Pirate Family

Chapter 881 Return the original!

And Kaido, who had already turned around and was about to return to the Devil's Head Cave to continue the negotiation, also stopped his steps.

Then the man turned around slowly, just in time to see the source of the shock to the pirates.

A dilapidated ruin, to be precise, a destroyed city, was floating in the sky at this moment, flying towards the ghost island at an alarming speed.

In the blink of an eye, the ruins changed from the size of a sesame seed to a mass of dark clouds, floating above the island of ghosts.

A man with blond hair stood at the forefront of the ruins, looking indifferently at the people under his feet.

Just like Kaido before!

At this time, everyone recognized that this ruin was exactly the capital of flowers that should have been razed to the ground during the previous explosion!

Lorne actually moved the capital of flowers here!

"So it was you."

Kaido squinted his eyes, raised his head, and looked at the man above the sky. As early as on the other side of the paradise, when the results of the battle between the Vinhill family and the navy came, Kaido had some vague guesses.

Lorne's bluff must be to cover up something, but there are not many forces in this sea worthy of him covering up his purpose.

And I happen to belong to one of them.

Is this lunatic trying to take advantage of this opportunity to completely eliminate a competitor?

"Sure enough, there are many people who are qualified to inherit the power of that lion, but there are not many people who have inherited his power but harbor hatred towards me."

"You count as one."

Almost at first glance, he recognized the identity of the blond-haired man.

This is the tacit understanding between the top powerhouses in this sea, even if the appearance of the man in front of him is completely different from Lorne, even if the ability is somewhat different from the man in Kaido's memory.

However, Kaido is convinced that the man who can control the floating city is Lorne, who has been fighting with him for many years in this sea,

Vinhill Lorne!

Because Kaido will never admit the arrogance in Lorne's bones!

"This is what you left behind, remember to take it away."

With a light jump, Lorne left the city floating in the sky, as if floating in the air, and looked down at Kaido.

He raised his hand to Kaido and snapped his fingers.

The moment he snapped his fingers, Lorne released his ability.

The next moment, the ruins of the entire flower capital, because they lost the buoyancy of the fluttering fruit, slammed down towards the ground under the force of gravity.

It was as if countless meteorites fell from the sky.

"Hurry up and dodge!"

Kaido's pirates shouted in horror. Then they fled in all directions in a panic.

This kind of Tianwei-like ability is simply not something they can compete with!

This group of pirates finally felt the powerlessness of the former warriors of the Kozuki clan.

Boom boom boom boom!

The ruins hit the sea of ​​Ghost Island like meteorites, but more of them hit the ground of Ghost Island.

Many pirates who had no time to escape were overwhelmed by the meteorite rain that fell from the sky. They howled in despair, but in front of this kind of power, howling was meaningless at all.

But what is very strange is that none of the ruins fell on the bodies of the soldiers of the Guangyue clan. It was as if he had been deliberately manipulated by Lorne.

The ruins fell completely, and the northern half of the ghost island was covered with at least one meter of soil, and outside the small island, a third of the sea that was the size of the ghost island was filled with ruins.

The city of flowers that fell just formed a strange symmetry with the country of martial arts that landed in the south on the island of ghosts.

"After so many years, you still like to bluff so much."

After the entire ruins fell down, Kaido said coldly. From the beginning to the end, his body did not move.

Because both Lorne and himself are very clear about one thing, that is, this level of attack has no effect on him.

"After so many years, you are still as stupid as you were then."

Lorne's body fell slowly from the sky, and stood on the ground tens of meters away from Kaido. He raised his head and looked at Kaido as if they were the only two left on the battlefield.

"Excessive conceit of one's own strength, and dismissive of everything else."

"Oh?" A hint of sarcasm appeared on Kaido's face.

"This time, what kind of trick are you preparing? Do you want to use your clumsy illusion to blind my eyes and destroy my lair?"

He also remembered that Lorne had done this when he was on the Gulan Tezolo.

That time, he lost the entire long-range team.

Kaido won't fall twice in the same place. He was sure of it.

Therefore, if Lorne is going to repeat the same trick this time, Kaido will let Lorne understand what regret is.

"No. There are four Pirate Emperors in this sea, too many."

Lorne shook his head seriously,

"So this time, I am going to beat you upright."

"Hahahahaha! It's up to you to defeat me?" Kaido seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world. He pointed at Lorne, his whole body shaking uncontrollably.

"Just relying on the old, weak, sick and disabled behind you?"

At this time, the group of Avengers also crawled out of the ruins, stood behind Lorne, looked at Kaido without looking at him. After many battles, this group of warriors has long been exhausted, and now, there are only two or three hundred of them left.

After the floating island fell completely, all the pirates in the Devil's Head were shocked.

Countless pirates swarmed out from Kaido's lair, and thousands of pirates stood behind Kaido, densely packed, like an army in full swing.

And right in the middle of this group of pirates, there is a square line, inside which stand hundreds of pirates of different heights, fat and thin, all of these pirates exude an astonishing sense of oppression.

Tiger beasts, leopard claws, snake gods, crocodile tails, and countless animal body features appeared on these pirates, but no one present dared to laugh at them.

Because this group of pirates has only one identity, and that is Kaido's most elite "Blesser" legion.

At the front of the Giver Legion stood six powerful men with even more terrifying auras. They were on the sea and had another name. Volley six sons!

After the three major disasters wiped out the entire army, these six people became the strongest under Kaido!

The two groups faced each other on top of the ruins.

Everyone has a premonition that the outcome of this war will determine the fate of the Wano country and even the entire sea!

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