Pirate Family

Chapter 859: The Origin of the Giver Legion

"Under the rule of Heitan Orochi, the entire Wano Country has become a lifeless country without laughter."

"At this time, Heitan Orochi came up with an idea."

Uncle Leopard looked at Lorne, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

An undisguised anger towards Heitan Orochi.

"Sir, let me add some tea to you."

At this time, a young tea girl came to Lorne's side. She gently picked up the teapot and filled up the tea for Lorne and Uncle Leopard.

From the beginning to the end, the face of the tea girl was filled with an impeccable smile.

"Kaido opened a factory in Wano Country to produce weapons and equipment for arming the Kaido Pirates. You should know this."

Uncle Leopard changed his voice and spoke slowly.

Lorne nodded, he was still very clear about this.

"Kaido's factories are set up in many places in Wano, but there are many real fighters stationed in each place. These real fighters are what you call animal-type abilities."

Lorne nodded. In today's sea, there are four pirate emperors, each with its own characteristics.

For example, the Charlotte family is a family centered on the Pirate Queen Charlotte Lingling, and the strongest combat power is the sons and daughters of Charlotte Lingling.

They are entrenched in the sea of ​​all nations centered on Cake Island. The biggest feature of the Charlotte family is that most of Charlotte Lingling's children are all kinds of superhuman abilities.

The Whitebeard Pirates is a pirate group formed by Whitebeard and his sons. Among them, there are various races, and all of them are unanimous to the outside world. They are one of the most united pirate groups in this sea.

The Vinhill family is also a family formed with Lorne as the core, along with the followers of Lorne who have come all the way.

The biggest feature of these families is the fearless army, top military destructive power, and powerful senior family cadres.

And Lorne's own madness is unreasonable.

As for the last Kaido, besides Kaido's own strength, the biggest feature is the top sea floor stone craftsmanship, and the "Giver Legion" formed purely by hundreds of animal abilities.

But as far as Lorne knows, Kaido's subordinates, except for the hidden Sanchuanlu, don't have any non-animal devil fruit ability users. This man seems to want to form an army composed purely of animal devil fruits.

Moreover, the formation of this legion will not take too long. At least before the execution war, Lorne had never heard of the existence of this legion.

And later, during the Battle of Cake Island, Lorne only saw a few animal devil fruit ability users.

This is a question that has always been in Lorne's mind, that is, where did Kaido find so many animal-type devil fruits. How did he know that this fruit must be an animal devil fruit?

"Do you know how these real fights for the Giver Legion came about?"

Uncle Leopard's voice was a little trembling, and he said slowly.

"A long time ago, after Kaido returned from a certain defeat, he ordered all the young and middle-aged men in Wano to be arrested and imprisoned together."

"Then I don't know where to find some strange fruits and force these people to eat them."

"Many people, due to their hunger and hunger, had no choice but to eat these strange fruits."

"Some of them have gained powerful abilities, and a certain part of their body has mutated, showing animalistic characteristics. These people were brainwashed by Kaido and joined Kaido's pirate group."

"As more and more people join, these people also have names."

Uncle Leopard looked directly into Lorne's eyes and said word by word.

"To the Giver Legion."

Is this how Kaido's Giving Legion came about? Uncle Leopard's words dispelled one of Lorne's doubts.

"But more," Uncle Leopard's tone flashed a trace of resentment.

"More people have become failures. They have been deprived of the right to be sad. No matter what happens, they can only laugh out loud."

"Those who passed the experiment, ten out of ten, most of them turned into monsters who could only smile."

"Heitan Orochi discovered the usefulness of these fruits, and then deliberately abandoned the failed fruits in every corner of Wano Country. These fruits were picked up by those hungry people, thinking that they had obtained some food. When these people put the fruits When I took it home and excitedly shared it with my family, Heitan Orochi's despicable plan was accomplished."

"The sadness of the entire Wano country has disappeared. All the residents of the Wano country have been deprived of even the right to be sad, and have become people who can only smile all day long."

Uncle Leopard raised his hand and pointed to the bustling scene on the long street.

"All the prosperity and peace are fake."

"It's all just made up by Heitan Orochi, a lie to deceive the world!"

At this time, the tea girl next to her seemed to have accidentally splashed hot tea onto a guest, and the guest immediately stood up and yelled at the tea girl.

The tea girl immediately lowered her head, not to accompany her, but the smile on her face did not dissipate at all, which made her apology less sincere.

The guests refused to let go and continued to abuse, but the tea girl could only bow her head and apologize quickly.

No one went to help the girl.

Maybe it was because he was tired of cursing, or maybe he was bullying a little girl and couldn't satisfy this rough guest. After cursing for a while, the guest gave a cold snort, and then left the teahouse cursing.

Until this time, the girl raised her head, and the smile on her face did not change at all.

Tears couldn't stop falling from the corners of her eyes, but the smile on the girl's face didn't diminish at all. She was like an exquisite smile machine, smiling constantly.

He was crying, but he was laughing loudly. This extremely weird scene was being staged in this small teahouse.

"Here is the reason for us to resist Heitan Orochi."

Uncle Leopard said firmly.

"Here is the reason why the Black Charcoal Serpent will perish."


"Crack, clap, clap!"

Orochi Mansion, Sagi-kun's residence.

Two dancers are enduring the disgusting smell in the room, performing Wano country's unique kabuki.

They performed the famous stage play "The Second Son of Kozuki Slays the Mountain God".

When they performed until the second son of Kozuki defeated the wild boar named Shanshen, the music just hit the climax.

The man sitting in front of them suddenly applauded.

"The show was really good."

The man smiled and said, "Reminds me of that man."

The two dancers lowered their heads humbly. This stage play is illegal in Wano country, because the man's name is taboo in Wano country.

If it weren't for the fact that the man in front of them was too powerful, they wouldn't even dare to mention it, let alone perform in the Big Snake Mansion.

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