Pirate Family

Chapter 847 Infiltrate! Rabbit Bowl Prison!

"Why is there so much food consumption today!?"

In the Rabbit Bowl Prison, in the warden's office, there was a six-legged man wearing a helmet, a braid with a scorpion needle on his head, and reprimanded loudly after seeing his subordinate's report.

"Did you distribute the food to those damned prisoners in private?!"

"No! Mr. Dave Ge, Deputy Warden!"

A jailer lay on the ground and said in the most humble tone.

"It's the new prisoners who are working so hard. Even if the other jailer colleagues try their best to deduct, they have to distribute a lot of food to them."

"The new prisoners?"

The man named Dave Ge said to himself, "That's the one that was defeated on the sea before. What kind of etiquette group is that religious country?"

"Yes!" replied the jailer. "The prisoner from the Theocracy of Balaam, especially the female knight, is so capable at work. Even the harshest jailer can't find the slightest fault. So we can only distribute food to them according to the regulations. .”

"damn it."

Dave Ge swears, if it is another prisoner, he may have the means to rectify it, but it is said that the general of the Wano country, Heitan Orochi, will soon marry the pope of the Theocracy Balan. The people of the Theocracy Balaam are their allies.

And it is not allowed to stumbling one's allies in any force.

"Forget it, let them eat, they can't eat much anyway."

After thinking about it, the deputy warden still gave up the idea of ​​secretly interfering. Anyway, these grains were offered by the untouchables below, and had nothing to do with him.

"By the way, have the untouchables who supplied the food arrived yet?"

Speaking of these untouchables, Dave Ge seemed to think of something, and asked casually to his subordinates.

"The untouchables who have just arrived to deliver food have just entered the Rabbit Bowl Prison, and the handover procedures should not be completed yet."

The jailer lay on the ground and replied like this.

"Is that so?"

Dave Ge said to himself, for some reason, he had a vague feeling of uneasiness.

The intuition of wild beasts is often sharper than that of ordinary people. This is especially true for a power user like him, even if he is an animal devil fruit power user created by "that method", so Dave Ge firmly believes in his sixth sense.

"Then I'll go and have a look."

The carriage carrying grain slowly drove into the large prison, and the vicious guards beside them looked at the carriage carrying grain coldly.

They were worried that these extremely hungry untouchables would do something to rob food.

"Very well, you didn't do anything stupid."

A huge hippopotamus stood next to the food convoy, the hippopotamus opened its mouth wide, and a strong man stood in the hippopotamus' mouth, no, it shouldn't be standing, but half of his body seemed to It's embedded in the mouth of a hippopotamus.

After counting the food on the carriage, the man nodded slowly.

"It's good that nothing is lost."

The ordinary people who delivered the food wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads. The food was donated by the residents of the Rabbit Bowl. If they lost even a little bit, they would be held accountable by these vicious jailers.

"Then, my lord?"

Among the grain transportation team, the leader walked up to the hippopotamus man and said with a compliment.

According to common sense, every time the food is delivered to the big prison, the big prison will announce the amount of food that needs to be paid next time. If there is no loss during the transportation, the quantity will be reduced appropriately.

This reduced amount is the ration of ordinary people in the rabbit bowl.

"What are you still doing standing here?"

However, the hippopotamus man didn't seem to understand the man's hint, looked at the ordinary man in front of him, and said coldly.

"Do you still want me to give you some food?"

The guards next to them swarmed up and drove out all the ordinary people who were transporting food.

"No one can get food from me!"

The hippopotamus man roared, then waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to transport all the food to the warehouse.

The hippo man, on the other hand, carried a large bag of food and walked towards his room.

As an animal-type ability user, they are often contaminated with some characteristics of animals, such as the pride of lions, the cunning of hyenas, the sensitivity of rabbits, and the characteristic of hippopotamuses is... being able to eat.

In the entire large prison, a considerable part of the food was sent into the belly of the hippopotamus man, which is why he likes to withhold food.

All the food was transported neatly to the warehouse of the prison, but no one noticed that the moment the warehouse door was closed, one of the bags containing the food suddenly moved. A petite little girl got out of the bag.

"Phew, I finally sneaked into this place."

Looking at the dark surroundings, Xiao Zi tiptoed towards a certain place on the wall.

The next step is to find sister Ariel's companions. If you get their help, maybe you can help Sister Ariel.

The little girl thought so. But at this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door. and the voice of a man talking to himself.

"Sure enough, I'm still worried about what that bastard Duopeng did. I'd better check it myself."

The door was slowly pushed open, and Xiao Zi's body froze in place, she didn't know what to do.

Trespassing into the Rabbit Bowl prison, at any time, has only one result, and that is death.

At this time, a hand suddenly grabbed Xiao Zi, a short man appeared behind Xiao Zi, and said softly.

"Don't talk, come with me."

Xiao Zi subconsciously followed the man behind her, and the two of them hid in a blind spot in the warehouse, and then tightly covered their mouths to silence themselves.

The door of the warehouse opened slowly, and a tall man with six legs appeared at the door. He took an oil lamp and probed into the warehouse, and the light moved slowly. Xiao Zi's heart almost jumped out.

Don't get caught!

Xiao Zi prayed like this, wondering if her prayer had any effect, the light moved half a meter away from her, and finally stopped.

"Is it my illusion?"

The man said to himself, and then patted himself on the head, "It seems to be an illusion, how could anyone dare to sneak into the Rabbit Bowl Prison?"

The door closed slowly, and the sound of the man's footsteps became farther and farther away. Xiao Zi's hanging heart finally let go.

And her back, at some point, was soaked in cold sweat.

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