Pirate Family

Chapter 877: The Curtain of the Decisive Battle

"It's really embarrassing, Black Charcoal Serpent."

Jack walked up to the charcoal snake and said in a low voice.

After Jhin was defeated by Lorne and Quinn disappeared, he became the Beasts Pirates, the well-deserved number one under Kaido.

He has the strength to despise Heitan Orochi.

"Don't say such sarcastic remarks. That man came here for you at first glance. After I paid the price of the capital of flowers, I managed to leave his life there."

"The next thing is up to you. If you don't protect me well, then you will never find a collaborator comparable to me!"

Heitan Orochi said viciously, after all, he is the ruler of Wano Country, even in name, so when facing Jack, he can't lose in momentum.

"Boss Kaido is already waiting for you in the cave, you go in."

Jack said so, but at this moment, he seemed to have discovered something, raised his head, and looked towards the direction of the sea. Then he shook his head, and a mocking laugh came out of his steel mask.

"I didn't expect that a group of mice escaped from the explosion. They are chasing you, do they want to avenge their mouse companions?"

"What, that group of rebels has not been completely wiped out!"

Heitan Orochi screamed after hearing Jack's words.

"Don't make a fuss, my general."

Jack crossed the charcoal snake and walked towards the sea.

"Leave the rest to me, and you go in with your men."

"Don't let Boss Kaido wait too long, or you will know the consequences."

After saying the word "consequence", Jack emphasized his tone, the threat was self-evident.

Sure enough, a trace of fear flashed in Heitan Orochi's eyes, and then walked towards the head of the demon without saying a word.

However, no one noticed that among Heitan Orochi's subordinates, a man in white feathers looked curiously in the direction of the devil's head when he passed by Jack.

Then muttered to himself.

"Is this the place on the map?"

His voice was so soft that even the nearest ninja couldn't hear him clearly.

Because he was afraid that the group of rebels would catch up, Heitan Orochi walked very fast, and even his subordinates had to speed up their pace in order to catch up with Heitan Orochi.

Therefore, none of the group of exhausted ninjas noticed the frenzy that flashed in Sagi-kun's eyes when he saw the head of the demon.

Besides, there is another man who is preoccupied, Sleeper Crazy!


Jack walked to the shore alone, then turned his head, like a mountain of meat, standing on the ground, like a host waiting for guests.

He does have such strength. Jack, who has a bounty of more than one billion, is a well-deserved strong man no matter where he is placed on this sea. In fact, except for the few Pirate Emperors, In this sea, no one dared to say that he could win against Jack with certainty.

Therefore, facing this group of rebels who were chasing after him, Jack didn't take it seriously.

Even if this group of rebels almost ignited the flames of war in the entire Wano country.

"This time, let's eradicate you completely."

Jack said that after Kurotan Orochi ruled Wano Country, this group of rebels who claimed to be the heirs of the Kozuki clan has been emerging in endlessly, like a fire in the grassland, no matter how hard they try, as long as there is a little spark left If it survives, the fire may start again at any time, and then form a prairie fire.

Every time Kaido went on an expedition before, this group of rebels would make some small moves in Wano Country, which annoyed them very much.

Therefore, Jack is going to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe them all out to avoid future troubles.

"Inheriting the will of a dead man?"

Jack made a sarcastic sound.

"It's just a joke."

At this time, Jack suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, and the calm sea suddenly rolled over. Then, a slash came out from the bottom of the sea, cut open the sea, and flew towards Jack.

"You are not allowed to insult Kozuki Oden-sama!"

A fat murloc jumped up from the bottom of the sea. He waved the long sword in his hand and yelled at Jack.

Faced with this menacing slash, Jack didn't move. A layer of brown fluff surged out from Jack's body and covered his body. Package, Jack's whole body is covered with a layer of black armor.


The slash flew over Jack's body, making a screeching sound like metal rubbing, and sparks flew everywhere.

Jack snorted coldly, his palm covered with pitch-black arrogance, and then smashed the slash away with a punch.

There was a long crack in the fluff armor on his chest, as if the armor had been cut in half, exposing the skin inside.

A wound appeared on the skin, and blood gushed out of the wound continuously, but Jack's muscles kept wriggling, like half of countless wriggling granulation, and he quickly repaired his wound.

"Is this your anger? It's not worth mentioning."

In the blink of an eye, this frightening wound healed naturally.

This is the astonishing recovery ability of the animal-type fruit ability users after awakening.

Jack looked at the murloc who was panting heavily in front of him, without any sarcasm in his tone.

"It seems that Kozuki Oden also had his purpose in saving you trash back then. Because he knew that relying on your strength, it is impossible to escape from Lord Kaido's hands!"

"You are not allowed to insult Kozuki Oden-sama!"

The fat murloc roared angrily.

"I insulted him, what can you do with me?"

At this moment, the wound on Jack's body has completely healed. He looked at the murloc in front of him with an aggrieved face, and said with some amusement.

"Then I can only kill you and use your blood to pay homage to Lord Kozuki Oden."

At this time, a cold voice sounded in Jack's ear.

Several crude ships have already docked. Hundreds of warriors with vengeance burning in their eyes surrounded Jack.

A man wearing a tengu mask said so.

"Ready to meet our wrath?"


Heitan Orochi stepped into the gloomy Demon Head, which is Kaido's lair. Although it was not the first time he came here, every time he came here, Heitan Orochi would feel an inexplicable discomfort.

It's like walking into the mouth of a huge creature. This creature may wake up at any time, and then eat the group of creatures that walked into its mouth in one bite.

Kaido is sitting in the middle of the cave, waiting for the black charcoal snake. And in front of Kaido, sat a man who was a little strange to Heitan Orochi.

A man who absolutely shouldn't be in this place.

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