Pirate Family

Chapter 848 Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas

"thank you!"

Xiao Zi turned around and said gratefully to the person behind her, if it wasn't for him just now, she might have been discovered by the "endower" outside the door.

Although she didn't know how that man would deal with her, Xiao Zi guessed that there would definitely be no good results.

"You are not a prisoner here, little girl."

Standing in front of Xiao Zi was a thin old man, but the most striking thing was that he had blue flame-shaped hair, eyebrows and beard.

After carefully looking at Xiao Zi for a while, the old man coughed softly.

"You shouldn't be here."

Once imprisoned in this dark place, all hope is lost, only to grow old in despair in this prison.

This little girl is still so young, she shouldn't be here.

"Besides, this old man just wanted to steal something from the warehouse to satisfy his hunger. He happened to save you. You don't have to be grateful to me."

"Anyway, thank you!" Xiao Zi bowed slowly to the old man. Then he said solemnly.

"I'm here to find someone!"

"I have a very important matter. I need to find a prisoner who was detained in this prison some time ago."

"Prisoners who were detained in this prison some time ago?"

The old man frowned tightly, showing a thoughtful look.

"You mean, that group of foreigners?"

Outer sea people, that is, people from the Wano country refer to people outside the Wano country.

There was a lot of news in the Rabbit Bowl Prison, but, some time ago, a large number of people from overseas were indeed imprisoned in the Prison. Their bodies were covered with battle scars, and many were still unconscious. But as if they were afraid of them escaping, these people were put on special Hailoushi handcuffs as soon as they were imprisoned in the big prison.

Among these foreigners, there was a young woman, and the old man was particularly impressive.

Because, that woman is very strong.

"It should be them!"

Xiao Zi nodded excitedly. During this period of time, the only people from overseas who came to Wano Country are Elder Sister Ariel and her companions.

In other words, they were really locked in this big prison.

"Old man, can you take me there?"

"It can be done then, but it's very dangerous, are you sure?"

"As long as you are discovered by those jailers, what awaits you will be endless imprisonment."

"Even if you die of old age, your soul cannot return to the imprisonment in your hometown."

The girl didn't speak, but nodded solemnly.

"Because I promised others, this matter must be done."

The old man was silent. He saw a trace of Wano people from this girl. To be precise, it should be the shadow of Wano people under the rule of the Kozuki clan before Kuritan Orochi came to power.

A promise of gold.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

"It's just that no matter what happens, you'd better be prepared for it."

The old man turned around and said with his back to the girl.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet."

There was a flash of memory in the old man's eyes, and then he said slowly.

"You can call me Uncle Leopard."


Late at night, after a day's work, the female knight returned to her prison.

Perhaps because it is ruled by pirates, the management of this prison is very loose. The female knight was even able to find several loopholes in their management and try to escape from prison.

But she didn't because it was pointless.

Even if she could easily get rid of those wardens who didn't deserve their names, the one sitting here was, after all, that monster.

In the face of absolute strength, all strategies are meaningless. As long as he can't defeat that man, there is no possibility of escaping from this prison at all.

The female knight didn't want to ask for trouble.

"That's the record for today."

The female knight drew a vertical line on the wall with a piece of gravel.

This is after she was imprisoned in this prison, she had to draw a line on the wall every day to calculate the time she was imprisoned.

Now, there are twenty-eight scratches on the wall.

"I don't know how Ariel is doing."

After engraving today's record, the female knight sat on the straw mat and said to herself.

She is a little worried about her stupid younger sister. Although she has quite powerful abilities, her own body strength is still too weak. Her powerful abilities can't be brought out, and she can't threaten Kaido or Heitan Orochi at all.

After so long a time passed, the female knight was worried about what happened to her sister.

"And that bastard, didn't he say to protect Ariel, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

At this time, a black figure appeared in the female knight's heart, and she couldn't help complaining.

"If you don't show up, maybe you'll never see Ariel again!"

But is it really possible for him to show up?

The female knight didn't know that Wano Country and the Roxor sea area were thousands of miles away. Even if the guy left immediately after learning the information, he probably hadn't arrived in Wano Country yet.

Just when the female knight was about to close her eyes, she seemed to feel something, and suddenly straightened her body. He looked towards the side of the wall.

The mud-cast wall suddenly began to move strangely, and then a small hole about twenty centimeters appeared on the wall.

A little girl came out of the small hole.

"Who are you?"

The female knight asked cautiously, she was confident that she had never seen this little girl before, but she didn't feel any malice from this little girl, so she was not going to take action against the little girl.

"Excuse me, are you from overseas?"

The little girl didn't answer what the female knight said, but asked rhetorically.

"Outer sea?"

The female knight was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that Outer Sea is what the people of Wano country call places other than Wano country.

"It should be."

"finally found you!"

The little girl ran towards the female knight and said anxiously.

"Sister Ariel has something to ask me to tell you."

After hearing the three words Ariel, the female knight raised her eyebrows, and she immediately became serious.

"She was forced by Heitan Orochi to marry him, and then Kaido can use the name of the marriage to intervene in the affairs of the Red Earth Continent."

"In order to ensure that it does not appear, this news was secretly blocked. The time of the marriage is the fire festival three days later."

"Sister Ariel asked me to tell you that she doesn't want to get married. So, she needs your help."

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