Pirate Family

Chapter 854 What is the first step in the war?

"Who are you?"

Kappa Kamatsu took a step forward and stood in front of the female knight.

He pulled out his blunt knife and looked at the blond-haired man in front of him warily.

He recognized the sword in the man's hand, blood slid down the blade, condensed into fallen leaves and dripped to the ground.

This sword is a famous evil sword in Wano country, and the owner of this pair of evil swords is none other than the general of Wano country, the most powerful subordinate of Heitan Orochi, a man known as the shadow daimyo.

Fu Lu Shou.

"He's not an enemy."

The female knight stopped the kappa who was about to make a move, shook her head slowly, and then raised her head to look at the man in front of her.

"Long time no see. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"As long as Ariel needs it, I can appear by her side at any time."

Lorne tapped his chest lightly with his hand. Then a faint smile appeared.

A smile as warm as the sun.

"After all, I am the first priest under her command."

"Isn't it an enemy?"

After hearing the conversation between the two, Kappa finally breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't feel the aura of the man in front of him, that is to say, this man's arrogance would definitely not be inferior to his own, even much stronger than his own.

Fighting against this kind of opponent, Kappa Kamatsu has no certainty of winning.

"Bastards! You dare to escape from prison, are you prepared to die?"

At this time, an angry voice came from the prison, and a huge brachiosaurus broke through the buildings and came to the gate.

Every time the Brachiosaurus took a step, the ground trembled slightly with its footsteps.

Like an earthquake.

"Oops, I forgot that Plague Quinn is still inside."

At this time, a short man with a pair of round glasses and a blue flame on his head patted his head and said with annoyance.

"We have lost the best chance to escape!"

As he spoke, he turned around resolutely and faced the huge brachiosaurus.

"I'm going to drag Quinn, you take this opportunity to leave this ghost place."

A layer of transparent domineering covered his arms. This man was ready to die.

"it does not matter."

But at this time, the female knight slowly shook her head as if she had received a reassurance.

"Everyone is safe."


Uncle Leopard didn't react, but the man with blond hair had already crossed the crowd and walked in front of the huge Brachiosaurus.

"Because I'm here."

He said slowly, then raised his head and looked at the huge Brachiosaurus rushing towards them aggressively.

After Brachiosaurus saw this man, its pupils dilated slightly like huge lanterns. Then he stopped suddenly and roared in disbelief.

"How could you appear here! Aren't you supposed to have a decisive battle with the Navy in Marin Vandor now?"

"Who knows? Maybe you have the wrong person."

The blond-haired man smiled slightly, then raised his hand to the giant Brachiosaurus.

After seeing this scene, the giant brachiosaurus turned around without thinking about it, as if seeing some terrible monster, and fled behind.

"Impossible! You appear here! There must be some huge conspiracy! I must tell Boss Kaido!"

"I must go back and tell..."

But before he finished speaking, the ground cracked and rolled, and then a lion's head tens of meters in size emerged from the ground.

"The Elegy of the Wild Lion·The Infernal Hell."

The blond-haired man said lightly, the lion opened its mouth wide, aimed at the huge brachiosaurus and bit it down.

It's like a landslide. After the rock calmed down, a deep pit appeared on the ground.

The body of the giant brachiosaurus gradually shrunk and turned into a fat and bloated man.

The man was sprawled on the ground.

He has lost consciousness.

"is that a lie?"

All the prisoners, Uncle Leopard, and even the calm Kappa Hesong opened their mouths wide, looking at the scene in shock.

They couldn't believe that that monster-like man, his most capable subordinate, the famous Plague Quinn, was lying here like this.

Lying here without a trace of resistance.

"Unfortunately, you have no chance to report to Kaido."

The blond-haired man said slowly. At this time, he seemed to sense something, turned around, and looked behind him.

Across the sea, one can vaguely see the end of the sea, and there is an island that looks like the head of a huge monster.

A roar came from the depths of the island, the clouds and mist dispersed, and a black giant dragon rose into the sky, roaring angrily.


"Have you finally sensed it?"

The blond-haired man looked in the direction of Ghost Island with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, it's too late."

He pointed a middle finger in the direction of Ghost Island.

"And this is just the first step in the war!"

By the time Kaido arrived at the Rabbit Bowl Prison, it was already empty and all the prisoners had escaped from the prison.

The Rabbit Bowl Prison seemed to have been hit by an earthquake, and all the buildings were completely destroyed.


The giant dragon fell to the ground and turned into a strong man about ten meters tall. The man angrily hammered the canyon cliff at the entrance of the large prison. Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the mountain, and then the rock collapsed.

With one punch, he shattered a mountain.

But this can't change the ending of his failure. This destroyed prison stands here, as if laughing at his incompetence.

"If you let me know who you are! I will definitely not let you go!"

Kaido wreaked havoc in the canyon. After destroying everything, he raised his head and looked at the floating island looming above the sky.


He let out an angry roar, then his body turned into a giant dragon, and disappeared into the Rabbit Bowl Prison.

After the giant dragon disappeared, the ground rolled slightly, and then a hole opened. The ground seemed to be hollowed out by something, and the prisoners in the entire large prison were hiding in it.

In fact, they never had a chance to escape, nor did they intend to escape at all.

Lorne just used his ability to hollow out the interior of the earth, creating a hollow space enough to accommodate everyone, and then let all the prisoners hide in it.

"thank you!"

All the prisoners turned their heads in unison and looked at Lorne.

One prisoner knelt down to Lorne, and one by one, all the prisoners knelt down to Lorne.

They looked pious, like believers who bowed down to the gods.

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