Pirate Family

Chapter 880 Black Dragon

Jack's huge body was blown back tens of meters, and then his thick elephant legs shook a few times before he stood up straight.

His body was torn apart, countless deep pits appeared on the thick fur armor, and blood gushed out from the deep pits.


Jack raised his head to the sky and roared, and the roar of the beast resounded through the sky.

Since his debut, this man has never been so embarrassed, even when he crossed half a new world, went to Dressrosa, and faced Admiral Akainu directly.

In particular, it turned out that it was such a group of "old and weak soldiers" and "defeated generals" who had been looked down upon by him before.

This gave Jack a strange sense of humiliation.

Jack's eyes were completely covered by anger. At this moment, he just wanted to tear the group of bastards in front of him into pieces!

Only by using their blood can we wash away the humiliation on ourselves.

And what Uncle Leopard and the others were waiting for was precisely this time.

When Jack's sanity is completely occupied by madness, he is no different from a beast.

At most, it was an ancient beast.

However, beasts are just beasts after all, and people are people after all.

The outcome of the battle was already doomed when Jack lost all sanity.

However, just as Uncle Leopard and the others breathed a sigh of relief, preparing to deal with Kaido's number one general, a rough and angry voice came from behind them.

"Don't be embarrassing anymore, just get back to me."

A giant black dragon flew out of the Devil's Head cave.

With pale golden vertical pupils, he indifferently looked down at the ants-like humans under his feet, and a terrifying sense of oppression shrouded everyone present.

Some people who were not firm in their will, or weaker in strength, couldn't even bear the oppressive feeling, and fell to their knees directly on the ground.

It's like, in ancient times, when seeing those prehistoric beasts for the first time, they regarded them as gods and then bowed down to them.

"Is this... Overlord color domineering?"

Uncle Leopard muttered to himself, he slapped his chest with his hand suddenly, and then he was relieved from the tremor.

He raised his head and looked at the black dragon soaring in the sky, but his memory returned to ten years ago.

That year, Kaido also appeared in front of everyone with this posture, and then brought the fire and the army, destroying everything in the Kozuki clan.

This domineering look, no, it should be the feeling of Longwei oppressing his heart, Uncle Leopard still remembers it vividly until now.

Everything is as if it happened just yesterday.

"But, I'm not who I used to be!"

Uncle Leopard roared, a layer of transparent Liuzakura domineering covered his arms. Ten years ago, the man named Kozuki Oden proved one thing with facts, that is, Kaido's defense is not indestructible of.

This enhanced domineering technique can penetrate Kaido's armor and severely damage him.

Kozuki Oden has done this, and the terrifying cross-shaped scar on Kaido's abdomen is one of his masterpieces.

In fact, if it wasn't for the kindness of Kozuki Oden back then, the outcome of that battle is still unknown.

Uncle Leopard Zongshan jumped, and his thin body flew towards the black dragon soaring in the sky.

On the right fist, countless Liuying domineering entwined, with incomparable power, swung towards the dragon's head.

This is the Avenger, a decade-long pent-up rage.

Today, he will finish this man with one punch.


The dragon claws as hard as steel slapped Uncle Leopard's body, and slapped the old man away.

Uncle Leopard suddenly coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and rushed straight into a mountain peak on Ghost Island.

"Weak people are not qualified to challenge me!"

A rough and wild voice roared out of the dragon's mouth, and Kaido said with a look of contempt.

Liu Ying's domineering power can indeed hurt him, but it depends on who uses it.

It's like a flintlock gun, appearing in the hands of an adult man, has a completely different deterrent effect from that of a baby.

Compared with Kozuki Oden back then, this skinny old guy is indeed not much different from a baby.

"Who else."

A black dragon descended on the ground next to them, taking Kaido's ten-meter-tall human form.

The wild giant put his mace on his shoulder, glanced around, and said coldly.

"Who else is ready to die."

Gulu Gulu.

The entire battlefield was extremely silent, except for the sound of swallowing saliva involuntarily because of fear.

No one dared to answer Kaido's words, no one dared to look directly into Kaido's eyes.

This is the deterrent power of the Pirate Emperor.

This is the prestige that Kaido has gained after decades of fighting in the sea!

"Let Xiaosheng come and experience Your Excellency's strength."

At this time, the murloc Kappa Hesong walked out of the crowd, and his saber "Wai Wushuang" drew a long trace on the ground. The man walked towards Kaido step by step.

"Let Xiaosheng come and repay your hospitality for the past ten years."

Kappa Kamatsu said so, then jumped up and rushed towards Kaido.

The long knife drew a beautiful arc in the air, and the end of the arc was Kaido's head!

"Heh, overreaching!"

Kaido snorted coldly, and took off the mace on his shoulders, and a layer of pitch-black domineering covered the mace.

Then, Kaido took a deep breath, gathered his strength on his arm, and swung at the rushing murloc.


The mace hit the murloc's body directly, and the kappa, Kamatsu, was sent flying by Kaido like a baseball.

The power of the two is not at the same level at all!

After the kappa Kamatsu was blown away, there was no one present who could contend against Kaido at this time. All the warriors of the Kozuki clan, like fish on a chopping board, had no resistance in front of Kaido!

"Kill them."

And Kaido obviously didn't have the habit of attacking these "weak people". He glanced around, then shook his head in disappointment, and said slowly to the pirates behind him.

"Don't let me see them again."

Kaido only said these two sentences, but they were heard in the ears of the samurai, as if the declaration of death. They wanted to resist, but this group of people found out sadly that after being shrouded in this terrifying domineering aura, even moving their fingers was an extravagant hope!

The soldiers under Kaido's command were gearing up and walked towards the samurai with ferocious faces. A massacre was inevitable.

But at this moment, the group of pirates suddenly stopped their steps, they all raised their heads together, and looked towards the sky.

There was a flash of shock in the eyes of all of them.

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