Pirate Family

Chapter 846 Knights and Warriors in the Prison

Wano Country, Rabbit Bowl area.

As the largest and largest prison in Wano Country, this prison was built in a valley, and the only exit was heavily guarded.

Prisoners wear special Hailou stone locks and mine stones under the supervision of jailers. Then exchange the collected stones for a day's food.

Any prisoner who wants to escape, or is lazy, will be attacked by the jailers, and the long whips with thorns will be slammed on their bodies, and the skin will be torn. Even the jailers, sometimes bored, took pleasure in attacking the prisoners.

No prisoner dared to resist, because there was only one result of resistance, and that was death, and he was tortured to death alive. The few mummified corpses caught at the prison gate were a lesson from the past.


A prisoner struggled to push a stone much larger than his body uphill. There are also heavy chains on his hands and feet that restrain his movements. But when he was about to succeed, he suddenly felt his body twitch, the strength in his hands involuntarily relaxed a little, and then the stone rolled down.


The prisoners next to them saw this scene, put down and shouted involuntarily, the huge stone rolled, the ground trembled slightly, and rolled down towards the quarry.

The other prisoners wanted to escape, but under the restraint of the chains, they couldn't move at all. They could only watch helplessly as the rolling stone got closer and closer to them.


Just when Rolling Stone was about to rush into the crowd, a slender figure appeared at the front of the crowd. It was a female knight with a broken armor and an indifferent expression.

She raised her hand that was bound by chains, a layer of black and almost invisible arrogance covered her arm, and then lightly touched the rolling stone that was rushing towards the crowd.

"Stop it!"

The female knight yelled, her arm suddenly exerted strength, the speed of the rolling stone was slightly delayed for a moment, and then pushed the female knight towards the back.

The Rolling Stones are moving more and more slowly. After pushing the female knight forward for several meters, she finally stopped.


The prisoners behind the female knight hugged each other, and looked gratefully at the woman who saved their lives.


The female knight stretched out her hand, wiped the fine sweat on her forehead, and then pulled her feet out of the gully on the ground.

She just did her duty. No one should die in such a fearless disaster, not even the prisoners.

If she didn't come forward, I'm afraid the Holy God of Truth would not forgive her, right?

This little episode was quickly forgotten by everyone. After finishing the day's work, the female knight exchanged the meal ticket for moving the stones to a large bowl full of rice balls from the jailer, then silently walked to a corner and sat down leaning against the wall.

Picking up a white rice ball and stuffing it into her mouth, the female knight frowned slightly.

"It's unpalatable."

This rice ball is not only hard, but also seems to be undercooked, and there is an astringent taste in the mouth.

The most important thing is that there is an unexplainable strange smell in this rice ball, as if the rice was polluted by something during the growth process.

It is far less delicious than the fast food in the church. This is the female knight's evaluation of this rice ball. It's just that in order to regain physical strength, the female knight must eat even the most unpalatable food.

Moreover, even if it is such an unpalatable food, there are still many prisoners in the entire prison who cannot eat it.

Due to lack of physical strength, they often cannot complete the tasks of the day, and can only get a little something to eat. And because of the hungry stomach, the next day I have no energy to work, such a vicious circle. They became so hungry and skinny.

"Actually, a long time ago, the rice balls in Wano Country were not like this, but rather delicious."

At this time, behind the female knight, in a cage, came a man's nostalgic voice. He paused, and then said a little angrily.

"It's just that, due to the cooperation between Kurotan Orochi and Kaido, they wantonly built factories, polluting the water and soil of Wano Country, making it impossible to irrigate many originally fertile lands, and also imparting such a strange smell to food. "

The female knight frowned slightly. She had never seen anyone imprisoned in this cage, but from time to time before, she could see jailers throwing some poisonous puffer fish into it, thinking that there was a monster imprisoned in it.

I didn't expect that there was a person imprisoned inside.

A person who is treated so cautiously by these jailers is either a difficult character or a very important enemy to Heitan Orochi.

But no matter who it is, it is not an enemy to the female knight.

So the female knight divided half of the rice ball in her hand and threw it into the cage.

"Is this really for Xiaosheng?"

A man's surprised voice came from inside. The female knight could feel the slight trembling of his hand holding the rice ball.

"Well, it's for you."

The female knight nodded slowly, "Seeing how you miss these rice balls so much, you probably haven't eaten them for a long time."

"thanks, thanks!"

The man in the cage said gratefully, and then there was a sound of gobbling.

The female knight sat outside, quietly listening to the sound of the man chewing.

At first glance, this man has been starved for a long time, and he doesn't even dislike such unpalatable rice balls. After the sound of swallowing was over, the man wiped his mouth and walked slowly to the front of the cage.

"Thank you, what's your name, after Xiaosheng goes out, I will definitely repay you!"


A smile appeared on the corner of the female knight's mouth. It had been a long time since anyone had approached her like this. When she was in the Theocracy of Balaam, she had a distinguished status, and no one didn't know her, but here, she is just a prisoner, and no one cares about her.

The female knight thought for a while before speaking slowly.

"Larthea, I am a knight."

"It's just that before asking the lady, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

"Crack, crack, is this the habit of you overseas people? It really makes Xiaosheng feel strange."

Laersiya saw a round monster with a green skin and a hat wearing a bamboo hat walking towards the cage, and then said slowly.

"Xiaosheng's name is Hesong, the kappa boy Hesong."

He opened his mouth slowly, but he didn't give people any scary feeling, but was very cute.

"Xiaosheng is a warrior."

The kappa said seriously, he paused, and then continued.

"The same is true, the former lord of the Wano country, the retainer of His Highness Kozuki Oden."

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