navy's phone has exploded with phone bugs, and she can even imagine the terrified voice of the navy in charge of the notification amidst the phone bugs.

And my crew members didn't seem to understand my thoughts, you must know that the man with black hair is my idol! How could he possibly stop his ship?

But now, this proud female pirate is caught in a dilemma. If she retreats now, everyone will think that she is afraid of the power of the Vinhill family. And if he really took the first shot against this fleet, would he make his idol unhappy?

Snake Ji hesitated.

However, when she saw that on the opposite pirate ship, her own defeated general dared to provoke her, Snake Ji also had a trace of fighting spirit in her eyes.

Since he wants war, give him war.

If the army of idols is so easily defeated, then he does not deserve to be his own idol.

"Huh, turn the sails and move forward!"

She Ji exhaled, and then ordered to her subordinates.

After hearing Snake's words, many female pirates had such a wink in their eyes, one of the tall girls walked up to Snake and grabbed the girl who grabbed the corner of Snake's skirt. up.

"Master She Ji's will is something we cannot change, so you can only..."

At this time, the ship of the Nine Snake Pirates suddenly shook violently.

"What happened!?"

The female pirate subconsciously grabbed the side of the ship and screamed.

But the next moment, she understood everything.

The originally rough sea was frozen in an instant.

The Nine Snake Pirates, the fleet of the Vinhill family, and everything in this sea are fixed on the sea.

And a navy fleet broke through the ice and headed in this direction.

The navy will never be caught without a fight, they have already surrounded this sea area. Just like a hunter catching prey, he suddenly appears at the best moment.

And the pirates in this sea are their prey!

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