Pirate Family

Chapter 861 The Conspiracy in the Hot Spring

The capital of flowers is calm on the surface, but the waves are turbulent in the dark.

Samurai ninjas or pirates are like gears, turning in the dark.

In order to welcome the fire festival in Wano Country two days later. They searched in every dark corner of the Flower Capital in an orderly manner, hunting down all suspicious persons.

At this time, the largest restaurant in the capital of flowers, inside the luxury suite.

Lorne enjoys a rare hot spring bath,

"It's been a long time since I enjoyed a hot spring."

Opposite Lorne, Uncle Leopard rested his hands on the side of the hot spring, moaning comfortably.

"I never thought that I could still soak in the hot spring."

"The spring water here is taken from the top of the Fuji Mountain, and the Tianchi above the Fuji Mountain has been dug through. The temperature does not drop all year round. I also enjoyed it once a long time ago, when I accompanied Mr. Mita back to the capital of flowers and met Mr. Sukiyaki .”

Next to Uncle Leopard, a chubby murloc said.

"However, this kind of good place should have been in your pocket long after Heitan Orochi came to power. How did you think of hiding here from the Heitan Orochi's soldiers?"

He looked at Lorne not far away, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"In this world, everything can be exchanged for benefits. If you can't exchange it, it's just that you don't have enough benefits."

Lorne smiled slightly,

"I just kidnapped the wife and daughter of the hot spring owner and threatened him to provide me with a suite."

"If he doesn't do so, I will throw his wife and daughter into the open sea to fend for themselves."

"It's a brutal and efficient approach."

Uncle Leopard, who was soaking in the hot spring, gave Lorne a thumbs up.

"Just like the old man back then."

There was a hint of emotion in Uncle Leopard's tone. Back then, he was also such a man with a story.

"After all, when we pirates do things, we only pursue a high efficiency."

Lorne said so. In fact, he did not reveal one thing to these people.

The behind-the-scenes owner of this shop is actually Sleeper, while the hot spring owner on the surface is just a puppet supported by Sleeper.

After surrendering to Lorne, Sleeper Crazy revealed the boss's weakness to Lorne.

Lorne kidnapped the boss's wife and daughter, and another idea was to test whether Sleeper Crazy had deceived him.

Now it seems that the man did not disappoint Lorne.

"I have gathered more than 500 warriors, plus the vassals of the Guangyue clan in the Jiuli area, as well as the prisoners who escaped from the Tuwan Prison, we have more than 1,000 people on hand."

"These people will gradually sneak into the capital of flowers in the past few days, and then lie in ambush in the long street. When the black charcoal snake shows up, they will directly take his head away."

Uncle Leopard said seriously that this action is related to the future structure of Wano Country, so he did not take it lightly, but mobilized his previous contacts.

In Wano Country, which has been oppressed by the Black Black Charcoal Orochi for ten years, he was able to gather more than 500 warriors with his prestige ten years ago. This Uncle Leopard was also a big man back then.

At least Lorne thought so.

The Fire Festival in Wano Country is similar to the Xialong Festival in most parts of the New World, the Spring Festival in the Country of Flowers, or the Flower Festival in Adela, the capital of flowers, and is the largest festival in the country.

Under normal circumstances, at the beginning of the fire ceremony, the ruler of Wano country will drive around the city of flowers with two stripes of dragon lanterns with a fire dragon pattern, and sway around at any time to symbolize washing away dirt. Rootless water.

At that time, the Capital of Flowers will be mixed with fish and dragons, and many people from other places will come here to receive the blessing of General Wano.

That was Lorne's best chance.

"Especially this year, some time ago, Heitan Orochi announced that he would hold an engagement ceremony with the Pope of the Ecclesiastical State of Balaam at the same time at the Fire Festival. With his good-looking character, he will definitely appear at that time. In the ceremony of the fire sacrifice."

"As long as he shows up, our warriors will create chaos and attack him in groups. Then, the assassination team composed of kappa He Song and others will take advantage of the chaos and take the head of Heitan Orochi."

"Once Heitan Orochi dies, Wano's army will be leaderless. At that time, even if Kaido wants to forcefully suppress it by force, he will have to spend some effort."

Uncle Leopard described his plan in detail. This was the plan he came up with after being imprisoned in the Rabbit Bowl Prison for ten years and thinking hard every day.

At their level, a plan that is too complicated is likely to have some mistakes somewhere in the middle. Then destroy the entire planning chain. Might as well use the simplest method.

Because the simplest method is often the most efficient.

"For such an important event, Kaido will definitely send people to guard the dark place of the Flower City, but now, Kaido doesn't have a few capable cadres under his command, so even if he appears directly in this place, it is impossible Not impossible."

"As soon as Heitan Orochi died, Kaido appeared. This is my chance to make a move."

Lorne smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand from the hot spring.

"I will use my ability to separate the battlefield from Wano, and at the same time separate Kaido and his subordinates."

"At that time, it will be such a scene."

A ball of water vapor emerged from the hot spring, condensing in midair to form a floating island.

And in the center of the floating island, there is a fog dragon hovering.

"On the floating island, Kaido is the only one left. What he has to face is the samurai who hate him in the entire Wano country, as well as our army."

"When the time comes, Xiaosheng will definitely cut off the head of that evil dragon!"

Kappa Hesong snorted coldly, smashed the water vapor in front of Lorne with a fist, and said coldly.

"Then, sprinkle his blood on the tomb of Mi Tian-sama, and pay homage to the Guangyue clan!"

"very funny."

Lorne narrowed his eyes slightly and said so.

"I really want to know how strong the man who claims to be the strongest creature in history is."

Lorne licked his lips, and a look of war flashed in his eyes.

"Let's see, who is crazy between me and him?"

Lorne didn't say anything else. At this moment, SKY, the city of the sky, is already 10,000 meters above Wano Country, and the army of the Vinhill family is ready to descend from the sky at any time. He didn't believe that no matter how strong Kaido was, it was impossible for him to be able to confront the entire Vinhill family head-on.

When the time comes, Lorne will behead the dragon and bathe in its blood!

A very simple plan was conceived in a hot spring in the capital of flowers.

At this time, the gate of the Orochi Mansion suddenly opened, and a prisoner whose whole body was restrained was escorted out.

It's like a criminal being sent to the execution ground.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The criminal suddenly started laughing, and the laughter echoed in the night.

Like the whisper of a demon.

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