Pirate Family

Chapter 876 Discovery (2)

Garrett brought Moria to Gaji's laboratory. Although he didn't know what the former king Shichibukai's plan was, but in the current situation, he was in the entire sky city SKY, The only man who has gone deep into the Wano country, and even dealt with people from the Wano country, Garrett had to trust him for the time being.

"If you deceive me, I will drain all the blood from your body, and then throw you into Gage's laboratory to transform you into an experimental subject."

Before pushing open the door of the laboratory, Garrett suddenly turned around and warned Moria.

"Trust me, I can do this."

Now she is no longer the eighteenth daughter of the Charlotte family, but the well-known top powerhouse, the blood queen Vennhill Garrett.

Not to mention Moria, whose strength has been greatly weakened at this time, even if he directly faces Moria, who was at the height of the sky and in its heyday, it is not impossible to win.

She is qualified to say this sentence.

"Hehe." Moria smiled and didn't answer her.

The door of the laboratory was slowly pushed open, and a smell of formalin came to the face, and then a man in a white coat raised his head, and he put it down after seeing that the person who came in was Garrett and the others. heart.

"How is Lorne, Mr. Vegapunk."

Garrett didn't worry about why the person who appeared here was Vegapunk instead of Gage, she walked up to this man and asked her anxiously.

"What's the situation with Brother Lorne?"

"Cough cough cough."

At this time, a weak voice sounded beside Garrett, and a petri dish was slowly opened. Through the glass, a man with black hair was lying in the emerald green liquid, and opened his mouth. Eyes, looking outside.

"I'm fine."

Lorne said weakly, and the voice was transmitted outside through the petri dish.

Seeing Lorne regain consciousness, Garrett's hanging heart was finally relieved.

"Unfortunately, I didn't find any information about Kozuki Oden's family that you told me to look for."

Garrett shook her head in shame, and continued.

"However, Moria said that he had been in contact with Kozuki Oden, and he might be able to provide some valuable clues."

"Is that so?" Lorne was still a little disappointed when he heard that the piece of information was not found at the beginning, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, he directly punched through the glass of the petri dish.


Emerald green liquid flowed out of the hole, and a strong smell of medicine permeated the entire laboratory.

"Because your spirit is linked to the clone, after the clone suffers irreversible injuries, your spirit will also be injured. If you resist treatment like this, there may be some sequelae."

Vegapunk still looked calm, he raised his head, and said to Lorne calmly.

"It's enough."

Lorne waved his hand at Vegapunk, and then walked in front of Moria.

"Tell me everything about the man Kozuki Oden!"

"Why do you care so much about this man?" A trace of doubt flashed across Moria's face, but he was soon relieved.

The purpose of his coming here was to convey this information to Lorne.

"I know very little information about the man Kozuki Oden. I only know that he once stayed on Whitebeard's ship, and then jumped to Roger's ship halfway."

"After completing the journey of the great voyage, Kozuki Oden did not follow his original promise with Whitebeard and returned to Whitebeard's ship, but returned directly to his hometown, Wano Country."

"When he just returned to Wano Country, he was plotted against by Heitan Orochi and Kaido. Sora failed to show his powerful strength, and he died there in humiliation."

"When I set foot on Wano Country, what I saw was Kozuki Oden's last resistance. After he failed in his resistance, Kurotan Orochi's coalition forces defeated all his subordinates, including his wife and children. He was also trapped in his government office, and it is said that he was burned alive."

Moria sat in front of Lorne and said slowly.

Luxurious buildings, fires, wives, children. The answer is already very close.

Lorne took a deep breath. He knew that he was very close to the answer he wanted.

"Then, tell me the name of Kozuki Oden's wife."

Lorne opened his mouth and asked his last question.


Moria answered Lorne in this way, he said slowly.

"The wife of Kozuki Oden, named Shi, Kozuki Toki."


A dilapidated ship flying the Heitan clan's family crest and banner leaned against the shore of Ghost Island with difficulty.

As the ruler of the closed country Wano, Kurotan Orochiji and his subordinates were not good at sailing. In addition, in order to hide the eyes and ears, the fleeing ship was also snatched from the port of the capital of flowers. After experiencing two huge tsunamis, the whole ship was torn apart, and after sending everyone to the island, it slowly sank into the sea.

"I didn't expect that this group of untouchables could push this general to such a point!"

Surrounded by the guards, the black charcoal snake cursed and walked onto the land. Not far in front of him was a huge mountain like a devil's head. There was his ally, the powerful Kaido's lair.

As long as they get there, they're safe.

At this time, Heitan Orochi was in a panic, his black kimono was wet, and there were still a few big holes, which were worn out when he was bumping on the deck when the huge waves hit.

A gust of icy sea wind hit, and the black charcoal snake couldn't help but tremble all over.

He who has been pampered and raised for many years has never experienced this kind of humiliation, even when he was taken as a prisoner by that bastard Vinhill when he was in Cake Island and his life was hanging by a thread, he was never in such embarrassment.

Now Heitan Orochi only has one thought in mind, that is to tear the man who drives the Floating Void City into pieces.

Uh, although it seems that after the explosion, he has been torn to pieces.

Then dig out his corpse from the ruins, stir it into minced meat, and then feed it to your pet dog!

Heitan Orochi thought viciously, and in his heart he did not hesitate to cast the most vicious curse on the man who had caused him to end up in this way.

The door of the Devil's Head Cave slowly opened, and a tall figure walked out of it. Heitan Orochi recognized that this man was the last disaster under Kaido's command, Jack known as Drought.

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