Pirate Family

Chapter 884: Heavy Injury

Fragments of an island gradually floated up into the sky. Kaido, who turned into a dragon man, squinted his eyes, looked at the two men in front of him, and said slowly.

"Have you planned it long ago? Take me into this midair, and then use the advantage of numbers to surround and kill me."

"You don't care about the lives of the soldiers at the bottom. As long as you can defeat me, the end of this war is already doomed."

"Is this your strategy? It's really simple and easy to understand."

Kaido said sarcastically that after turning into a dragon man, the tone of his tone changed, from the original rough and savage to a bit ferocious, like the whisper of a wild beast when chewing food.

Coupled with the black dragon scales all over his body and his tall figure of more than ten meters, Kaido at this time is not like a person, but more like a...


This is the first thought that popped up in everyone's mind after seeing Kaido at this time.

But it is ironic that even Kaido in human form has the title of monster.

"It hasn't been like this for a long time."

Dragon man Kaido tilted his head, and a deep voice came out of his ferocious mouth.

"You are not the first person to see me in this posture, but you are the youngest one. At that time, we all underestimated you."

Kaido said so, ten years ago, when the Prison Break incident in Advance City just happened, the eyes of the whole world were focused on that mighty Golden Lion Shiki. , the little guy who struggled to survive under the wings of the golden lion will grow up to where he is today.

"Since Thor has appeared here."

Kaido turned his head slightly, looked at Enilu who was standing beside Lorne, and said sarcastically.

"Then the other cadres under your command should be not far from here, are they also above the sky?"

"Call them out together."

"No need."

"Now is not the time. When they are needed, they will naturally appear."

Lorne, who was standing opposite Kaido, slowly shook his head, looking at the huge monster in front of him.

"But, I do have a question."

A weird smile appeared on Lorne's head.

"I didn't expect that you would talk so much. As a dying person, you are used to saying what you haven't said in one breath?"

He raised his hand, and the ground continued to squirm, and the entire floating island seemed to be alive, condensing into different shapes under Lorne's control.

A huge stone lion with a height of more than ten meters slowly crawled out from the ground.


The stone lion roared up to the sky, and the sound resounded through the sky. It looked at Kaido with its lantern-like pupils, and from its eyes, Kaido could read a trace of bloodlust.

It's like... a hunter sizing up his prey.

"I've been underestimated."

Kaido said slowly, how many years, how many years, no creature dared to look at him with such eyes.

No one knows, not even Kaido himself.

Since he broke away from the Rocks Pirates after the end of the "Battle of the Valley of the Gods", he has come all the way to where he is today. He has forgotten what it feels like to be despised.

"It's a nostalgic feeling."

"As a reward for reminding me of memories many years ago, this time, I will give you a happy death."

Kaido said so, and the next moment, his body disappeared.

No, it shouldn't be said that he disappeared, but that his speed is too fast, the eyes of ordinary people can't keep up with his moving speed, and it's hard for even a domineering person to catch his whereabouts.

I only saw a mass of black streamer flashing past, and the target of this streamer of black light was...

The stone lion made by Lorne!

In this world, many people have a misunderstanding, that is, the larger the creature, the more terrifying the power, the correspondingly, the slower the speed will be. And tiny creatures are associated with quick movements and weak strength.

But any pirate who has seen the waves of the new world will point out that this is absolutely a ridiculous mistake!

Just as absurd as many people think that the speed of the tortoise is very slow, in fact, for a considerable number of people, his speed is not as fast as the tortoise they sneered at.

There is no necessary connection between strength, speed and body shape.

Anyone who has such an idea will definitely die a miserable death.


The stone lion seemed to feel a sense of crisis, and wanted to raise its sharp claws, and slapped it forward.

But its movement was still too slow, the moment it raised its paw, a black voice appeared in front of it.

Then he punched directly through its body. Rocks flew.

And Kaido's figure only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared again.

"There is no trace of him!"

Enil frowned and said to Lorne.

Despite early preparations, the speed Kaido showed this time slightly exceeded their expectations.

When the knowledgeable domineering can't catch the opponent's trace, the battle returns to the most primitive situation, which is to rely on one's intuition to predict the opponent's actions.

"Is this clown-like trick the reason why you challenge me?"

A black figure appeared in front of Lorne. He lowered his head and looked at Lorne with a flash of contempt in his eyes.


Kaido punched Lorne directly on the head. Lorne wanted to dodge, but he found that it was impossible to dodge Kaido's blow at his own speed.

In a thousandth of an instant, Lorne's instinct made the most correct judgment, that is, he raised his left hand to block his head, and a layer of armed arrogance covered Lorne's arm .


The dragon claw directly hit Lorne's arm, and there was a crisp sound of bones breaking in the battlefield.

Lorne's body was smashed straight to the ground, cracks appeared in the floating ground, and then the ground cracked inch by inch, and the floating island was impacted and shook suddenly a few times.

A deep pit about several meters appeared in the center of the island.

No, it should not be said to be a pit, but a hole.

Lorne's body penetrated the floating island, and his body flew down towards the floating island under his feet uncontrollably.

Facing this absolute power gap, Lorne suffered a big loss.

But at this critical moment, a blue thunderbolt appeared, and the target of the thunderbolt was Lorne, who was falling straight down!

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