Pirate Family

Chapter 866

The raging flames ignited the long street of the Flower City, and the war that both sides expected was staged one day earlier.

The ninja legions on the roof held their breaths and remained motionless. If they closed their eyes, they wouldn't even feel their presence.

These people seem to be waiting for an order.

The rebels kept retreating, and then huddled in the very center of the long street, raised their heads, and looked at the countless ninjas around them.

"damn it."

Uncle Leopard spat, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Now that the plan has been seen through, it might as well be caught to death.

He was going to command these warriors to rush into the big snake mansion, and directly cut off the head of the black charcoal snake sitting in the big snake mansion.

The encirclement circle of the ninjas gradually became smaller, completely sealing off the road towards the city gate. Then, step by step, they approached the rebels.

This feeling is like forcing these people to retreat.

And behind the rebel army is the power center of Wano Country, the towering and majestic Orochi Mansion!

"This kind of courage."

On the tall building, Lorne's pupils shrank when he saw this scene.

This kind of courage to use his body as bait made Lorne have to look at the person who set up this trick with admiration.

There is a very rough fable in this sea, that is, no matter how docile a rabbit is, after being forced to a certain level, there is a risk of jumping up and biting people.

Not to mention these warriors who have suppressed their anger in their hearts for ten years. And the behavior of this group of ninjas did not take the initiative to attack, and they were clearly forcing the rebels to retreat.

Force them to attack the big snake mansion!

"I'm looking forward to it more and more."

Lun said slowly, then snapped his fingers lightly.

On the cabinet behind him, a row of exquisite daggers neatly placed for decoration suddenly flew up, then penetrated the paper window and flew down towards the outside.

Since the person responsible for the layout has the courage to let this group of desperadoes attack the big snake mansion, it means that he has the confidence to let this group of people return without success.

Whether it is to arrange a large number of guards in the Orochi Mansion, or to transfer Heitan Orochi himself to a relatively safe area.

This can all be done easily. If this group of rebels really followed the thinking of the person who arranged it, there would be only one result, and that would be a disastrous defeat.

Unless, there is an external force that can rewrite the direction of the script appears!

And Lorne is such an external force!

Silently, the dagger stuck to the wall, quietly approached several ninjas in black ninja suits, flew along their backs, and flew to the back of their necks. Then deflected the blade slightly, aiming the sharp blade at their necks.

Then, click.

The dagger pierced their necks, and blood gushed out and scattered all over the ground.

"Enemy attack!"

A ninja shouted, and then subconsciously flew the dart with the fire talisman in his hand towards the rebels downstairs.


The fire talisman flew to the ground and detonated directly, leaving a large pit about several meters deep on the ground.

The explosion did not cause any casualties, but it became the fuse that triggered the war between the two sides.

"For the Guangyue Clan, let's fight!"

A rebel samurai shouted, and then pulled out a rusty long knife.


A slash came out of the warrior's hand, and slashed towards the ninja legion not far away.

A few ninjas who had no time to dodge were hit by the slash and cut in half.

For the originally peaceful battlefield, some blood was stained.

After both sides shot, the battle broke out instantly. The group of warriors, like wolves that had been hungry for weeks, smelled the smell of blood, and rushed towards the ninjas with red eyes.

When dealing with this group of lackeys of the Guangyue clan, they will not be soft-hearted, nor can they be soft-hearted.

The humiliation suffered by the Guangyue clan can only be washed away with the blood of the Heitan clan!

And the ninjas couldn't be caught without a fight. The moment this group of people set off, the ninjas jumped high, and then threw countless fire talismans and thunder talismans from their hands without loss.

The flames exploded, the thunder flashed, and the battlefield became a mess!

This was the first step for Lorne to enter the game. Since the opponent wanted to force Uncle Leopard and the others to attack the Big Snake Mansion, Lorne added fire to let the battle break out in advance.

No matter what is hidden in the big snake mansion, as long as it doesn't get close to it, resulting in a situation where the enemy is on the back, then the situation is not too bad.

However, the number of rebels gathered here is still too small compared to the ninjas who had prepared for a long time. Even if the fighting spirit was ignited at the beginning, the ninja team was directly disrupted, but after the ninjas reacted, Paying a certain price and sacrifice will stabilize the situation.

Relying on their agility, they kept jumping on top of the houses, and then threw the Thunder and Fire Talismans towards the crowd.

The companions who fell beside them did not affect their actions at all, and some even directly pulled over the bodies of the companions who were not completely dead beside them, blocking a fatal attack for themselves.

For the ninjas who have been brainwashed by Heitan Orochi, the interests of the Heitan clan are above all else, and for the benefit of the Heitan clan, a mere sacrifice is nothing.

After the situation stabilized, the ninjas stabilized their camp again, and then fought against the rebels.

The balance of victory and defeat began to tilt in the direction of the black charcoal snake.

"Then the second step is."

Lorne jumped lightly, his body soared into the air, and then he began to float as if he had lost the restraint of gravity.

After Lorne was about to touch the roof of the tall building, the roof seemed to be controlled by some mysterious force, and a skylight opened. Let Lorne fly out of the skylight.

"who are you?!"

A ninja spotted Lorne in the air, but before he could inform his companions, the roof suddenly rose under his feet, and a sharp piece of glass slit his throat.

"I'm sorry, but you have to shut up for now."

Lorne walked over the ninja's body and said slowly.

Several other ninjas who were close to this area noticed the strangeness here, but before they came over, several sharp daggers pierced their hearts, and then their bodies fell from the roof and fell to the ground.

The battlefield below became a mess, and both sides suffered losses. No one noticed that the deaths of these ninjas were a bit strange.

Lorne jumped down from the tall building and gently stroked the ground under his feet.

"Then, the second step is to change the battlefield."

The ground trembled slightly, as if there was an earthquake, and the ground of the long street was cracked inch by inch, with several long and narrow cracks appearing.

The crack continued to spread towards one place, and all the tall buildings in the direction of the crack collapsed.

The vibration gradually subsided, and then, a passage appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

One, escape route!

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