Pirate Family

Chapter 867: Game Breaker

An escape route appeared in front of everyone.

For these rebels surrounded by ninjas from Heitan clan, this is the hope of life!

"Follow me and escape!"

The few leaders almost didn't even think about it, and yelled at the companions behind them.

Kappa Kamatsu rushed out of the crowd and pulled out the samurai sword from his waist.

"Wai Wushuang·Furious Slash!"

A slash tens of meters high cut off the long street and forced back the ninjas who were trying to stop them.

And all the rebels, taking advantage of this hard-won opportunity, broke through the first line of defense of the ninjas and stepped into the gully that suddenly appeared.

After finishing all this, Lorne leaned against half of the wall, took out a cigarette from his arms, and lit it next to the burning flame.

At this time, he heard a slight exclamation coming from the side. If his physical fitness hadn't been specially optimized, he might not have heard the exclamation hidden in the fire and chaos.

Following the sound, a girl about six or seven years old poked her head out of a small cabinet in a half-destroyed house. Her eyes widened and she looked at Lorne in horror. , a young woman in a kimono tightly covered the little girl's mouth with her hand to prevent her from making a sound.


Lorne smiled, and then used the index finger of his left hand to make a silent gesture around his mouth.

The fire destroyed everything, and the house was crumbling.

Here, the architectural style of Wano Country is different from any place in the New World.

Due to certain geographical factors, most of the houses here are made of wood. This kind of house has the incomparable earthquake resistance of buildings in other places, and the reconstruction work after the disaster is also more convenient.

However, there is a fatal flaw, that is, because the whole city is filled with a lot of wood, once a fire breaks out somewhere, it will be difficult to contain the fire after it spreads.

Heitan Orochi's action also has the taste of drawing fire from the bottom of the pot. Even if he fails, what will be left to the rebels is a city of flowers that has been completely burned by the flames.

cluck cluck.

When the girl saw Lorne's gesture, the shock in her heart subsided slightly, but at this moment, the wooden beams supporting their house finally couldn't withstand the burning embers of the fire, and suddenly broke with a bang.

The entire roof suddenly collapsed after losing its support.

That poor pair of innocent mother and daughter who were involved in this war, the next moment, they were covered by the burning roof.

But at this time, Lorne coughed softly, and then the floor suddenly split under the feet of the mother and daughter, and two rocks suddenly rose up, building a simple shelter for them, blocking the falling roof down.

Lorne didn't care about the sacrifices of ordinary people, but he didn't like to see such meaningless deaths either.

After all, every flower should be in full bloom, showing its most beautiful posture.

At this time, under the cover of Kappa He Song and others, the rebels followed the gully created by Lorne and withdrew from the main street of the Flower Capital.

The ninjas were chasing after him, and the corner of Lorne's mouth curved slightly.

Because of his own entry, he disrupted the opponent's layout, even if these ninja legions were dispatched to wipe out this group of rebels, he did not dare to bet.

After all, these are hundreds of strong warriors, not lambs to be slaughtered. It will take a certain amount of time for the ninjas to defeat them.

At this time, it's time for the other party to make a choice.

Is it better to wipe out this group of rebels, or to be safer and guard the city of flowers.

And this choice will affect Lorne's judgment.

The initiative of the situation is completely in Lorne's hands!

The group of ninjas hesitated for a moment, then rushed out of the capital of flowers like a group of black crows.

They chose to pursue this group of traitors!


Lorne snapped his fingers, and he walked out of the shadows only after most of the ninjas rushed out of the city.

At this time, a small group of ninjas on the street were cleaning the battlefield and extinguishing the burning flames in the city by the way.

After seeing Lorne, the eyes of the small group of ninjas who stayed behind first showed a trace of astonishment, then immediately put down the movements in their hands, and rushed towards Lorne with strange screams.

In the previous battle, the brilliant Fire Talisman and Thunder Talisman were thrown towards Lorne as if they didn't want money.

But Lorne turned his body slightly like a stroll in the garden, and avoided the inevitable blow of this group of ninjas.

From the perspective of Lorne, who has the most knowledgeable domineering aura. The attack of this group of people is not much faster than that of a turtle crawling.

If she didn't want to, the attacks of this group of people would never hit him.

"There are still remnants of the rebel army! It's an enemy attack!"

After realizing that his darts were useless against Lorne, a ninja yelled at his companions, and then drew out the dagger at his waist.

Since long-range attacks were useless, he chose to use melee combat.

Every ninja was carefully selected by the Heitan Clan from the orphans of the Wano Country, and has undergone strict training since childhood, and swordsmanship was part of their previous training.

It can be said unceremoniously that in Wano Country, which is famous for its swordsmanship, the army with the strongest average swordsmanship is not the famous samurai army, but the Imperial Court Banzhong under the command of Kurotan Orochi!

This ninja is more confident in his swordsmanship than his ninjutsu!

However, before the dagger in his hand could be swung out, his body stopped suddenly.

Because, a sharp dagger cut his throat. Blood gushes out like pillars.

Countless sharp daggers flew out from behind Lorne, like dancing butterflies, harvesting the lives of the enemies.

Silver-white blades and red blood were constantly intertwined in the air, and Lorne walked on the long street.

Every time he took a step, a ninja lost his life and fell to the ground with an unbelievable expression.

This fruit that can control the floating of objects, in the hands of Lorne, showed a completely different demeanor from the golden lion Shiji.


At the same time, the carriage for escorting the prisoners had already left the capital of flowers.

This group of warriors seems to have been given a death order, that is, no matter what happens, these prisoners must be transported to the execution ground outside the capital of flowers.

Therefore, even though there was such a tragic battle behind them, this group of warriors did not turn their heads and take a look.

But at this moment, the carriage stopped slowly.

Because in front of the path, a group of uninvited guests appeared.

The leader was a young woman with a proud figure in a black tights.

The woman looked coldly at the prisoner imprisoned in the carriage.

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