Pirate Family

Chapter 873 A Girl Born in a Disaster

Wano country, Kuri area.

Yinggong Li stands on the branch of the tallest tree on Jiuli Mountain. The salty sea breeze gently blew her hair up.

After Lorne and the others left, this woman liked to stand at this place, looking at the capital of flowers in the distance.

"I don't know if their journey is smooth."

The woman said to herself that after Lorne and the others left the Jiuli area, the eyes of the entire Wano Kingdom were attracted to them.

The number of samurai who came to attack Jiuli has decreased a lot, and Ying Gongli can easily eliminate them by himself.

"Big brother and the others are so powerful! They will definitely be able to overthrow those big villains!"

At this time, a childish voice sounded in Ying Gongli's ears, Ying Gongli lowered his head, and saw a little boy about eight or nine years old, wiping his nose, standing under the big tree, looking at himself.

In the small face, there was a trace of firmness that did not conform to youth.

"Who told you this?"

Ying Gongli jumped off the big tree, came to the little boy's side, and asked slowly.

She recognized this little boy, he was the child of the village chief's family, and when he was threatened and lured by the warriors with sharp knives, he did not betray them.

A very courageous kid. This is Ying Gongli's evaluation of this little boy.

"My uncles and aunts say that. They say that big brother and they are heroes of Wano country, heroes who can rival the former Kozuki Oden-sama!"

The boy touched his nose and said seriously.

"After defeating the group of villains who wanted to attack the village, they immediately went to the Capital of Flowers to defeat the worst villain!"

"Is that so?" Ying Gongli murmured to herself. So, in the eyes of this group of simple villagers in Bian Li Village, is he such a good person to wait for others?

The word "good guy" has an indescribable sense of irony on pirates like them. The corner of Ying Gongli's mouth curved slightly, she suddenly wanted to know what kind of expression that man would have when he knew that someone regarded him as a savior.

"That's right! My mother told me to come and find Sister Dahaoren for a very important matter!"

At this time, the boy seemed to think of something, patted his head and shouted.

"What's up?"

Ying Gongli asked with some doubts, "Could it be that another warrior from the Heitan clan invaded Bianli Village?"


The boy shook his head and said seriously.

"It's Aunt Alang next door who gave birth to a baby. I asked my big sister to go back and help me find a name."

Aunt Aaron?

Ying Gongli suddenly thought of the young pregnant woman who was holding her husband's headless corpse, crying and smiling at the same time.

Is that so?


When Yinggongli returned to Bianli Village, a lot of people had gathered at the door of a certain small house. After seeing Yinggongli's arrival, the group of villagers silently gave way to a road.

"You are finally here!"

Walking into the room, a pale woman said excitedly after seeing Ying Gongli.

"There is no need to wait for a concubine to do this kind of thing." Rika Sakura shook her head. In Wano Country, there is such a custom that people of high status like to help with naming, so that the baby born is more likely to be born. Live your life in peace.

Ying Gongli has guarded Bian Li village so many times, and it is reasonable to replace the original village head, and has won the trust of the residents of Bian Li Village.

Even the village chief himself has no complaints about this kind of thing.

Sakura Miya sat down, holding a baby wrapped in coarse cloth in the woman's arms. This is a baby girl. After seeing Ying Gongli, she didn't cry, but opened her big eyes to look at the outside world.

"She is very well-behaved, just like A Lang expected."

The woman lying on the bed said weakly.

"Master Sakura Miyagi please give her a name."

"This kind of thing, I have never done before."

There was a rare red haze on Ying Gongli's face. Fighting, sword fighting, and killing people were all things she could do at her fingertips, but she was a 20-year-old girl after all, and things like naming babies. She had never really met one.

This is much more difficult than killing people.

The baby girl blinked her eyes, she was as charming as two pieces of black jade.

"Let's do this," Ying Gongli thought for a while, and then said.

"Just call her Xiaoyu."

"Jade is a gentleman's stone. I would rather destroy it than lack it. May her life be as loyal as jade."

"Xiaoyu, good name." After the woman heard what Ying Gongli said, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, she raised her weak hand, and took the baby girl from Ying Gongli's hand.

"Hey hey."

After seeing her mother, the baby girl started to laugh, very cute.

"Alang, did you hear that? Our child is called Xiaoyu."

The woman held the baby girl, and then thought of her dead husband, who died on the butcher's knives of those villains without even seeing his own child.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu."

The woman teased the baby girl, and tears rolled down her eyes unconsciously.

But even so, she was still smiling.

The whole Kasa Village, all the people, are smiling.

At this time, Ying Gongli walked out of the room, she stayed away from the crowd, as if she felt something, she raised her head and looked in the direction of the capital of flowers.

A white light. It soared into the sky, as if an earthquake had struck.

"Is the Wano country like jade?"

"I'd rather be destroyed than fall into Xiaoxiao's hands."


"Don't be afraid! With me here, I will protect everyone!"

The Rabbit Bowl area, a temporary base for the rebels.

The aftermath of the shock remained, and the ground trembled slightly from time to time.

Unarmed ordinary people huddled in the corner, the room was in a mess, and the things placed on the table were all shaken to the ground by the sudden shock wave.

A woman in knight armor reacted first, and then said to her companions pretending to be calm.

"I swear in the name of my knight, I will protect everyone!"

With the female knight, everyone's hanging heart has stabilized a lot, but there are still some people with fragile hearts who still look in the direction of the shock wave with lingering fear.

There is the capital of flowers.

"No, the lord is in danger, I must go there!"

At this time, a woman in military uniform walked out of the crowd, looked at the city of flowers that had been razed to the ground, and said anxiously.

"As the sharp blade of the lord, at this time, I must appear by the lord's side!"

"I'll go with you, Sister Xia Lan."

At this time, a girl with black hair stood out from the crowd. He said calmly.

"The Capital of Flowers is my hometown after all."

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