Pirate Family

Chapter 885 Two against one!

Lorne slammed down towards the ghost island. In this case, he could not control his body at all.

One thousand meters, eight hundred meters, five hundred meters, two hundred meters!

Lorne was getting closer and closer to the ghost island, and he could even see the soldiers of the Vinhill family fighting each other on the island, as well as the pirates under Kaido's command.

But at this most critical moment, a thunderbolt rushed towards Lorne, and finally caught Lorne at the very moment.

"It's rare to see you so embarrassed. Even when you faced the Golden Lion Shiji back then, you were full of confidence."

Enilo supported Lorne, and said teasingly.

The two started from the empty island, walked all the way, supported each other for many years, and regarded each other as their family members.

Naturally, Lorne would not take what Enilo said to him.

"It's really careless, I didn't expect Kaido to be so powerful."

Lorne coughed up a mouthful of blood, and said in a bit of embarrassment.

His left hand hung straight by his side, shaking like a willow branch. Kaido's punch completely shattered the bones of his left arm.

In other words, his left hand is already useless.

"Fortunately, at the most critical moment, I used my armed arrogance to block most of Kaido's power. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's not just this arm that I lost, but this body."

While talking, Lorne directly grabbed the left arm with his right hand, and then pulled it suddenly.

Whoops! Broken bones and blood spewed out from Lorne's severed arm.

He actually tore off his left hand!

Through Lorne's severed arm, one can vaguely see the bones of the dead. Anyone who sees this scene will feel their scalp go numb.

What a cruel person, after his arm became a burden, he would cut off his own arm without hesitation, and still use such a brutal and rude way.

And from the beginning to the end, Lorne's expression didn't change at all. How firm his determination is!

"It still hurts a little."

As Lorne said, he casually threw his severed arm down into the air, and then said to Enilo.

"Take me up, don't let our opponents wait too long."

Enilu didn't speak, and supported Lorne's body and flew up slowly towards the floating island, while Kaido, who turned into a dragon man, was waiting quietly on the floating island.

Lorne will not die so easily, Kaido is very sure of this matter, if Lorne can't even hold his own punch, then he is not qualified to be his opponent, and that old lion will not die in his hands.

And as long as Lorne didn't die, he would definitely come back here. Because Lorne has never been a person who would run away.

In fact, after Lorne appeared here, the two sides acquiesced in one thing.

That is, after today, there will definitely be one less Pirate Emperor in this sea.

"Shouldn't the boxer who left the stage before he started should be sentenced to failure?"

After Enilo helped Lorne back to the battlefield, Kaido looked at these two men who were like ants, and the beast-like business resounded throughout the floating island.

"If you follow the usual rules, it should indeed be the case."

Lorne took a deep breath and said slowly.

Because of the blood loss, his face was a little pale, but even in such a state of embarrassment, facing Kaido, he was not at all inferior in momentum.

"However, today's match is a battle of life and death!"

"And in a life-and-death fight, the game will end only if one side dies."

Lorne raised his remaining right hand and pointed to Kaido.

"Second round, continue!"

While Lorne was talking to Kaido, Enilo put Lorne down, then took a few steps back, and raised his hand. A cloud of thunderclouds blocked the sky and condensed in the air.

Boom boom boom!

Thunderclouds covered the entire island, and from time to time, thunder and lightning as thick as a water column struck the floating island.

Like the end of the world.

Now that Kaido has demonstrated his terrifying strength and speed as an animal-type ability user, Enilo will naturally not be so stupid as to confront Kaido head-on.

Ability users often show their abilities to the fullest in battle, and as a natural ability user, Enel will naturally not let go of his own advantages.

What is the biggest advantage of people with natural abilities? When asked this question to any non-natural ability user, they would often think of the following answers.

An entity that cannot be attacked? Terrible destructive power? Huge range?

But Anilo can clearly say that these are all wrong.

The biggest advantage of people with natural abilities is that they can change the environment!

In an environment suitable for their own combat, people with natural abilities can display far beyond ordinary combat effectiveness.

"Are you ready?"

After Lorne finished speaking, Kaido narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

The reason why he got that overwhelming advantage just now is because he was taken by surprise on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is because neither Lorne nor Enilo have ever fought against him, and they are very concerned about their own strength. I was not mentally prepared for the speed, so I gave myself such a big advantage.

Now that he is mentally prepared, it will be much more difficult for Kaido to defeat Lorne with one blow as he did just now.

But Kaido didn't care about these. While Lorne had some psychological preparations, Kaido also had some preliminary judgments about Lorne's strength.

That is, Lorne has a powerful two-color domineering, and is very skilled in mastering his own abilities.

But he has a fatal flaw, that is, his physical strength is too weak.

This weakness will become the fuse of his death!

Kaido roared, then rushed towards Lorne.

The moment Kaido left, a thunderbolt several meters thick emerged from the dark clouds gathered in the sky, and then struck down.

And the destination where the thunder and lightning fell was the place where Lorne was standing.


Kaido's figure instantly appeared in front of Lorne, and his sharp claws covered with black scales grabbed towards Lorne.

But Lorne didn't choose to hide, he only did one thing.

That is to control the rock, a stone wall grows from behind Lorne, completely enveloping Lorne.


A thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Kaido accurately.

This is the tacit understanding between Lorne and Enel.

No matter how Kaido acts, he has only one goal after all, and that is Lorne. Since Lorne and Enilo were unable to catch Kaido's traces with their informative arrogance, they simply set Thunder's target as Lorne himself.

As long as Kaido appears, the Thunder will hit his body accurately.

Two against one, one is not glorious, but absolutely effective.

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