Pirate Family

Chapter 878 War Planner

Heitan Orochi saw a man who shouldn't be here in Kaido's cave.

"It turns out that you were the ones who wanted to cooperate with this general before."

Heitan Orochi found a chair and sat down, then raised his head, looked at the middle-aged man in black dress sitting in front of Kaido, and slowly said his name.

"The war planner of the Grudge Trial, Basefeto Giapo."

This person, who became famous almost twenty years ago in the post-Locus era, is a lunatic who is feared by the entire sea.

It's not because of his great strength, or because the fruit is weird, but because this man is a complete lunatic. He took pleasure in creating tragic wars of annihilation of the country. According to incomplete statistics, more people died directly or indirectly in his hands than the combined total of a royal-level pirate group.

However, this man disappeared after the battle of the White Horse Kingdom thirteen years ago, and everyone thought he died there. His reputation, with the passage of time, was gradually forgotten by this sea.

However, a year ago, this man returned to the sight of this sea in the most eye-catching way. In the name of a trial of grievances, he planned the famous Battle of Bislan and died on that day. Countless pirates in this war have used their blood to tell the truth to the people in this world, that is, Jiabo's reputation is definitely not in vain.

Heitan Orochi looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and Jiabo also looked at him with playful eyes.

After a long time, Jiabo spoke.

"Ten years ago, when I was imprisoned in that dark place, I was thinking, if I could come out, I must plan the craziest war to celebrate my return."

Jiabo did not mention the matter of cooperation, but fell into memories.

"And your Wano country is just in my consideration."


After hearing Jiabo's words, not only Heitan Orochi, but even Kaido who was sitting on the main seat raised his eyebrows, expressing some interest.

"Many years ago, I fought against Kozuki Oden under Whitebeard's command, so I knew how important he is to Whitebeard's heart. So when I was advancing into the city, I was thinking, if I go out, We must make use of Kozuki Oden's special status to make a fuss, to provoke a war between the two emperors, and to completely muddy the water in this sea."

"That thing has happened."

Kaido said coldly. When Sanchuan Road was still under his command. It is his most powerful think tank, making suggestions for him. After Kozuki Oden ended his life in such a humiliating way, Mikawaji proposed to make a fuss about Kozuki Oden's identity.

Kaido readily accepted Mikawaji's proposal, designed to make the most powerful assistant of the golden lion Shiki at the time, Mon Bach think that he killed Kozuki Oden, and then triggered the war between Whitebeard and the golden lion .

This war was the fuse that finally led to the defeat of the Golden Lion.

In fact, if White Beard didn't know why a few years later, he realized that Kozuki Oden died at his own hands, even now, that old guy is still kept in the dark.

"It's not that simple. In fact, just his special identity of the Kozuki clan can make some fuss. You know, in the Wano country hundreds of years ago..."

Just as Jiabo wanted to say something, he suddenly realized that he had strayed too far from the topic, and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"It's too far away. Don't mention the past. Let's discuss cooperation."

He paused, then continued.

"We will provide the materials, and then you Wano Country will process our munitions on your behalf, and add Wano Country's unique sea building stones to these munitions."

"The Hailoushi weapon made will be shared equally between our two families."

"Don't you think you're asking a little too much?"

Before Heitan Orochi could answer, Kaido said coldly.

"It's just such a simple thing as making weapons, my family can do it, why should I hand over the manufactured weapons to you."

In this sea, after all, one cannot only look at the top powerhouses, conquer cities and expand territories, but look more at the deterrent power of the troops under his command.

You know, the most popular Vinhill family now also started with arms.

But in the new world where there are many capable people, the deterrent effect of a group of Hailoushi weapons that can limit capable people is self-evident.

"Of course, we will also take out some things we have and exchange them with you."

Jiabo snapped his fingers and said with a smile.

"For example, pure gold that can make people live forever."

After mentioning the word pure gold, Heitan Orochi and even Kaido became a lot more dignified, and the entire cave was extremely silent, except for the greedy breathing of the men.

The Judgment of Venom has pure gold, and this news was known to the entire sea after the Battle of Bislan.

You know, this thing is something that Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors, did not even get. Although the last pure gold ring was obtained by Lorne, no one doubts that this group of people must be in control of obtaining the pure gold ring. channels.

Because of a very simple reason, if they only hold a little bit of pure gold, they will not regard that real pure gold ring as a prize for the victor of the pirate killing. Instead, use it in a more meaningful place.

For example, renewing the life of a big man who holds a lot of power but is about to die of old age.

Charlotte Lingling even offered a reward in the dark world because she was eager to get pure gold. She wanted to know the whereabouts of the Venomous Trial. Rich rewards.

However, this group of people hid very well, and Charlotte Lingling has not found them until now.

So when Jiabo said the word pure gold, Heitan Orochi didn't doubt the authenticity of his words, but asked instead.

"You can provide pure gold, how much can you provide?"

He directly asked one of the most important questions. In the face of the temptation of eternal life, the slightest benefit of Wano Country seemed so insignificant.

As long as Jiabo has enough pure gold, he will be able to step into the ranks of the immortals. Thinking of this, Heitan Orochi couldn't help but become short of breath.

In this vast sea, no one can refuse eternal life, and the more high-ranking people are, the more greedy they are for their hard-won rights.

"A lot." Jiabo only said these two words.

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