Pirate Family

Chapter 889 Kaido's True Form!

The blood cell lifted off into the sky, sank into the white sea in an instant, and disappeared.

"Is this your plan?"

At this time, Kaido remembered one thing, a very important thing.

That is, among the Vinhill family, not only Lorne is a top powerhouse, but also Enel, who is known as the god of thunder, has recently been suspected of joining the King of Ashes in the Vinhill family, Diaros .

And, that woman with the blood of the Charlotte family stopped two admirals' women by herself some time ago, the blood queen Vennhill Garrett!

And the name of the Blood Queen resounded throughout the world after that battle.

Superman, blood fruit, can control blood at will.

This is a very rare fruit, and Kaido clearly remembered the description of this fruit in the newspaper.

The most important point of the blood fruit is not its own combat power, but that as long as it obtains the blood in the body of the opponent's capable person, it can deprive the opponent's ability!

"it's all over."

Lorne looked at Kaido and said so.

That's why he obviously possessed the sword of Damocles, a big killer, but he didn't choose to fight Kaido on the island of ghosts to restrict him.

There are two reasons, one is that the sword of Damocles can possess such terrible destructive power only after it is continuously accelerated under the action of gravity.

And the Wano country itself is several thousand meters above the sea, the destructive power of the sword of Damocles will be greatly reduced.

The second reason is that in the process of fighting Jhin, who is also an animal-type ability user, Lorne discovered that after the animal-type awakening, under the terrible bonus, his own physique has reached an unbearable level. As far as he could imagine, even if Jhin, who is an agility type, received a sword of Damocles from the front, he was only seriously injured. Not to mention Kaido, whose physique is obviously far stronger than Jhin's.

The reason why the killer is called the killer is because it can catch people by surprise. Lorne is worried that Kaido may be able to avoid the deadliest impact of the sword of Damocles if he is prepared again.

The speed Kaido showed before undoubtedly confirmed Lorne's worries.

Just in case, Lorne chose a more secure way.

That is to let Garrett hide in the sky, bring Kaido to this sky by himself, and weaken Kaido's combat effectiveness through Garrett's ability.

Before, everything Lorne did was just to make Kaido hurt and bleed.

The moment the blood cell disappeared into the white sea, Kaido was stunned, and then his body gradually shrank, and the black scales gradually fell off.

He turned back into his previous human form!

"You who have lost the fruit, do you still have the aura of looking down on everything before?"

Lorne looked at the creature that had transformed from a beast into a human in front of him, and said slowly.

After turning back into human form, Kaido lost his previous terrifying oppression. And after temporarily losing his own abilities, Kaido also lost the terrifying resilience brought about by the awakening of the animal system.

"The former Shiji died in your hands in the same way."

Kaido turned around slowly, took a deep breath, and looked at the man in front of him.

There was no longer the previous contempt in his eyes, but unprecedented solemnity.

"No, the grievances between me and Shiji can only be resolved by myself."

"He died in my hands one-on-one under fair circumstances."

Lorne replied, his face still calm.

"But you are different. You and I are both pirates. The world of pirates only talks about success or failure, not the process. No one will remember the glory of the loser."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After hearing Lorne's words, Kaido seemed to have heard the funniest joke. He covered his head with one hand and laughed loudly.

"After I temporarily lost my ability, do you think that you are sure of winning?"

Lorne frowned slightly, he really thought so.

The outcome of the battle was already doomed before Kaido discovered his plan.

Garrett hid on the white sea. The white sea has the same elements as Qinghai, which can make the capable person feel weak. This white sea has become Garrett's best defense.

As long as she doesn't show up, Kaido has nothing to do with her.

Lorne didn't know what else Kaido could rely on. Did he think that even without his ability, he could defeat his teamwork with Enel?

"Fresh rookies," Kaido grabbed the mace, exuding a layer of terrifying power once again.

It's not Long Wei who was transformed into a giant dragon before, but pure domineering and domineering.

It's just that this time, the sense of oppression of the overlord's color is even more terrifying than before. The entire island, under the oppression of the overlord's color, has countless cracks.

Even Lorne himself felt that his breathing became difficult.

"Even if you don't use your abilities, I can easily crush your heads!"

The domineering color shrinks, and Kaido's body gradually becomes thinner.

No, the word emaciation should not be used, but the word cohesion should be used.

The muscles in his whole body continued to compress, shrinking from a ten-meter-high behemoth to about eight meters.

"You guys are still far away from the pinnacle of this world!"

Kaido's aura after shrinking is even more terrifying. He looked at Lorne and said slowly.

High-level application of overlord color!

Lorne's pupils shrank. This time, he miscalculated.

Before, he always thought that the domineering color of the overlord was a symbol of identity and a skill used to clean up miscellaneous fish, but when he met Shanks in Sri Lanka, he learned that the color of the overlord could be used to strengthen his combat effectiveness.

For example, Shanks' Overlord Territory can have almost unlimited physical strength, and Lorne's main body "Reaper" will use his fighting skills to the extreme.

He originally thought that in the previous battles, the dragon power that Kaido radiated from time to time was the strengthening effect of Kaido's domineering look.

However, Lorne was wrong, and it was very wrong!

In the previous battles, for unknown reasons, Kaido did not use the domineering aura to strengthen himself at all, but simply used his abilities to fight.

He only showed this skill after his own ability was deprived by the blood fruit.

There are no black dragon scales and terrifying limbs before, but in Lorne's eyes, Kaido at this time is far more like a monster than before.

Lorne took a deep breath, and Anilu's body trembled a little because of the terrifying dragon power.

They knew that the monster known as the strongest in front of them had completely awakened.

The real battle may only begin now.

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