Pirate Family

Chapter 865

Heitan Orochi is an extremely narcissistic person.

In order to show that under his own rule, the development of Hezhihui is better than under the rule of the Kozuki clan, he forced the entire Hanazhi people to eat the remaining inferior quality of Kaido's "Give the Giver Legion" taste fruit.

Turn the entire Flower Capital and most of the Wano Country into a country without sadness.

All the residents are deprived of the right to frown, even if they cry, they can only smile and cry.

So when Lorne first entered the Flower City, he felt a strange and peaceful atmosphere here.

In the eyes of Heitan Orochi, beggars, creatures that disgrace the appearance of the city, were either driven to the wilderness outside the capital of flowers, or secretly executed.

The beggars who appeared on the long street at this time undoubtedly completely exposed the existence of Uncle Leopard and the others to Heitan Orochi.


Sure enough, shortly after the first beggar escaped into the dark alley, there was a violent explosion in the dark alley.

The fire ignited two houses next to it, and the raging fire burned.

But so far, none of the residents dared to poke their heads out to see what was happening outside.

The fear of Heitan Orochi, or Kaido, even surpasses death!

A burning man flew out from the dark alley. Two ninjas in black ninja suits emerged from the shadows.

They held ninja darts with burning fire symbols, and looked at the burning man who kept rolling on the long street with vigilance.

Kaido's ninja army! Lorne's pupils shrank. This was different from the fact that he had dealt with a large number of miscellaneous fish with a wave of his hand in the Jiuli area before, but he was a truly elite ninja.

According to Lorne's estimation, any one of these two ninjas can be compared to more than 80 million Bailey's pirates on the great route.


There was another explosion, this time, the house collapsed, and there were chaotic cursing sounds from inside the house.

Then several figures rushed out of the burning house, rolled onto the long street, and extinguished the flames on the burning man on the long street.

These were a few men in rag clothes, which Lorne had seen before when Uncle Leopard summoned his men.

According to Uncle Leopard, these men are one of the few samurai in Wano who still have blood in their hearts.

But at this moment, Lorne didn't care about these anymore.

"It was the first beggar."

Lorne's pupils narrowed slightly, and he said slowly.

I don't know if the group of Wano country elders are arrogant or stupid. In other words, they believe in the truth of darkness under the lamp.

They actually arranged the joint location not far from the place where the beggar was lurking.

And after the identity of the beggar was found out, the location of their meeting was naturally exposed in front of the black charcoal snake.

The beggar's whole body was scorched, and the ups and downs of his chest gradually weakened.

Anyone with a little knowledge of medical skills will make such a judgment after seeing this scene.

He won't live long.

Even Lorne can't do anything, at this moment, unless the fruit of the operation is here now, no one can save his life.

But a minion's life doesn't matter.

After a stronghold was exposed, this group of warriors who were still loyal to the Guangyue clan fell into a dilemma.

Run or fight.

The number of enemies is not clear, and the odds of the battle are unknown.

And in view of the fact that their stronghold was discovered so quickly, it would be difficult to be convincing if the people of Heitan Orochi were not prepared.

As for running away?

The man in rags looked in the direction of the city gate. The carriage escorting the prisoners was still slowly driving towards the city gate. The warriors escorting the prisoners were still expressionless, even though there were two loud noises from behind. The explosion did not make them look back.

Boom boom boom boom!

At this time, violent explosions occurred in several other houses on Changjie in turn.

The desperate cries of ordinary people came from several of these houses. In the face of the sea of ​​flames, these ordinary people had no strength to resist.

But there are also some houses, where figures flicker. A group of people wearing the same rag clothes as the men fled hastily from the flames.

Among them, even Uncle Leopard and Tengu.

For a moment of their hesitation, Heitan Orochi had already made a choice for them.

"You guys, how did you find us?"

Uncle Leopard opened his mouth, looked at the ninja standing in front of him, and said coldly.

Although there were only two ninjas, he did not dare to take it lightly. Because the other party can capture them from the capital of flowers, there must be a backhand!

Needless to say?

Lorne rolled his eyes. This group of people fell into a misunderstanding, that is, when the explosion occurred and the first stronghold was destroyed, they had a psychological hint that their hiding place was exposed.

Then one after another explosions sounded, these people didn't think much at all, they just thought that Heitan Orochi knew all his hiding places in some way, so they rushed out as a last resort.

Sure enough, when he first spoke, countless ninjas in black ninja uniforms took off their disguises from big trees, sewers, roof tiles...all the places you can imagine.

The long street was surrounded by water.

At this time, the numerical advantage of both sides was completely reversed!

"So ruthless, so unhesitating."

Lorne, who was hiding on a tall building, took a deep breath. Not far from him, a house was set on fire, and a woman's desperate cry came from inside.

The flames were burning, and Lorne could even feel the heat in the air.

"This doesn't look like the handwriting of Heitan Orochi."

From escorting the prisoners out of the city, to seeing through the disguise of the beggars, to burning down the first stronghold, forcing them to escape the flames, and finally to detonating the explosives that had been buried in Long Street houses long ago, forcing more rebels to escape.

Such a chain of links is not like the handwriting of the stupid and arrogant black charcoal serpent before.

There was a smile on the corner of Lorne's mouth, as if a top chess player in the world was playing against a chess boy with poor chess skills. He felt bored and was about to play tricks on him when suddenly a person stepped forward and picked up the He picked up the chess pieces and sat opposite Lorne.

In fact, if Uncle Leopard and the others are careful, they can find out.

Not all of the burning houses around them were their hiding places. Most of them are just ordinary residential buildings.

However, in order to lure them out, Heitan Orochi blew up all suspicious houses at all costs.

The raging flames continued to burn, and if not stopped, the flames would spread to the entire long street.

Completely burn down a quarter of the Flower Capital.

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