Pirate Family

Chapter 855 Hidden

"The Rabbit Bowl Prison has missed!"

"Fu Shoulu, and Quinn were both involved in that war, and they are nowhere to be found!"

"And you, until now, can't even find out who did it!"

Wano Country, Flower Capital, Orochi Mansion.

The black charcoal snake raised a vase next to it, and threw it at a subordinate who was kneeling in front of him.

"Trash! It's all trash!"

Facing the vase that was thrown towards him, this poor subordinate didn't dare to dodge at all, and let the vase hit his head.

Vases shattered and shards of ceramics were scattered all over the place. And he was still prostrate on the ground, as if waiting for the black charcoal snake to appease its anger.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, an untimely laughter sounded in the hall.

In a cage, the man whose whole body was tied up and lying in the cage like a defeated dog laughed loudly.

His laughter was unprecedentedly relaxed, and this laughter was heard in Heitan Dashe's ears, as if he was laughing at himself,

"You loser! You are not qualified to laugh at this general!"

The black charcoal snake walked up to the cage and kicked the cage over. The cage rolled a few times, but it still didn't stop the man from laughing.

"You don't have much time left, the flames of revenge will eventually burn this filthy country of yours."

After the man laughed, he raised his head, looked directly into the eyes of Heitan Orochi through the cage, and said slowly.

"And you will be the first sacrifice of the new era!"

"This general can make you a sacrifice right now!"

The black charcoal snake was furious, and a group of black shadows emerged from behind him, like a group of big snakes with teeth and claws. He pulled out a long sword, walked towards the cage with a cold face,

"Shut up forever! Trash loser!"

Seeing the black charcoal snake gradually walking towards him, there was no fear in the man's eyes, but a hint of... relief.

"Come on, even if you kill me, you can't change this ending."

"I will be in hell, waiting for you to accompany me!"

The black charcoal snake did not speak, but raised his long sword, just as he was about to strike at the man in the cage.

A dark voice sounded behind him.

"Killing him like this, wouldn't it set him free?"

Mr. Sagi walked in from outside the main hall, and said respectfully to Heitan Orochi.

"Why don't you hand this man over to me, I will definitely not disappoint the general."

Heitan Orochi turned his head and looked at Sagi-kun who was hunched over, his eyes were uncertain.

He actually didn't trust this man with a strange life experience, but after Sleeping Kuangshilang and Fu Lu Shou disappeared one after another, he found helplessly that only Mr. Zuo Mu was left under his command. .

"Then you take this lost dog away."

Heitan snake said with a cold face.

"Hope, you treat this guest well."

"As you wish!"

Mr. Zuo Mu clapped his hands, and two samurai with sluggish expressions, like walking corpses, walked in from outside. Their movements were stiff, and they walked to the front of the cage step by step, and then lifted the cage up.

Seeing these two warriors, a trace of undisguised disgust flashed across Heitan Orochi's face.

"Then, the subject will leave first."

Sagi-kun bowed to Heitan Orochi, and then retreated slowly.

At this time, a ninja walked in from the outside in a hurry. He was holding a newspaper in his hand, Mr. Zuo Mu rolled his eyes and saw a few words written on the newspaper.

"The hoax that shocked the world, the most ridiculous war in history!"

"Report to the general! There is a very important thing to report to you."

The ninja's voice came from behind Sagi-kun, Sagi-kun shook his head, didn't say anything, but returned to his residence with two zombie-like samurai.

That place filled with a strange smell.

"Tell me how you want to torture me."

The cage was put down, Haral said sarcastically.

"If I say it hurts, I won't be a pirate."

"You may have misunderstood something."

Sagi-kun found a chair and sat in front of Harald.

"I am different from the people of Wano Country."

He lightly lit an incense stick on the table, and the light smoke filled the air, covering up the pungent smell in the room a lot.

"I am not from the Wano country, but came to this country by accident."

Haral frowned slightly, he didn't understand what the man in front of him wanted to say.

Not from Wano Country, but climbed to this position, do you want to show off your research ability?

"My understanding of the outside world is much deeper than you think."

Sagi-kun looked into Haral's eyes and said slowly.

"For example, your identity, Herald of Steel. A man with the ability of Iron Fruit, with the title of supernova, and a man with a bounty of 200 million."

After hearing what Sagi-kun said, Haral was finally convinced that what Sagi-kun said was true.

He is indeed somewhat different from the native Wano people.

People from Wano would never use such modifiers to describe a pirate.

"But so what?"

Haral said coldly, his identity is not a secret in the new world, at most it is just that many people thought he died in the Battle of Dressrosa back then, for he is still alive, slightly I feel that there is something other than that.

"This is just your superficial identity."

Sagi-kun looked at Haral in front of him and said calmly.

"As early as when you first entered the great route, you fell into the trap of a group of bounty hunters due to lack of experience. If you hadn't been rescued by Lorne who happened to pass by, I am afraid that you now have become a person who doesn't know that local slaves."

After hearing these words, Haral's face finally changed.

It was his deepest secret, and he told it to no one but his most trusted crew.

Then why did he know this man in front of him.

Who is he?

"You actually swore allegiance to the Vinhill family long ago."

Sagi-kun looked at Haral, and said with determination.

Haral was silent and didn't answer Sagi-kun's words. But many times, silence often represents approval.

"Don't you want to know why I know these things?"

Sagi-kun said slowly,

"Just let you know some interesting things before you die."

He stood up and gently opened a cabinet behind him.

After seeing the things in the cabinet, Heral's face changed drastically as if he saw something incredible.

"How can this be?"

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