Pirate Family

Chapter 860 Unbelievable! Returning man!

"Since the performance is over, can we leave here?"

After a while, a dancer who played the role of Kozuki's second son raised her head and asked boldly.

The longer she stayed in this weird place, the more uneasy she would feel in her heart.

"That man won't show such a timid side."

At this time, Mr. Zuo Mu suddenly walked to the side of the dancer and said coldly.

"I feel now that you are not like him at all."

As soon as the words fell, the bodies of the two dancers began to tremble involuntarily.

"Since it's not like him, it has no value in this world."

Mr. Zuo Mu said coldly, before the two dancers had time to beg for mercy, a tall man wearing a mask stood beside them, pinched the necks of the two of them, and lifted them up.

Because their necks were pinched, their breathing became short of breath, and they could only whimper, not even begging for mercy.

"Become my collection."

After the masked man had dealt with the two dancers, Samu-kun said to himself.

"Would it be a pity to destroy the flowers that were supposed to bloom?"

The man in the mask didn't seem to hear what Sagi-kun said, and remained motionless.

"Sorry, I forgot, now you can no longer answer my question."

Sagi-kun said apologetically, and sat down slowly.

"The stage has been set up, the performers are preparing to appear on the stage, and the top stage play is about to be staged."

"This time, what kind of role will we play?"

"I'm looking forward to it more and more."

He snapped his fingers, and the bodies of the two dancers on the ground suddenly moved strangely, and then stood up suddenly.

It's like a puppet being manipulated.

"We are all just actors being manipulated..."

Sagi-kun said a little sickly.

At this time, there is still one day left before Wano Country's Fire Festival.

Lorne and Kozuki Oden's remnants have lurked in the capital of flowers, waiting for the best opportunity to make a move.

Yinggong Li and Xia Lan are respectively sitting in the Jiuli and Tuwan areas, ready to meet their companions in the Flower Capital at any time.

As for the remaining forces, they are rushing towards the capital of flowers under the leadership of Nana and the well-trained retainers of the Guangyue clan.

Calculating the time, they should have arrived in the capital of flowers soon.

War is imminent.


The Capital of Flowers, Orochi Mansion.

A young man with a pale complexion came to the gate of the big snake mansion, thought for a while, and knocked lightly on the gate of the big snake mansion.

The door opened slowly, and two warriors walked out with frosty faces.

They thought it was some naughty naughty boy knocking on the door at this time, so when they were about to drive these naughty boys away, they suddenly saw the man knocking on the door.

Then he looked at the man in front of him in shock. As if seeing something incredible.

clang clang.

The two long knives fell to the ground. Because of the shock, they couldn't even hold their own weapons steadily.


The next moment, the two warriors covered their faces, screamed and ran away.

"You are back."

A quarter of an hour later, the main hall of the Orochi Mansion.

Heitan Orochi looked at the returning man suspiciously.

"I thought you died on the Gulan Tezolo, and even planned to give you a grand funeral."

"Well, just after the Fire Festival."

"That is truly an honor."

The returning man stood up slowly, and bowed respectfully to the black charcoal snake.

"I came back this time, and it was extremely dangerous. I encountered an unprecedented opponent on the Gulan Tezolo, and the opponent easily and severely injured me. At a critical moment, I chose to fight to the death and detonated the explosives buried in the surrounding area in advance. Forced the opponent back."

The man thought of the words he had prepared a long time ago, and said slowly to the black charcoal snake.

"However, the shock wave of the explosion rushed into the sea, broke away from Lord Kaido's army, and drifted in the sea with a board for a long time, thinking that he would never return to Wano Country."

"If it weren't for the protection of the general, I'm afraid I would have been buried in a corner of the sea long ago."

"It's pointless to say such compliments!"

Heitan Orochi waved his hand and said coldly.

"Fortunately, you came back in time. If you are two days later, even if you are still alive, this general will probably consider sending you to the tomb prepared for you."

"You should understand that General Ben will really do this."

Heitan Orochi took a deep breath, and then slowly said the name of the man in front of him.

"Sleep Maniac."

"Even if he dies at the hands of the general, it would still be an honor for Sleeper Crazy!"

The man known as the Sleeping Crazy Man slowly knelt down before the black charcoal snake.

"After all, I'm just a dog in front of the general's gate. It's the greatest honor for a dog to be executed by his master!"

"So much the better!"

Heitan Orochi stood up, and said coldly to Sleep Kushiro.

"Then, I will leave the security work for the Fire Festival the day after tomorrow to you."

He walked up to Kuangshilang on the water surface and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Hope, you won't disappoint General Ben."

After finishing speaking, Heitan Orochi left the hall without looking back.

Sleeper is his most trusted dog, and he has never doubted the dog's loyalty before.

After leaving the main hall, Heitan Orochi snapped his fingers, and a ninja came out from the shadows.

"Help me find out, how did the sleeping maniac get back to Wano country."

Heitan Orochi said slowly with his back to the shadow.

Even if it is a dog, he still needs to know whether the owner of the dog is himself or not.

In the huge hall, the only one left was the returning Sleeper Kushiro.

The man was silent for a while, then smiled self-deprecatingly.

Then turn around and prepare to leave here. But at this moment, he saw a thin man with long black hair leaning against the door of the main hall, looking at him calmly.

"A dog is indeed a dog. As long as you come back, the master will not doubt your loyalty at all."

The man said lightly, without hiding the sarcasm in his tone.


Sleeper Kushiro looked coldly at the man in front of him, the only man he couldn't see through.

"Everyone is just a dog in front of General Orochi, why bother to hurt each other?"

"makes sense."

Sagi-kun smiled slightly, then stretched out his right hand, ready to high-five Sleeper.

However, the latter seemed to ignore him at all, and walked past Sagi-kun. Sticking to Sagi-kun's shoulder, he left the hall.

Seeing the figure of the Sleeping Kushiro going away gradually, Mr. Zuo Mu revealed a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.


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