Pirate Family

Chapter 862 Is the future destined? !

The Great Route, Mary Geia, on the Throne of the Void.

A thin man who hid his body in the shadows was watching the pile of documents in front of him without saying a word. The beautiful woman on her back came over.

The woman glanced at the information in the man's hand, then sat on the throne, and said playfully.

"You clearly know that this war cannot be fought, why don't you stop the navy."

"With your ability, you should have predicted the end of this war very early."

What the man saw was the report just submitted by the navy.

The causes and consequences of the Battle of the Ice Sea are recorded in detail above.

When the navy went all out to freeze the entire sea, blocking the Vinhill family's army above the sea, it was suddenly discovered that this mighty army was actually a fake!

Except for the flagship, the other pirate ships were low-ranking soldiers of the Vinhill family.

Under the attack of the navy's entire army, these ordinary pirates are not the opponents of the navy at all, but just a few rounds of confrontation. The army of the Vinhill family, except for the main ship where Jody is located, was sunk by the navy. .

And because the sea is frozen, even if he wants to run, Jody has no chance to escape!

Just as the navy was preparing to expand its results and arrest this senior cadre of the Vinhill family, the ice that had frozen the surface of the sea was suddenly shattered.

A pirate ship suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

"I didn't expect that young man Shanks to be so courageous, daring to bring his subordinates to appear in front of the main force of the navy."

The man said suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's exactly the same as the man back then."

"The man back then, do you mean Roger or Rocks?"

The woman said curiously.

She understood the character of the man in front of her. In this sea, there are not many people who have been praised by him like this, and each of these people who has been praised by him is a top powerhouse who has dominated an era.

For example, those pirate overlords who disappeared into history, such as the five old men who rule the world government today.

"Both, after all, Shanks' identity is somewhat special."

The man closed the report in his hand.

After the appearance of Shanks, the direction of the Battle of the Ice Sea became a bit subtle.

The navy is not without the strength to deal with this young pirate, and even if it goes all out, even if the real army of the Vinhill family appears, coupled with the red-haired pirate group, the navy is not without strength.

But this Shanks didn't seem to want to start a war with the navy. He just attacked the navy when he appeared, blocked the navy's offensive slightly, and then quickly left the battlefield with the people on Jody's boat .

This feeling is like not wanting to let the incident continue to expand.

"If that fellow from the Warring States Period knew that you had already seen the outcome of the matter, he would definitely be very helpless."

"After all, he prepared meticulously to face the Vinhill family, but he only got such a result."

The loss of a fleet may be considered exhausting for other forces, but it is nothing for the Vinhill family, which started out in the arms business and has a large family business.

In order to fight against the Vinhill family, the navy had to shrink its forces and let the main force return to Marlin Vandor, which would inevitably neglect the management of other sea areas.

In this way, the navy did not actually earn much.

Now in the Warring States period, it was as if he had punched a ball of cotton with all his strength, and he couldn't tell the pain.

"Because there's no need."

The man closed the information in his hand and said casually.

"In the future I see, Lorne will die in Wano Country, and then the entire Vinhill family will be devastated, and will be reduced to a second-rate power in this ocean."

"And after a few years, it completely disappeared into the long river of history. It became a legend among people."

"So, I don't need to care about a dead man."

The woman was silent, she knew the ability of the man in front of her.

The most illusory fruit, the fruit of prophecy, he can see the history hundreds of years later. At the beginning, he used this ability to guide the twenty emperors to destroy that great country. He was also deceived by him because of his carelessness. made this eternal covenant with him.

Throughout his life, he must guard the residence of the Tianlongren and protect him.

Moreover, the woman had a hunch that this man deceived herself and made a covenant with her, and she had a plan long ago, because in these long years, she has seen the overlords of an era more than once, and many of them can threaten The strong man of life.

If it weren't for his own protection, the man would have died many times. Therefore, he should have seen his future a long time ago, so he made that bet with himself and let himself become his guard.

And for the two people who have undergone the immortality surgery, a lifetime is eternity.

"Really a despicable person."

The woman curled her lips and muttered.

"Lorne's story will end in Wano Country, and after another ten years, the man who inherited Roger's legacy will go to sea."

"After a long voyage, the man in the straw hat. Will die in that place, the place that Roger called the end of the great voyage."

"Then, the story of this era will end, and you can also fall into a deep sleep. Waiting for a hundred years later, the next era will begin."

The man said with a smile.

"This feeling of being spoiled is really boring."

The woman turned around, she didn't like the feeling of a man that everything was under control.

"Don't you have any shortcomings in your ability?"

The woman asked questions that had been buried in her heart for hundreds of years.


The man paused, frowning slightly, and after a long time, he spoke slowly.

"Shortcomings, in fact, there are. I actually have two shortcomings."

"First of all, I can only see what happened in the fixed future. If someone who eats the time-based fruit disturbs it, the future I see may be wrong."

"It's like a river flowing down the river. Standing on the bank, I have a clear picture of the direction of the river."

"However, if someone introduces another river from the side, then the water will become muddy."

"After the two rivers merged, even I couldn't see the direction of the river."

"The fruit of the time system?"

The woman said to herself.

"Isn't that me?"

The time-based fruit can be said to be the rarest fruit. After so many years, the woman has never heard of the existence of the second time-based fruit.

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