Pirate Family

Chapter 868: Siege by One Man

The group of ninjas remaining in the city were not Lorne's opponents at all, and were easily annihilated by Lorne.

And until they all fell to the ground, no ninja could come within five steps of Lorne, and until they were all dead, Lorne's clothes were still spotless.


A house, unable to withstand the devastation of the fire, collapsed.

And its collapse, together with several other houses, collapsed one by one like dominoes.

Desperate cries for help resounded on the long street one after another.

"If I hadn't appeared, would these poor people have been saved?"

Lorne stopped in his tracks and said to himself.

But soon, he slowly shook his head. Compared with the raging fire, the ninjas staying in the city are like a drop in the bucket. No matter how hard they try, it is impossible to put out the fire.

Lorne guessed that the reason why they were left here was more symbolic than actual.

After the war ended, Kurotan Orochi had a way of saying something to the angry citizens of Wano Country.

At least he didn't give up asking for help, and at that time, the group of people who rebelled against him should have been wiped out, and Heitan Orochi could completely shift the responsibility to this group of rebels.

After all, the truth of history has always been written by the victors.

As for the lives of ordinary people in the capital of flowers who died tonight, they are insignificant compared to Heitan Orochi's own interests.


Lorne said with some pity. Heitan snake doesn't care about the lives of these ordinary people, and he doesn't care either.

And Lorne has always believed in a truth, that is, one person cannot save everyone.

Therefore, Lorne could only eradicate the source of everything, that is, the Black Charcoal Serpent.

He walked towards the Orochi Mansion step by step. After all the ninjas were dealt with by him, no one could stop him in the long street of the capital of flowers.

Since those ninjas were able to leave the Capital of Flowers without hesitation, that is to say, the person who commanded the group of ninjas believed that there would be no danger in the city.

At least, the safety of Heitan Orochi can be guaranteed.

Therefore, it is 80% possible for Lorne to guess that Heitan Orochi himself is not in the Orochi Mansion at this time!

However, the purpose of Lorne's coming to Wano Country was not Heitan Orochi, but the captured Ariel.

No one in the outside world knew about the relationship between him and Ai Ruili, so no matter how shrewd the person who arranged the layout, he would not guess the importance of Ai Ruili to Lorne. So even if Heitan Orochi flees, Ai Ruili is very likely to be left in the Orochi Mansion!

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened. Lorne raised his head and saw a layer of dark clouds covering the sun.

Then, the heavy rain poured down, and the fire in the city got a little relief.

"They're lucky."

Lorne said to himself, after the heavy rain, there was a hint of humidity in the air. The residents trapped in the house shouted excitedly as if they were saved.

The rain is like the nectar that saves everything. Some residents trapped in the fire even opened the windows, holding the rainwater in their hands, and roaring greedily.

But all of this has nothing to do with Lorne. At this time, Lorne had already reached the gate of the Big Snake Mansion.

This towering building has been standing here since the founding of the Wano country. Even the rust on the gate seems to have a long history.

But Lorne is not an archaeologist, and he did not come to this country to explore the history of Wano Country.

This young man with blond hair walked to the gate, touched the heavy iron gate with his slender fingers, and said softly.


cluck cluck cluck.

The iron gate seemed to be subjected to some kind of supernatural power, and began to twist and deform, and then turned into two balls of iron, which suddenly flew into the air.

Lorne chose to attack the highest authority in this country alone!

What appeared in front of Lorne was a rather exquisite courtyard. There was a small pool on the mottled stone road. Several goldfish were playing in the pool. Two water columns were like waterfalls. Flow up and down.

On both sides are beautifully manicured grasslands, and a fragrance different from the Jiuli area permeates the courtyard.

Lorne stepped into the courtyard, then picked up the short knife he had collected from a ninja before, and stabbed towards the side of the gate. As a result, a ninja who was about to attack him was killed.

"Your heartbeat is too loud. In the next life, when you are about to sneak attack on others, you must learn how to calm yourself down."

The person who tried to sneak attack Lorne clutched his chest, leaned against the wall, and slowly slid to the ground.

The blood left a long trace on the white wall. The ninja looked unbelievable, but after hearing Lorne's words, he slowly closed his eyes.

The gap is too big! This man is not a creature of the same level as them!

Tread, tread, tread!

The moment Lorne made his move, countless warriors who had been in ambush for a long time jumped out from behind the rockery, on the roof, inside the house, behind the wall, and surrounded Lorne.

Heavy rain fell and dripped on their black full plate, but none of the warriors was distracted to polish their armor.

The group surrounded Lorne, holding Wano country's special samurai swords, and looked at the young man in front of them with vigilance.

They witnessed the scene of Lorne massacring the group of ninjas just now, so the group of warriors knew very well that the man in front of him had a strength comparable to or even surpassed that of Kozuki Oden's before.

This kind of strength is not something that can be defeated alone.

Lorne slowly closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something. Not moving at all. This also gives the group of ninjas the best mobile chance, a samurai shouted.

"kill him!"

Then all the warriors swarmed up, like a group of moths chasing flames, and surrounded Lorne.

The samurai swords reflected the cold light, and no one would doubt the sharpness of these samurai swords.

In almost an instant, a warrior rushed to Lorne's side, raised his weapon high, and tried to cut off the head of this madman who tried to trample on the dignity of the Heitan clan. But before he could make a move, a pair of slender hands grabbed his neck.

Then, break his neck.

Lorne slowly opened his eyes, and a murderous intent flashed in Gu Jingbubo's eyes.

He said coldly.

"Damn it, it's not here!"

sorry sorry!

I made a mistake in setting up the scheduled update yesterday, and only updated one chapter.

Make it up later or tomorrow.

sorry sorry!

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