Pirate Family

Chapter 888 Fatal Negligence (2)

Facing the menacing Kaido, this time Lorne did not choose to evade, but took a deep breath.

"You don't think I'm just running away, do you?"

Lorne said this, and then slowly raised his right hand. Pointing to Kaido.

"Escape is just a way of fighting for me."

"Things that can be solved in a very simple way, there is no need to make so much trouble."


A gleam flashed in Lorne's eyes.

"This does not mean that I dare not fight with you."

The moment he spoke, the entire floating island began to shake violently, as if the sky was falling apart.

"I'm Lorne!"

Lorne roared, the ground under his feet suddenly raised two mounds, the mounds suddenly burst, and two sharp swords grew out from under the ground. It turned into two stone swords with a length of tens of meters, aiming at the front.

"Fighting, I'm not afraid at all!"

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and two thunderbolts fell, wrapping around Shi Jian's body. The moment Lorne finished speaking, Shi Jian flew forward.

With great power, the huge blade aimed at the black shadow that kept rushing towards Lorne.

The thunder coiled around the sword like snakes.

In the confrontation between the strong, there are many factors that can affect the outcome.

For example, the mentality, the physical state at the time, and the opponents you faced.

Among them, there is a detail that cannot be ignored, and that is the battle field.

For example, the desert is called Miss Crocodile, such as the volcano in the red dog Sakaski, such as Iceland's pair of Aokiji Kuzan.

This kind of place that perfectly fits oneself can greatly increase one's own combat effectiveness.

In a venue that suits them, the strong can display their strength far beyond usual.

Lorne split the Oni Island and brought Kaido to the altitude of thousands of meters, not for the purpose of defeating Kaido in the eyes of everyone, but because he wanted to occupy two advantages, Two advantages enough to decide the outcome!

And because of using the fluttering fruit to completely control the entire floating island, the entire island can be said to be a part of Lorne's body.

The entire island is Lorne's weapon!

This is, one of the two factors that determine the outcome!


The giant sword flew into the air, and then suddenly shattered.

A dark, tall, scaled monster appeared in midair.

The giant sword hit his chest, leaving a shallow groove on the scales on his chest.

The Thunder Snake covering the giant sword instantly wrapped around Kaido's body, constantly shocking Kaido's scales with electricity.

"This level of attack is not even enough to tickle me! It's not even comparable to an old guy like Karp who has half of his body buried in the ground!"

As Kaido said, he gently stroked the scales on his body with his hands, and the grooves on the scales healed instantly, making them brand new.

This layer of domineering black dragon scales has become Kaido's most powerful armor. As long as there is no strong enough explosion, it is impossible to penetrate the defense of the scales. Combined with the terrifying resilience brought about by the awakening of the animal system, this kind of injury can be restored to its original state in just a few moments.

The combination of these two skills has created Kaido's invincible title!

Lorne didn't answer Kaido's words, and the moment Kaido appeared, he raised his hand again, and two stone spears grew out of the ground, and then stabbed Kaido .

"It's useless, this level of attack has no meaning at all other than consuming your physical strength and delaying your demise!"

Kaido said so, and then directly ignored the stone spear flying towards him, and walked towards Lorne step by step.

The stone spear hit his chest and shattered instantly, leaving a shallow dent on his body.

Dents heal quickly. Not the slightest trace was left.

When Lorne observed Kaido, Kaido was also observing Lorne.

This is the basic skill of the strong. If one cannot quickly formulate a perfect plan based on the strength displayed by the opponent, it will be impossible to survive in the new world.

Lorne's attack could not break through his own defense, this was Kaido's judgment after a short fight.

And any enemy who can't hurt himself loses the possibility of defeating himself.

The balance of the battle began to slowly tilt towards him.

At least, Kaido thinks so.

The black beast walked towards the tiny human step by step, and the human's attack had no other meaning except to make the beast's movements slightly slower.

"This time, won't you run away?"

Kaido walked to a place about ten meters away from Lorne, stopped his footsteps, smashed a stone spear that was piercing him with a punch, and lowered his head, looking at this man who would not give up even though he was in a desperate situation. The man said slowly.

"If you come up with a little more conspiracy, maybe you can hurt me before you die."

Within ten meters, no one on this sea is his opponent.

At this distance, Kaido can break the neck of any capable person before he activates his ability.

This is Kaido's confidence as the strongest creature.


At the same time, Lorne stopped his attack and shook his head slowly.

"It's no longer necessary."

"Haven't you found out until now?"

"Find what?" Kaido asked subconsciously. He didn't understand why Lorne was so calm now that he had no chance of defeating him.

But for some reason, an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart.

This sense of crisis does not come from Lorne in front of him, but...

Above the sky!

Kaido raised his head and looked at the sky.

The white sea above his head is so close that Kaido even feels that as long as he stretches out his hand, he can grasp the bottom of the white sea above his head!

I don't know when, the floating island actually floated to such a height!

"Finally found out? It's too late."

Lorne said so, and snapped his fingers.

On the battlefield, in the previous battle, Kaido's blood stains scattered in every corner slowly floated up, condensed together in mid-air, and floated up towards the White Sea.

Kaido felt a death-like sense of crisis, and turned around subconsciously, trying to stop the blood cell.

But the moment he set off, he suddenly felt a barrier coming from under his feet.

At some point, the earth raised several chains and wrapped them around Kaido's feet.

The chain shattered in an instant, but Kaido also lost his last and only chance to stop the blood cell from taking off!

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