Pirate Family

Chapter 882 That ignored...

"Why, Kaido hasn't come back yet."

In the Devil's Head Cave, the Black Charcoal Serpent was pacing back and forth. Said a little anxiously.

According to the previous situation, with Kaido's strength, he should be able to quickly solve "that group of troubles", but now after so long, he has not returned to the cave. This made the general uneasy.

Because of this, it often only shows one thing, that is, Kaido himself is also in "trouble"!

This is what the Heitan snake at this time absolutely does not want to see.

"Is that why you don't trust your allies?"

Jiabo on the side said playfully. "Kaido can be said to be one of the strongest pirates in this era. With Whitebeard and Charlotte Lingling each having great weaknesses, he can even remove one of them."

"That's why we asked you to cooperate."

Jiabo said that after coming out of the city, this group of terrifying pirates united together. Their purpose is only one, and that is to completely subvert this sea. Overthrow those self-righteous Tianlong people, and then establish their own regime.

With such a goal, the vengeful trial naturally has higher eyes than the top, and even the original Golden Lion Shiji is not in their eyes. Their cooperation partner can only be the strongest pirate in this sea.

So, they approached Kaido.

"That's the truth, but I always have an uneasy feeling, as if I've forgotten something very important."

Heitan Orochi said so, even after hearing Jiabo's words, the uneasiness in his heart did not decrease at all.

On the other side of the Devil's Head Cave, in a sea tower stone cage brought by the black charcoal serpent, sat a beautiful woman.

A woman wearing a red papal robe, a veil, and a calm expression. She sat quietly like this, as if the place she was sitting at this time was not a cold cage, but she was located on the red earth continent, the Cathedral of Baran, the Ecclesiastical State. Soft goose down papal throne.

"I finally know what I was ignoring before."

Beside the woman, a man in a black haori suddenly spoke, a manic smile appeared on his pale face.

"It's a war! We ignored that crucial war!"

He stood up from the floor and roared as if he had grasped the truth.

"The person who wants to attack Wano Country is none other than that man!"

As he spoke, he got up and walked out impatiently.

He wanted to verify his conjecture.

"Aren't you afraid? Pope Benedict."

After the man left, another man in kimono came out from the shadows. He looked at the woman sitting in the cage and said.

"This feeling of involuntary control has never been experienced by the pampered Pope."

Sleeper Crazy Lang looked at the female pope in the cage, and said slowly.

"This is also what many low-level residents in this sea have felt."


The female pope who was trapped in the cage slowly opened her eyes.

"I have."

Ariel said calmly.

"I went from a nun who was rejected by the central archbishop to where I am today step by step. I have experienced many things that you can't imagine."

"Things of this level are nothing compared to the hopeless sense of powerlessness at the beginning."

As Ariel said, she remembered that when the former Pope Ratzinger Benedict tore off his hypocritical mask and extended his claws to everyone in the Theocracy Balaam, she How desperate I am with Sister Larsia.

For those of them who grew up in the church, the kind Pope Ratzinger raised them like their father. This feeling of being betrayed is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Even Lorne didn't know what kind of mood he was in when he shot Ratzinger.

"That's good." Sleeper Kushiro said slowly.

After he surrendered to Lorne, he vaguely learned something, that is, the reason why the famous man sent troops to Kaido was because of the woman in front of him.

It seems that the war in the Theocracy of Balaam had a lot of inside stories. Sleeper Kushiro thought so.

It's just that he didn't want to delve into this place any further. He only knew that if something happened to the woman in front of him, that man would be very upset.

If that man is unhappy, the fate of that Wano country will be in jeopardy.

That man, who did not know when, had grown from that little guy who was under the control of the Vinhill family name, to this giant whose every move affected the fate of a kingdom.

Seeing Mr. Zuo Mu disappearing at the end of the cave, Sleeper Kushiro turned his head and looked at the cage where the female pope was imprisoned, with a flash of determination in his eyes.


On the island of ghosts, the two sides are confronting each other.

This is a war with an absolute disparity in the number of sides.

Two or three hundred exhausted troops faced thousands of elite pirates.

Anyone who sees this scene has only one thought in mind.

That is the outcome has been decided!

Even the warriors standing behind Lorne are no exception. They just want to kill a few more pirates before they die, and wash away the shame for the Guangyue clan.

As for defeating the Kaido Legion, this is simply an extravagant hope!

Nana hid quietly behind the camp with Haral, who had turned into a walking dead, and she was ready to escape with Harald at any time.

As for the survival of Wano Country, and whether Lorne will be held accountable afterwards, this woman no longer cares. In front of her beloved captain, all these are nothing more than trivial matters. After all, being alive is the most important thing.

"More than people?"

At the front of the warrior army, the corner of the blond Lorne's mouth cracked a strange arc.

Although the previous explosion had indeed seriously injured him, at the most critical moment, he used his ability to control the earth, creating a shelter, and avoiding the first and most violent explosion.

After the shelter was destroyed, only the aftermath of the explosion was left, and for the blond Lorne with the top body, this aftermath lost its deadly threat.

He slowed down for a while, then recovered.

"I brought a lot of people."

Lorne said so, and snapped his fingers.

At the same time, Kaido sensed something was wrong, raised his head, and looked at the sky.

Countless black spots appeared above the azure blue sky.

These black dots grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into countless soldiers in black combat uniforms. And a blue-white thunder rushed to the front of this group of fighters.

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