Pirate Family

Chapter 879 The Rage of the Avengers

"A lot." Jiabo only said these two words.

"It's so many that you can't imagine, even if all of your entire Beast Pirates are equipped with a pure gold ornament, it's more than enough."

"Oh my God!"

Heitan Orochi shouted loudly, he looked at Jiabo, this man has no reason to deceive them, that is to say, they might really hold so much pure gold.

At this time, Jiabo, in the eyes of Heitan Orochi, was not a terrifying war planner, but a key to a vault.

Behind him, there is a mountain of pure gold shining with golden light.

If someone tells Heitan Orochi that Jiabo and the others have found Roger's ONE-PIECE and obtained this great secret treasure that makes the whole sea flock to it, Heitan Orochi will also believe it.

No, Roger's great secret treasure is completely impossible to compare with the pure gold that can make people live forever! Mere wealth is in front of eternal life.

Not worth mentioning!

"Did you find that huge lantern fish?"

At this time, Kaido was silent for a while, and then spoke slowly.

According to legend, a huge lantern fish lives in the depths of this sea, and almost all the pure gold in the world is produced from the belly of this huge lantern fish.

The pure gold they possessed in the Judgment of Resentment probably came from this, otherwise Kaido really can't think of where else there are so many pure gold deposits.

"That's not something you should worry about."

Garbo replied.

"You just need to know that we have the ability to provide pure gold."

"So, now, can the negotiations continue?"

The black charcoal snake was about to answer, but at this moment, the cave suddenly began to vibrate slightly, and there were several explosions outside.

It was as if a battle had taken place.

"It seems that you still have something to deal with."

Gabo said with a smile, then stretched out his hand to Kaido and made a "please" gesture.

"It's okay, I'll wait here, and we'll continue the negotiation after you've dealt with the trouble."

"It will be over soon."

Kaido stood up, nearly ten meters tall, like a giant.

He waved his hand, and countless pirates swarmed out of the cave, following behind him.

Then, a group of people walked out of the cave.


On the coast of Ghost Island, a group of people were besieging a huge mammoth. A warrior rushed to the side of the giant mammoth, took out a black bomb from his arms, and sent it into the giant mammoth. inside the fluff.

After doing all this, the samurai shouted as if he had fulfilled his last wish.

"Everything is for the glory of the Guangyue clan."

Then he pulled out his long knife and slashed at the thick fur of the mammoth, hitting the bomb just in time.


The bomb was under pressure and exploded instantly.

The mammoth wailed in pain, its body flew a few meters to the side, and almost fell to the ground with a bang.

A huge deep pit appeared at the position where the warrior's combat power was originally. On the right side of the mammoth's body, all the fluff was scorched, and a bloody hole several meters appeared.

Fresh blood spurted out from the blood hole, and the beating of internal organs could be seen faintly through the flesh and blood.

The wound healed quickly, but at this moment, when the mammoth looked at the group of warriors in front of him, he no longer had the contempt he had at the beginning, but was more cautious, and...

One point of fear.

Countless deep pits appeared on the entire bank, all around the giant mammoth. These were bombs detonated close to the giant mammoth at the cost of his own life, just like the previous warrior.

After suffering for so many years, this group of samurai has already formulated an unknown number of battle plans based on the characteristics of Kaido's cadres. This is just the first step of their revenge!

The wrath of the unscrupulous is most terrible, because they are able to sacrifice something in order to achieve their own ends.

Including... my own life!

Looking at the samurai who are gradually approaching him, and the eyes of these samurai who have no nostalgia for living.

Jack was finally afraid. No matter how strong the recovery ability of the animal-type devil fruit user is, no matter how powerful his power is, there is a limit after all.

He could easily kill ten warriors rushing forward like a fly, but immediately, another twenty warriors took the place of his companions and rushed towards him without fear of death.

Still holding that horrible black lacquered bomb in his hand.

Just like a group of tarsal maggots, they can't be killed endlessly.

This time, Jack finally got a taste of fear.

But he had no chance to escape at all, and a fat murloc blocked his escape route.

"You have been helping the evildoers for so many years, you should have expected this ending long ago."

As Kappa Hesong said, he slowly raised the long sword in his hand, the sword body made of refined steel reflected a gleam of cold light.

"First you, then Kaido, everyone will have to pay the price for what you did before!"

Kappa Hesong held the sword tightly with both hands, and then slashed down suddenly.

A huge slash cut the ground in half, and rushed towards Jack who had turned into a giant mammoth.

Boom boom boom!

The ground kept rolling, and a huge crack was cut by the slash. Looking at it from a high altitude, it seemed that a hole was constantly opening on the edge of the ghost island.

And Jack stood right in front of the opening.

There is no way to avoid it!

Jack's pupils shrunk, surrounded by warriors who looked like self-destructing infantry, he could only take this slash forcefully.

"The full blow of a mere swordsman can't hurt me at all!"

Jack roared, and the rough voice came out of his mouth, like thunder after thunder, echoing on the ground.

A layer of jet-black domineering armor covered the mammoth's fur. In an instant, Jack changed from a brown beast to a creature like a black armored chariot.


Slash struck Jack's waist, the white sword energy rubbed against the black hair, sparks flew everywhere.

"it's useless!"

Jack roared and pushed his body forward. Directly push away the sword energy.

The sword energy exploded in mid-air, before Jack could recover. A dry old man appeared in front of Jack.

"This punch is given back to you for the residents who died in the Flower City!"

A layer of transparent domineering covered Uncle Leopard's fist, and his whole body was like wearing a layer of transparent armor.

Uncle Leopard said with red eyes that at this moment, he only thought of the innocent ordinary people who died in the explosion in the Capital of Flowers.


With a punch, it hit Jack directly on the head. Liu Ying's domineering power directly penetrated Jack's layers of defense, and all the power was transmitted to Jack's body.

Then, like dozens of tons of explosives, they exploded in Jack's body.

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