Pirate Family

Chapter 883 Reinforcement from the Sky


Thunder fell from the sky and struck Kaido directly.

"A long time ago, I wanted to challenge you."

Lei Ting gradually condensed into a figure of a shirtless man. It was a man with a manic smile on his face.

The thunder condensed on the man's body, turning into a giant thunder Buddha.

"Leifo's moment of enlightenment!"

The Buddha of Thunder clenched his fists and slapped Kaido suddenly.

Kaido subconsciously blocked the punch with his hand, and the tiny thunder snake wrapped around his arm in an instant, and Kaido suddenly felt that his arm became extremely numb.


This feeling of numbness continued to spread along his arms, and soon spread to his shoulders, and gradually moved towards his heart.

"How dare a person with natural fruit ability challenge Lao Tzu!"

Kaido roared, black scales instantly covered his arms. Then the domineering gathered, and he punched Lei Fu directly in the chest.


An explosion, centered on the two of them, spread in all directions.

Some pirates behind Kaido who had no time to escape were instantly swallowed by the explosion mixed with thunder, and they turned into a pile of coke before they even had time to wail at the end.

"Haven't you shot for a long time? It's crazy, Enel."

Lorne said with a smile, then raised his hand.

A high wall with a thickness of ten meters and a height of nearly a hundred meters rose from the ground in front of him out of thin air. Blocked the explosion outside.

Kaido's side was not so lucky.

A huge crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared in the very center of the battle.

The corpses of countless pirates were scattered in the deep pit. No blood flowed out, because at the moment of death, the blood in their bodies was instantly evaporated.

Without exception.

Before they died, they were still making the last struggle, trying to escape towards the outside in vain.

But the speed of the individual is still too slow in front of the lightning that is comparable to light. Even if they try their best, they still can't escape the range of the explosion.

"Cough cough cough."

The very center of the pit. Kaido suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The current situation of the Pirate Emperor is not optimistic. The scales on his left hand were completely swallowed by Leiding and turned into a piece of coke. And the skin hidden under the scales also became bloody and bloody in the aftermath of the explosion.

A huge blood hole appeared on his left arm, through which one could even see the wriggling muscles and white bones.

However, in just an instant, countless granulation sprouts grew out of the blood hole, filling up the wound.

"It's really embarrassing."

The blond Lorne waved his hand, and the huge stone wall collapsed in an instant. He floated to a place tens of meters away from Kaido, and said sarcastically.

"If it weren't for the recovery power unique to animal-type ability users, just that moment would have been enough to severely injure you."

"Same as Thaddeus back then, it's just a meaty sandbag. At best, this sandbag is a little more durable than Thaddeus."

A group of azure blue lightning appeared beside Lorne, and Enilo lowered his head to look at Kaido in the center of the deep pit, and said slowly.

"Even his ability is not as tricky as Thaddeus."

Thaddeus, the former leader of Kaido's seven volleys, died in the hands of Enel when he invaded Dressrosa.

Kaido's men of Thaddeus, Enilu said this, undoubtedly slapped Kaido in the face.

"Bastard! How dare you underestimate me."

Kaido roared angrily, the already burly figure became bigger again, and the black dragon scales penetrated from the depths of his skin, enveloping his whole body.

His hands also gradually became thicker. The little finger and ring finger, middle finger and index finger merged in two, changing from five fingers to three claws.

He suddenly turned into a dragon man, and with the thick mace in his hand, he had a strange oppressive force.

There are generally three forms of animal fruit ability users, namely human form, animal form, and half-beast form between human form and animal form.

The human form is the most basic form. In this form, only a small part of the characteristics of the fruit animal it belongs to can be displayed, as well as the super resilience unique to the animal fruit awakener.

Animal form is to completely transform into that kind of animal, such as Marco's incarnation into a phoenix, and Kaido's previous transformation into a black dragon.

In this form, it can fully display the various abilities of the fruit animal it belongs to, but because the body shape is very different from the normal human form, the various skills it originally possessed may not be able to be used.

And the final half-beast form is the strongest form of most animal-type ability users. In this form, the advantages of the previous two are taken into account. While possessing various powerful abilities of animals, it can also perfectly display all the skills possessed by the human form.

Kaido became like this, which means that he is really angry.

"Have you started yet?"

The blonde Lorne said solemnly. Although he had some contempt for Kaido in his tone before, it doesn't mean that he really despised Kaido.

Because the man in front of him can be said to be the strongest animal-type ability user in this sea. With his relatively weak animal-type ability, he has become one of the most powerful pirate emperors. Kaido must not have shown it before. It's so easy to bully.

"Go all out, today I will make this black dragon completely disappear in this sea."

The blond Lorne said slowly to Enilu beside him.

He decided not to give Kaido a chance to fight back when he was dying, and cooperated with Enilo to kill this powerful beast directly.

Boom boom boom!

Lorne waved his hand, and the ground began to shake violently.

Some weak people even couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground.

A huge crack, along the edge of the deep pit, separated from the island of ghosts, and then slowly floated up into the sky.

This is the tactic he prepared before, using his ability to divide the battlefield, and then bring Kaido to the sky for siege.

Although there was a little bit of surprise in this tactic, and the final occasion to use it was not the capital of flowers as originally thought, but the result remained the same. Kaido was brought here by him in the end.

This deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters is the battlefield between him and Kaido, and it is also...

The grave of one of them!


After their leader was taken away, the pirates under Kaido's command did not panic, but waved their weapons and rushed towards the samurai in front of them.

Giant bears, cheetahs, spiders, lions... Countless brutal beasts appeared in the pirate camp. They brandished their minions, their eyes gleaming with bloodlust.

But at this time, those reinforcements that fell from the sky finally came to the ground. After landing, these well-trained soldiers quickly gathered a formation, ready to deal with this group of beasts.

On one side are brutal beasts, and on the other side are soldiers with high technology. The two groups quickly fought together.

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