Pirate Family

Chapter 874 The Fallen Island

The girl who brought the news of the City of Flowers and rescued everyone from the Rabbit Bowl Prison walked up to Xia Lan and said firmly.

"No matter what happens, I must go back to the capital of flowers."

Xia Lan looked at the girl in front of her. She was about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a thin body, but the firmness in her eyes made her look not weak at all.

At this age, even in the country of martial arts, she belongs to the kind of jewel in the palm of the palm of her parents' hands. I don't know what she has gone through to make her look like this.

Xia Lan didn't want to know either. She only asked one question.

"As long as you step on the battlefield, you must have the awareness of death. Have you prepared this awareness?"

"As early as in the fire ten years ago, I already had the consciousness of death."

The girl smiled charmingly, and a trace of sadness flashed in her big beautiful eyes.

"Now I have nothing to lose."

"Then, good."

Xia Lan patted the girl on the shoulder.

"tell me your name."

"If you don't come back alive from that battlefield, I will erect a monument with you."

"Xiao Zi, many people call me that."

The girl said so. Then, as if she remembered something, she stood there in a daze.

Xia Lan nodded, then turned around and whistled. A black horse galloped over after hearing the whistle.

This is the spoils she collected from the rabbit bowl. For a martial artist like her, it is not difficult to conquer a fine horse.

"Get on the horse, we should still have time."

Xia Lan rolled over, jumped onto the steed, and stretched out her hand to Xiao Zi.

"Oh, sorry."

Xiao Zi came back to her senses at this time, and said apologetically.

"Actually, I have another name."

The girl said in a low voice. What Xia Lan said just now reminded her of some long-term memories, some memories that were so old that she didn't want to recall them.


The girl's voice was like a mosquito, and even Xia Lan, who was closest to her, couldn't hear her clearly.


The speed at which the floating island fell was getting faster and faster, and it fell towards Wano Country like a meteorite.

Kaido walked out of the huge cave like a devil's head in Oni Island, raised his head, and looked at the floating island that was smashing in this direction. There was a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"It turned out to be an arrogant idiot who lost himself after gaining abilities and was lost by power."

"With this kind of you, you won't be able to travel on this sea for long."

This man who has the title of the strongest creature in history took out a jug of wine from his clothes, and then he started to sip the wine while facing the floating island that was constantly falling towards him.

He is convinced that the man who controls the floating island and dominates the Wano country inherits the fluttering fruit of the golden lion Shiji. People, also him.

Although he didn't know what his purpose was, one thing was certain, that was that man, who had great hostility towards him.

As for those who are hostile to themselves, it is undoubtedly the easiest way to eradicate them before their goals are achieved.

Therefore, the explosion in the capital of flowers actually had Kaido's acquiescence. Otherwise, just relying on Heitan Orochi's power and giving him ten guts, he would not dare to rashly blow up Kaido's territory, which has long regarded Wano Country as his own.

The trick is simple, but also very effective.

The man didn't expect that Kaido would directly abandon a prosperous city in order to deal with him. So he died there.

The floating island that fell in front of him was the evidence of his death.


The floating island smashed straight into the inland sea of ​​Wano country, setting off a thousand layers of huge waves on the sea surface, and the inland sea of ​​Wano country, like a tenth magnitude tsunami, the huge wave centered on the floating island, heading towards Spread around.

Some, huge creatures lurking in Wano's inner sea, struggled desperately in the waves, but in the face of this terrifying power beyond the limit, the power of the individual seemed too insignificant. These huge creatures were quickly torn into pieces by the raging tide, and more smaller creatures were washed to various parts of Wano Inland Sea along with the tide.

Countless sediments accumulated in the Wano Inland Sea, which had not moved for hundreds of years, were stirred out from the bottom of the Inland Sea.

The whole sea became extremely muddy.

After the huge waves subsided for a while, the condition of the floating island was revealed to everyone.

The entire floating island hit the edge of Wano Country at a very clever angle. The two sides formed a thirty-degree angle, forming a delicate balance.

If the Wano country above the sea is compared to a cake, then the country of Takeshi that fell from the sky is more like a paper plastic cup poured on the corner of the cake.

Kaido looked at the floating island falling from the sky, and then waved slightly.

Countless pirates swarmed out of the Ghost Head Cave and rushed towards the shore of Ghost Island, where countless pirate ships were docked.

"Conquer that territory."

Kaido said that since the kid who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth gave him such a big gift, then he didn't mind expanding his territory a little bit.

In this way, it can be regarded as punishment for that stupid boy who provoked himself.

And back to the country of martial arts, after the initial chaos, the warriors of the country of martial arts quickly reacted.

"My lord savior and His Majesty Xia Lan may have some problems, so I will temporarily take over the position of supreme command!!"

A woman in silver-white armor came out from the crowd. She seemed to have been seriously injured, and her body was still wrapped in bandages. What was even more frightening was that her face was covered with hideous wounds.

But this woman seems to have considerable influence in the Kingdom of Martial Arts. After she came out, people's hearts were finally relieved a lot.

"First Imperial Legion, go and find out what happened?"

"The Second Empire Legion, evacuate the residents in the city, and then treat those injured due to the fall of the country of martial arts."

"And the last Legion of the Third Reich!" A flash of determination flashed in the woman's eyes, and she drew a long sword from her waist.

This long sword is named "Slashing Evil" and was given to her by the previous king of the Kingdom of Martial Arts. With this long sword, she protected His Majesty Xia Lan, who was still very young at the time, and then cut down countless sea monsters who tried to invade the Kingdom of Martial Arts. The thief's head made great military exploits.

This long sword, just like her lover, did not abandon it even though she was seriously injured.

And now, it's time to get out of the sheath again.

The woman raised her long sword high and said to the soldiers behind her.

"And the last Legion of the Third Reich will join me in protecting the Kingdom of Martial Arts!"

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